import sys from yaml import load from .settings import * # pylint: disable=W0614 """ Specific Basic clamp settings.""" CLEANUP_FLAG = False CLAMP_DISTRIBUTION_TIMER = 10 VENDOR_NAME = "basiclamp_vendor" VSP_NAME = "basiclamp_vsp" OPERATIONAL_POLICIES = [ { "name": "MinMax", "policy_type": "onap.policies.controlloop.guard.common.MinMax", "policy_version": "1.0.0", "config_function": "add_minmax_config", #func "configuration": { "min": 1, "max": 10 } }, { "name": "FrequencyLimiter", "policy_type": "onap.policies.controlloop.guard.common.FrequencyLimiter", "policy_version": "1.0.0", "config_function": "add_frequency_limiter", #func "configuration": {} } ] # SERVICE_NAME = "ubuntu18agent" # if a yaml file is define, retrieve info from this yaml files # if not declare the parameters in the settings SERVICE_YAML_TEMPLATE = (sys.path[-1] + "/onaptests/templates/vnf-services/" + "ubuntu18agent-service.yaml") CONFIGURATION_PATH = sys.path[-1] + "/onaptests/configuration/" try: # Try to retrieve the SERVICE NAME from the yaml file with open(SERVICE_YAML_TEMPLATE, "r") as yaml_template: yaml_config_file = load(yaml_template) SERVICE_NAME = next(iter(yaml_config_file.keys())) VF_NAME = SERVICE_NAME except ValueError: SERVICE_NAME = "" # Fill me VF_NAME = "" # Fill me