import os.path import paramiko import logging from sys import stderr """ EteGatherDataListener implements the ROBOT listener API version 2 and is instantiated via the robot cammmand line option --listener EteGatherDataListener:: The purpose is to gather and preserve debugging data from each of the application VMs when an ETE test fails. This listener counts the number of test cases that have failed and, if > 0 at then end of the robot exection (close()), will connect to each application vm and 2. upload the 2. execute 3. Transfer the resulting zip file to the Robot reports folder This will enable the Jenkins job to retrieve the debug data along with the Robot logs and reports and archive it with the failed job for later retreival. Note that the depends upon the application providing a /opt/ on their respective VMs for the zip file to be created. """ class EteGatherDataListener(object): ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = 'TEST SUITE' ROBOT_LISTENER_API_VERSION = 2 APPLICATIONS = { "aai" : "", "appc" : "", "sdc" : "", "dcae" : "", "mso" : "", "policy" : "", "sdnc" : "", "vid" : "", "portal" : "", "message_router" : "", } keyfile = "" local_gather_data_sh = "" def __init__(self, job='10', keyfile='/share/config/key.pvt', shell=""): self.tests_passed = 0 self.tests_failed = 0 self.output_folder = '' self.job = job self.folder= '' self.keyfile = keyfile self.local_gather_data_sh = shell print "EteGatherDataListener instantiated" def end_test(self, name, attrs): if attrs['status'] == 'PASS': self.tests_passed+=1 else: self.tests_failed+=1 def output_file(self, path): if (self.folder != ''): return self.folder = os.path.dirname(path) print(self.folder) def close(self): print "EteGatherDataListener tests failed=" + str(self.tests_failed) if (self.tests_failed > 0): self.gather_debug_data() def gather_debug_data(self): for application in self.APPLICATIONS.keys(): self.gather_application_data(application, self.APPLICATIONS.get(application)) def gather_application_data(self, application, ip): extra = {"_threadid" : 1} paramiko.util.log_to_file(self.folder + "/paramiko.log", level=0) log = logging.getLogger("paramiko") ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() try: ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(ip,username="root", key_filename=self.keyfile) except paramiko.SSHException: log.error("Connection Failed to " + ip, extra=extra) return try: gather_data_sh = "/tmp/" ftp = ssh.open_sftp() ftp.put(self.local_gather_data_sh, gather_data_sh) ftp.close() stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("/bin/bash "+ gather_data_sh + " " + application + " " + self.job) error = if (error != ''):"stderr:" + error, extra=extra) ssh.close() return; # No error? ASsume we have a file to download. out ="stdout:" + out, extra=extra) filename = application + "_" + self.job + ".tar.gz" localzip = self.folder + "/" + filename remotezip = "/tmp/gather_data/" + filename ftp = ssh.open_sftp() ftp.get(remotezip, localzip) ftp.close() stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("rm -rf " + remotezip); ssh.close() except paramiko.SSHException: ssh.close() return