*** Settings *** Documentation The main interface for interacting with VID. It handles low level stuff like managing the selenium request library and VID required steps Library ExtendedSelenium2Library Library Collections Library String Library RequestsLibrary Library UUID Resource ../global_properties.robot Resource ../browser_setup.robot *** Variables *** ${VID_ENV} /vid ${VID_LOGIN_URL} ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}/login_external.htm ${VID_HEALTHCHECK_PATH} ${VID_ENV}/api/users ${VID_HOME_URL} ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV}/vidhome.htm *** Keywords *** Run VID Health Check [Documentation] Logs in to VID GUI ${resp}= Run VID Get Request ${VID_HEALTHCHECK_PATH} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Should Be String ${resp.json()[0]['loginId']} Run VID Get Request [Documentation] Runs an VID get request [Arguments] ${data_path} ${auth}= Create List ${GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_USERNAME} ${GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_PASSWORD} Log Creating session ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER} ${session}= Create Session vid ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER} auth=${auth} ${uuid}= Generate UUID ${headers}= Create Dictionary username=${GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_USERNAME} password=${GLOBAL_VID_HEALTH_PASSWORD} Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID} ${resp}= Get Request vid ${data_path} headers=${headers} Log Received response from vid ${resp.text} [Return] ${resp} Login To VID GUI [Documentation] Logs in to VID GUI # Setup Browser Now being managed by test case ##Setup Browser Go To ${VID_LOGIN_URL} Maximize Browser Window Set Selenium Speed ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_DELAY} Set Browser Implicit Wait ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_IMPLICIT_WAIT} Log Logging in to ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV} Handle Proxy Warning Title Should Be VID Login Input Text xpath=//input[@ng-model='loginId'] ${GLOBAL_VID_USERNAME} Input Password xpath=//input[@ng-model='password'] ${GLOBAL_VID_PASSWORD} Click Button xpath=//input[@id='loginBtn'] Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='applicationWindow'] ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT} Log Logged in to ${GLOBAL_VID_SERVER}${VID_ENV} Go To VID HOME [Documentation] Naviage to VID Home Go To ${VID_HOME_URL} Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div[@class='applicationWindow'] ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT} Click On Button When Enabled [Arguments] ${xpath} ${timeout}=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} Click Button xpath=${xpath} Click On Element When Visible [Arguments] ${xpath} ${timeout}=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} Click Element xpath=${xpath} Select From List When Enabled [Arguments] ${xpath} ${value} ${timeout}=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} Select From List xpath=${xpath} ${value} Input Text When Enabled [Arguments] ${xpath} ${value} ${timeout}=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} Wait Until Element Is Enabled xpath=${xpath} ${timeout} Input Text xpath=${xpath} ${value} Parse Request Id [Arguments] ${mso_response_text} ${request_list}= Split String ${mso_response_text} 202)\n 1 ${clean_string}= Replace String ${request_list[1]} \n ${empty} ${json}= To Json ${clean_string} ${request_id}= Catenate ${json['requestReferences']['requestId']} [Return] ${request_id} Parse Instance Id [Arguments] ${mso_response_text} ${request_list}= Split String ${mso_response_text} 202)\n 1 ${json}= To Json ${request_list[1]} ${request_id}= Catenate ${json['requestReferences']['instanceId']} [Return] ${request_id}