*** Settings *** Documentation Closed Loop Test cases Resource ../resources/test_templates/closedloop_test_template.robot *** Variables *** ${PACKET_GENERATOR_HOST} *** Test Cases *** VFW Closed Loop Test [TAGS] closedloop vfwcl VFW Policy VDNS Closed Loop Test [TAGS] closedloop vdnscl VDNS Policy VFWCL Closed Loop Test [TAGS] vfwclosedloop Log ${EMPTY} VFWCL High Test ${PACKET_GENERATOR_HOST} VFWCL Low Test ${PACKET_GENERATOR_HOST} [Teardown] VFWCL Set To Medium ${PACKET_GENERATOR_HOST} VFWCL Repush Operation Policy [TAGS] repushpolicy Run Keyword And Ignore Error Undeploy Policy operational.modifyconfig Update vVFWCL Policy ${MODEL_INVARIANT_ID}