# pythonsdk-tests This project is a wrapper to use onapsdk toolkit to onboard and instantiate services on ONAP ## Temporary help section A basic example is implemented in the python file - run_basicvm_multicloud_yaml.py The global datas defined in these files (see input_datas) shall be adapted to your environment. In addition you must define your service in directory templates/vnf-services and create zip file for heat template templates/heat_files. See ubuntu16test as example ### Prepare your environment and run tests - Clone the project (using instantiation branch) ```shell git clone https://gerrit.onap.org/r/testsuite/pythonsdk-tests.git ``` - Create a virtual environment and clone the python-onapsdk ```shell virtualenv my_test source my_test/bin/activate git clone git@gitlab.com:Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/python-onapsdk. git -b develop cd python-onapsdk pip install -e . cd .. pip install -e . ``` - Set global settings configuration files with all required input datas including the dynamic forwarding port for ssh tunnel in src/onaptests/configuration/settings.py. You can customize the path for your logs and reporting the page. Note that the reporting page assumes that the logs are put in the same directory than the html page (relative path). - Set OpenStack configuration: there are 2 ways to provide the cloud information If you got the clouds.yaml, you need to reference your cloud with the env variable OS_TEST_CLOUD ```shell export OS_TEST_CLOUD=cloud-name-referenced-in-the-cloud-configuration ``` If you do not have access to the cloud config, you must precise all the parameters manually - Export the setting file in a environment variable ```shell export ONAP_PYTHON_SDK_SETTINGS=onaptests.configuration.ubuntu16_multicloud_yaml_settings ``` Note each "use case" may have its own settings corresponding to the test environment and configuration. - (optional) Open ssh tunnel towards your openlab setting a dynamic port forward (by default 1080): ```shell ssh user@onap.pod4.opnfv.fr -D 1080 ``` - Once the different input datas are updated in run\_\*.py files and that the templates files for your service are defined, start to run the different steps: ```shell python run_basicvm_nomulticloud.py ``` - By default, all the logs are stored in the file pythonsdk.debug.log. The file name and location can be set in the settings.py