import configparser import importlib import logging.config import os import sys from onapsdk.exceptions import ModuleError import onaptests.utils.exceptions as onap_test_exceptions SETTING_FILE_EXCEPTIONS = { "clearwater_ims": "clearwater_ims_nomulticloud_settings", "basic_cnf": "basic_cnf_yaml_settings", "basic_cds": "cba_enrichment_settings", "basic_network": "basic_network_nomulticloud_settings", "multi_vnf_macro": "multi_vnf_ubuntu_settings" } MODULES_TO_RELOAD = [ "onapsdk", "onaptests" ] def get_entrypoints(): config = configparser.ConfigParser()'setup.cfg') entry_points = config['entry_points']['xtesting.testcase'] config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_string(f"[entry_points]\n{entry_points}") entry_points = config['entry_points'] entry_points_result = {} for test_name, entrypoint in entry_points.items(): test_scenario_module, test_class = entrypoint.split(":") entry_points_result[test_name] = { "module": test_scenario_module, "class": test_class } return entry_points_result def run_test(test_name, validation, force_cleanup, entry_point): settings_env = "ONAP_PYTHON_SDK_SETTINGS" if force_cleanup: validation_env = "PYTHON_SDK_TESTS_FORCE_CLEANUP" os.environ[validation_env] = "True" setting_file_name = f"{test_name}_settings" if test_name in SETTING_FILE_EXCEPTIONS: setting_file_name = SETTING_FILE_EXCEPTIONS[test_name] os.environ[settings_env] = f"onaptests.configuration.{setting_file_name}" try: basic_settings = importlib.import_module("onaptests.configuration.settings") if validation: basic_settings.IF_VALIDATION = True settings_module = importlib.import_module("onapsdk.configuration") except ModuleError: raise onap_test_exceptions.TestConfigurationException( f"Expected setting file {os.environ[settings_env]} not found") if validation: settings_module.settings.CLEANUP_FLAG = True settings_module.settings.CLEANUP_ACTIVITY_TIMER = 1 settings_module.settings.SDC_CLEANUP = True settings_module.settings.SERVICE_DISTRIBUTION_SLEEP_TIME = 1 # logging configuration for onapsdk, it is not requested for onaptests # Correction requested in onapsdk to avoid having this duplicate code logging.config.dictConfig(settings_module.settings.LOG_CONFIG) logger = logging.getLogger(test_name)"Running {test_name} test") test_module = importlib.import_module(entry_point["module"]) test_instance = getattr(test_module, entry_point["class"])() if validation: validate_scenario_base_class(test_name, test_instance) test_instance.clean() if validation:"Validating {test_name} test") test_instance.validate() def validate_scenario_base_class(test_name, scenario): has_scenario_base = False for base in scenario.__class__.__bases__: if base.__name__ in "ScenarioBase": has_scenario_base = True break if not has_scenario_base: raise TestConfigurationException( f"[{test_name}] {scenario.__class__.__name__} class does not inherit from ScenarioBase") def main(argv): """Script is used to run one or all the tests. You need to specify a name of the test like 'basic_cps' or keyword 'all' that tells to run all the tests. You can also pass a second argument of any value that tells the script to run test(s) in the validation mode that checks only a basic setup of steps (like cleanup) and their execution in a certain order. Examplary use: - python basic_vm_macro - python basic_cps validation - python all true """ if len(argv) == 0: print("Required test name argument missing", file=sys.stderr) print("\nExample: python basic_cps\n") exit(1) validation = len(argv) > 1 force_cleanup = len(argv) > 2 test_name = argv[0] entry_points = get_entrypoints() if test_name == "all": modules_reload = False for test_name, entry_point in entry_points.items(): if modules_reload: modules_to_keep = dict() for module in sys.modules: reload_module = False for module_to_reload in MODULES_TO_RELOAD: if module_to_reload in module: reload_module = True break if not reload_module: modules_to_keep[module] = sys.modules[module] sys.modules.clear() sys.modules.update(modules_to_keep) run_test( test_name, validation, force_cleanup, entry_point) modules_reload = True else: entry_point = entry_points[test_name] run_test(test_name, validation, force_cleanup, entry_point) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])