*** Settings *** Documentation Creates VID Service Instance Library SeleniumLibrary Library ONAPLibrary.Utilities Library String Library DateTime Library ONAPLibrary.SO WITH NAME SO Resource ../global_properties.robot Resource vid_interface.robot *** Keywords *** Create VID Service Instance [Documentation] Creates a service instance using VID [Arguments] ${customer_name} ${service_model_type} ${service_type} ${service_name} ${project_name} ${owning_entity} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 180s 15s Wait For Model ${service_model_type} Press Key xpath=//tr[td/span/text() = '${service_model_type}']/td/button[text() = 'Deploy' and not(@disabled)] \\13 ${uuid}= Generate UUID4 Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] ${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] ${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} Click On Element When Visible //select[@prompt='Select Subscriber Name'] Select From List When Enabled //select[@prompt='Select Subscriber Name'] ${customer_name} timeout=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} Select From List When Enabled //select[@prompt='Select Service Type'] ${service_type} timeout=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} Select From List When Enabled //select[@prompt='Select Project Name'] ${project_name} timeout=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} Select From List When Enabled //select[@prompt='Select Owning Entity'] ${owning_entity} timeout=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} Capture Page Screenshot Page Should Contain Element //input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] limit=1 Set Focus To Element //input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 120s 5s Input Text When Enabled //input[@parameter-name='Instance Name'] ${service_name} timeout=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} Capture Page Screenshot Click On Button When Enabled //div[@class = 'buttonRow']/button[text() = 'Confirm'] Wait Until Element Contains xpath=//pre[@class= 'log ng-binding'] requestState timeout=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} Wait Until Page Contains "requestState": "COMPLETE" timeout= ${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} ${response text}= Get Text xpath=//pre[@class = 'log ng-binding'] Click On Button When Enabled //div[@class = 'buttonRow']/button[text() = 'Close'] ${request_id}= Parse Request Id ${response text} ${service_instance_id}= Parse Instance Id ${response text} ${auth}= Create List ${GLOBAL_MSO_USERNAME} ${GLOBAL_MSO_PASSWORD} SO.Run Polling Get Request ${GLOBAL_SO_ENDPOINT} ${GLOBAL_MSO_STATUS_PATH}${request_id} auth=${auth} [return] ${service_instance_id} Wait For Model [Documentation] Distributed model may not yet be available. Kepp trying until it shows up. [Arguments] ${service_model_type} # Need to refresh browser json data Home -> Browse Service Models cycle does that Go To VID Home Go To VID Browse Service Models Page Should Contain Element xpath=//div/h1[text() = 'Browse SDC Service Models'] Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//button[text() = 'Deploy'] ${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_MEDIUM} Input Text When Enabled //input[@ng-model='searchString'] ${service_model_type} Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//tr[td/span/text() = '${service_model_type}']/td/button[contains(text(),'Deploy')] ${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_SHORT} Delete Service Instance By GUI [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} Click On Element When Visible xpath=//a/span[@class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'] Click On Button When Enabled xpath=//div[@class='buttonRow']/button[@ngx-enabled='true'] Wait Until Element Contains xpath=//div[@ng-controller='deletionDialogController']//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding'] requestId timeout=${GLOBAL_VID_UI_TIMEOUT_LONG} ${response text}= Get Text xpath=//div[@ng-controller='deletionDialogController']//div[@ng-controller= 'msoCommitController']/pre[@class = 'log ng-binding'] ${request_id}= Parse Request Id ${response text} ${auth}= Create List ${GLOBAL_MSO_USERNAME} ${GLOBAL_MSO_PASSWORD} SO.Run Polling Get Request ${GLOBAL_SO_ENDPOINT} ${GLOBAL_MSO_STATUS_PATH}${request_id} auth=${auth} Search Service Instance [Arguments] ${service_instance_id} Click Link xpath=//div[@heading = 'Search for Existing Service Instances']/a Input Text When Enabled //input[@name='selectedServiceInstance'] ${service_instance_id} Click On Button When Enabled //button[text() = 'Submit']