*** Settings *** Documentation Suite for checking handling events by VES Collector Library RequestsLibrary Library OperatingSystem Library Collections Library String Library DateTime Library SSHLibrary Library JSONLibrary Library Process Library ONAPLibrary.JSON Library ONAPLibrary.Utilities Resource ../../resources/dcae/ves_interface.robot Resource ../../resources/mr_interface.robot Resource ../../resources/dr_interface.robot *** Variables *** ${MR_TOPIC_CHECK_PATH} /topics ${DR_SUB_CHECK_PATH} /internal/prov ${MR_TOPIC_URL_PATH} /events/unauthenticated.SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT/CG1/C1 ${MR_FAULTSUPERVISION_TOPIC_URL_PATH} /events/unauthenticated.SEC_3GPP_FAULTSUPERVISION_OUTPUT/CG1/C1 ${MR_HEARTBEAT_TOPIC_URL_PATH} /events/unauthenticated.SEC_3GPP_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT/CG1/C1 ${MR_PERFORMANCEASSURANCE_TOPIC_URL_PATH} /events/unauthenticated.SEC_3GPP_PERFORMANCEASSURANCE_OUTPUT/CG1/C1 ${MR_PROVISIONING_TOPIC_URL_PATH} /events/unauthenticated.SEC_3GPP_PROVISIONING_OUTPUT/CG1/C1 ${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLIENT_PATH} /webapi/mr_clients ${DMAAP_BC_MR_CLUSTER_PATH} /webapi/mr_clusters ${VES_LISTENER_PATH} /eventListener/v7 ${ves7_valid_json} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/dcae/ves7_valid.json ${FaultSupervision_json} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/dcae/ves_stdnDefined_3GPP-FaultSupervision.json ${Heartbeat_json} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/dcae/ves_stdnDefined_3GPP-Heartbeat.json ${PerformanceAssurance_json} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/dcae/ves_stdnDefined_3GPP-PerformanceAssurance.json ${Provisioning_json} ${EXECDIR}/robot/assets/dcae/ves_stdnDefined_3GPP-Provisioning.json *** Test Cases *** Send standard event to VES and check if is routed to proper topic [Documentation] ... This test case checks wheather fault event is send to proper DMAAP topic. ... Fault event should be routed by VES Collector to unauthenticated.SEC_FAULT_OUTPUT topic on DMAAP MR . [Tags] vescollector ete ${expected_fault_on_mr} Set Variable Fault_Vscf:Acs-Ericcson_PilotNumberPoolExhaustion Send Event to VES & Validate Topic ${ves7_valid_json} ${MR_TOPIC_URL_PATH} ${expected_fault_on_mr} Send 3GPP Fault Supervision event to VES and check if is routed to proper topic [Documentation] ... This test case checks wheather fault event is send to proper DMAAP topic. ... Fault Supervision event should be routed by domain = "stndDefined" and stndDefinedNamespace = "3GPP-FaultSupervision" . ... Fault should be routed to mr topic unauthenticated.SEC_3GPP_FAULTSUPERVISION_OUTPUT [Tags] vescollector ete ${expected_fault_on_mr} Set Variable ves_stdnDefined_3GPP-FaultSupervision Send Event to VES & Validate Topic ${FaultSupervision_json} ${MR_FAULTSUPERVISION_TOPIC_URL_PATH} ${expected_fault_on_mr} Send 3GPP Heartbeat event to VES and check if is routed to proper topic [Documentation] ... This test case checks wheather fault event is send to proper DMAAP topic. ... Fault Supervision event should be routed by domain = "stndDefined" and stndDefinedNamespace = "3GPP-Heartbeat" . ... Fault should be routed to mr topic unauthenticated.SEC_3GPP_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT [Tags] vescollector ete ${expected_fault_on_mr} Set Variable ves_stdnDefined_3GPP-Heartbeat Send Event to VES & Validate Topic ${Heartbeat_json} ${MR_HEARTBEAT_TOPIC_URL_PATH} ${expected_fault_on_mr} Send 3GPP Performance Assurance event to VES and check if is routed to proper topic [Documentation] ... This test case checks wheather fault event is send to proper DMAAP topic. ... Fault Supervision event should be routed by domain = "stndDefined" and stndDefinedNamespace = "3GPP-PerformanceAssurance" . ... Fault should be routed to mr topic unauthenticated.SEC_3GPP_PERFORMANCEASSURANCE_OUTPUT [Tags] vescollector ete ${expected_fault_on_mr} Set Variable ves_stdnDefined_3GPP-PerformanceAssurance Send Event to VES & Validate Topic ${PerformanceAssurance_json} ${MR_PERFORMANCEASSURANCE_TOPIC_URL_PATH} ${expected_fault_on_mr} Send 3GPP Provisioning event to VES and check if is routed to proper topic [Documentation] ... This test case checks wheather fault event is send to proper DMAAP topic. ... Fault Supervision event should be routed by domain = "stndDefined" and stndDefinedNamespace = "3GPP-Provisioning" . ... Fault should be routed to mr topic unauthenticated.SEC_3GPP_PROVISIONING_OUTPUT [Tags] vescollector ete ${expected_fault_on_mr} Set Variable ves_stdnDefined_3GPP-Provisioning Send Event to VES & Validate Topic ${Provisioning_json} ${MR_PROVISIONING_TOPIC_URL_PATH} ${expected_fault_on_mr}