*** Settings *** Documentation Executes the VNF Orchestration Test cases including setup and teardown ... Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Resource ../resources/demo_preload.robot Resource ../resources/test_templates/vnf_orchestration_test_template.robot *** Variables *** ${VNF_NAME} DemoVNF ${MODULE_NAME} DemoModuleName *** Test Cases *** Initialize Customer And Models [Tags] InitDemo Load Customer And Models Demonstration Preload VNF [Tags] PreloadDemo Preload Demo ${VNF_NAME} ${MODULE_NAME} Create APPC Mount Point [Tags] APPCMountPointDemo APPC Mount Point ${MODULE_NAME} Instantiate VFW [Tags] instantiateVFW Setup Orchestrate VNF ${GLOBAL_AAI_CLOUD_OWNER} SharedNode OwnerType v1 CloudZone ${vf_module_name} ${service}= Orchestrate VNF DemoCust vFW vFW ${TENANT_NAME} Save For Delete Log to Console Customer Name=${CUSTOMER_NAME} Log to Console VNF Module Name=${vf_module_name} Delete Instantiated VNF [Documentation] This test assumes all necessary variables are loaded via the variable file create in Save For Delete [Tags] deleteVNF Setup Browser Login To VID GUI Delete VNF [Teardown] Teardown VNF *** Keywords *** Save For Delete [Documentation] Create a variable file to be loaded for save for delete ${dict}= Create Dictionary Set To Dictionary ${dict} TENANT_NAME=${TENANT_NAME} Set To Dictionary ${dict} TENANT_ID=${TENANT_ID} Set To Dictionary ${dict} CUSTOMER_NAME=${CUSTOMER_NAME} Set To Dictionary ${dict} STACK_NAME=${STACK_NAME} Set To Dictionary ${dict} SERVICE=${SERVICE} Set To Dictionary ${dict} VVG_SERVER_ID=${VVG_SERVER_ID} Set To Dictionary ${dict} SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID=${SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID} Set To Dictionary ${dict} VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_DELETE=${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_DELETE} Set To Dictionary ${dict} VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_VNF_ID=${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_VNF_ID} Set To Dictionary ${dict} CATALOG_SERVICE_ID=${CATALOG_SERVICE_ID} ${vars}= Catenate ${keys}= Get Dictionary Keys ${dict} :for ${key} in @{keys} \ ${value}= Get From Dictionary ${dict} ${key} \ ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}${key} = "${value}"\n ${comma}= Catenate ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}CATALOG_RESOURCE_IDS = [ :for ${id} in @{CATALOG_RESOURCE_IDS} \ ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}${comma} "${id}" \ ${comma}= Catenate , ${vars}= Catenate ${vars}]\n OperatingSystem.Create File /share/${STACK_NAME}.py ${vars}