*** Settings *** Documentation Testing openstack. Library OperatingSystem Library SSHLibrary Library RequestsLibrary Library JSONUtils Library OpenstackLibrary Library HEATUtils Library Collections Resource ../../resources/openstack/keystone_interface.robot Resource ../../resources/openstack/nova_interface.robot Resource ../../resources/openstack/heat_interface.robot Resource ../../resources/ssh/files.robot Resource ../../resources/ssh/processes.robot Resource packet_generator_interface.robot *** Variables *** *** Keywords *** Wait For Server [Documentation] Attempts to login to the passed server info and verify (??). Uses server info to get public ip and locate corresponding provate key file [Arguments] ${server_ip} ${timeout}=300s #${file}= Catenate ${GLOBAL_VM_PRIVATE_KEY} # Preload is using onap public key ${file}= Catenate ${GLOBAL_ONAP_PRIVATE_KEY} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${timeout} 5 sec Open Connection And Log In ${server_ip} root ${file} ${lines}= Grep Local File "Accepted publickey" /var/log/auth.log Log ${lines} Should Not Be Empty ${lines} Get Server Ip [Arguments] ${server_list} ${stack_info} ${key_name} ${network_name}=public ${server_name}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} ${key_name} ${server}= Get From Dictionary ${server_list} ${server_name} Log Entering Get Openstack Server Ip ${ip}= Search Addresses ${server} ${network_name} Log Returned Get Openstack Server Ip [Return] ${ip} Find And Reboot The Server [Documentation] Code to reboot the server by teh heat server name parameter value [Arguments] ${stack_info} ${server_list} ${server_name_parameter} ${server_name}= Get From Dictionary ${stack_info} ${server_name_parameter} ${vfw_server}= Get From Dictionary ${server_list} ${server_name} ${vfw_server_id}= Get From Dictionary ${vfw_server} id Reboot Server auth ${vfw_server_id} Search Addresses [Arguments] ${server} ${network_name} ${addresses} Get From Dictionary ${server} addresses ${status} ${server_ip}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Find Rackspace ${addresses} ${network_name} Return From Keyword If '${status}'=='PASS' ${server_ip} ${status} ${server_ip}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Find Openstack ${addresses} ${network_name} Return From Keyword If '${status}'=='PASS' ${server_ip} ${status} ${server_ip}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Find Openstack 2 ${addresses} ${network_name} Return From Keyword If '${status}'=='PASS' ${server_ip} Fail ${server}/${network_name} Not Found Find Rackspace [Arguments] ${addresses} ${network_name} ${ips} Get From Dictionary ${addresses} ${network_name} ${ip}= Get V4 IP ${ips} [Return] ${ip} Find Openstack [Arguments] ${addresses} ${network_name} ${network_name}= Set Variable If '${network_name}' == 'public' external ${network_name} ${ip}= Get V4 IP Openstack ${addresses} ${network_name} [Return] ${ip} Find Openstack 2 [Arguments] ${addresses} ${network_name} ${network_name}= Set Variable If '${network_name}' == 'public' floating ${network_name} ${ipmaps}= Get From Dictionary ${addresses} ${GLOBAL_INJECTED_NETWORK} ${ip}= Get V4 IP Openstack 2 ${ipmaps} ${network_name} [Return] ${ip} Get V4 IP [Arguments] ${ipmaps} :for ${ipmap} in @{ipmaps} \ ${ip} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} addr \ ${version} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} version \ Return from Keyword if '${version}' == '4' ${ip} Fail No Version 4 IP Get V4 IP Openstack [Arguments] ${addresses} ${testtype} ${ipmaps}= Get From Dictionary ${addresses} ${testtype} :for ${ipmap} in @{ipmaps} \ ${ip} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} addr \ ${version} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} version \ Return from Keyword if '${version}'=='4' ${ip} Fail No Version 4 IP Get V4 IP Openstack 2 [Arguments] ${ipmaps} ${testtype} :for ${ipmap} in @{ipmaps} \ ${type} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} OS-EXT-IPS:type \ ${ip} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} addr \ ${version} Get From Dictionary ${ipmap} version \ Return from Keyword if '${version}'=='4' and '${type}'=='${testtype}' ${ip} Fail No Version 4 IP