minversion = 3.2.0
envlist = json,yaml
skipsdist = true
requires = pip >= 8

basepython = python3
whitelist_externals =
deps =

commands_pre =
    /bin/sh -c "git --no-pager diff HEAD HEAD^ --name-only '*.json' > /tmp/.coalist_json"
commands =
# '\ ' at the end of command is needed for a case where above command returns empty list (it adds empty file
# parameter to '--files' opt
    /bin/bash -c "coala --non-interactive --disable-caching --no-autoapply-warn json --files $(</tmp/.coalist_json) \ "

commands_pre =
    /bin/sh -c "git --no-pager diff HEAD HEAD^ --name-only '*.yaml' '*.yml' > /tmp/.coalist_yaml"
commands =
# '\ ' at the end of command is needed for a case where above command returns empty list (it adds empty file
# parameter to '--files' opt
    /bin/bash -c "coala --non-interactive --disable-caching --no-autoapply-warn yaml --files $(</tmp/.coalist_yaml) \ "

deps = robotframework-lint
dirs = robot/testsuites/usecases

commands =
    python -m rflint --ignore LineTooLong --ignore RequireKeywordDocumentation --ignore RequireTestDocumentation -r {[testenv:robot]dirs}