# Project Clearwater - IMS in the Cloud # Copyright (C) 2015 Metaswitch Networks Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version, along with the "Special Exception" for use of # the program along with SSL, set forth below. This program is distributed # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this program. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # The author can be reached by email at clearwater@metaswitch.com or by # post at Metaswitch Networks Ltd, 100 Church St, Enfield EN2 6BQ, UK # # Special Exception # Metaswitch Networks Ltd grants you permission to copy, modify, # propagate, and distribute a work formed by combining OpenSSL with The # Software, or a work derivative of such a combination, even if such # copying, modification, propagation, or distribution would otherwise # violate the terms of the GPL. You must comply with the GPL in all # respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. # "OpenSSL" means OpenSSL toolkit software distributed by the OpenSSL # Project and licensed under the OpenSSL Licenses, or a work based on such # software and licensed under the OpenSSL Licenses. # "OpenSSL Licenses" means the OpenSSL License and Original SSLeay License # under which the OpenSSL Project distributes the OpenSSL toolkit software, # as those licenses appear in the file LICENSE-OPENSSL. heat_template_version: 2013-05-23 description: > Base Project Clearwater deployment on ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform) parameters: vnf_id: type: string label: VNF ID description: The VNF ID provided by ONAP vf_module_id: type: string label: VNF module ID description: The VNF module ID provided by ONAP public_net_id: type: string description: ID of public network constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network description: Must be a valid network ID bono_flavor_name: type: string description: VM flavor for bono VMs constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor description: Must be a valid flavor name sprout_flavor_name: type: string description: VM flavor for sprout VMs constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor description: Must be a valid flavor name homestead_flavor_name: type: string description: VM flavor for homestead VMs constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor description: Must be a valid flavor name homer_flavor_name: type: string description: VM flavor for homer VMs constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor description: Must be a valid flavor name ralf_flavor_name: type: string description: VM flavor for ralf VMs constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor description: Must be a valid flavor name ellis_flavor_name: type: string description: VM flavor for ellis VM constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor description: Must be a valid flavor name dns_flavor_name: type: string description: VM flavor for dns VM constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor description: Must be a valid flavor name bono_image_name: type: string description: Name of image for bono VMs sprout_image_name: type: string description: Name of image for sprout VMs homestead_image_name: type: string description: Name of image for homestead VMs homer_image_name: type: string description: Name of image for homer VMs ralf_image_name: type: string description: Name of image for ralf VMs ellis_image_name: type: string description: Name of image for ellis VM dns_image_name: type: string description: Name of image for dns VMs key_name: type: string description: Name of keypair to create pub_key: type: string label: Public key description: Public key to be installed on all compute instances repo_url: type: string description: URL for Clearwater repository default: http://repo.cw-ngv.com/stable zone: type: string description: DNS zone default: example.com dn_range_start: type: string description: First directory number in pool default: "6505550000" constraints: - allowed_pattern: "[0-9]+" description: Must be numeric dn_range_length: type: string description: Number of directory numbers to add to pool default: "1000" constraints: - allowed_pattern: "[0-9]+" description: Must be numeric dnssec_key: type: string description: DNSSEC private key (Base64-encoded) constraints: - allowed_pattern: "[0-9A-Za-z+/=]+" description: Must be Base64-encoded resources: cw_keypair: type: OS::Nova::KeyPair properties: name: { get_param: key_name } public_key: { get_param: pub_key } save_private_key: false # security_groups: # type: security-groups.yaml # properties: # name_prefix: { get_param: "OS::stack_name" } dns: type: dns.yaml properties: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } public_net_id: { get_param: public_net_id } dns_flavor_name: { get_param: dns_flavor_name } dns_image_name: { get_param: dns_image_name } key_name: { get_resource: cw_keypair } # dns_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, dns ] } zone: { get_param: zone } dnssec_key: { get_param: dnssec_key } ellis: type: ellis.yaml properties: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } public_net_id: { get_param: public_net_id } ellis_flavor_name: { get_param: ellis_flavor_name } ellis_image_name: { get_param: ellis_image_name } key_name: { get_resource: cw_keypair } # base_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, base_mgmt ] } # ellis_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, ellis_mgmt ] } repo_url: { get_param: repo_url } zone: { get_param: zone } dn_range_start: { get_param: dn_range_start } dn_range_length: { get_param: dn_range_length } dns_ip: { get_attr: [ dns, dns_ip ] } dnssec_key: { get_param: dnssec_key } bono: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: 2 index_var: "__index__" resource_def: type: bono.yaml properties: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } public_net_id: { get_param: public_net_id } bono_flavor_name: { get_param: bono_flavor_name } bono_image_name: { get_param: bono_image_name } key_name: { get_resource: cw_keypair } # base_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, base_mgmt ] } # bono_sig_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, bono_sig ] } repo_url: { get_param: repo_url } zone: { get_param: zone } dns_ip: { get_attr: [ dns, dns_ip ] } dnssec_key: { get_param: dnssec_key } etcd_ip: { get_attr: [ ellis, public_ip ] } index: __index__ sprout: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: 2 index_var: __index__ resource_def: type: sprout.yaml properties: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } public_net_id: { get_param: public_net_id } sprout_flavor_name: { get_param: sprout_flavor_name } sprout_image_name: { get_param: sprout_image_name } key_name: { get_resource: cw_keypair } # base_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, base_mgmt ] } # sprout_sig_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, sprout_sig ] } # sprout_sig2_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, sprout_sig2 ] } repo_url: { get_param: repo_url } zone: { get_param: zone } dns_ip: { get_attr: [ dns, dns_ip ] } dnssec_key: { get_param: dnssec_key } etcd_ip: { get_attr: [ ellis, public_ip ] } index: __index__ homer: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: 2 index_var: __index__ resource_def: type: homer.yaml properties: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } public_net_id: { get_param: public_net_id } homer_flavor_name: { get_param: homer_flavor_name } homer_image_name: { get_param: homer_image_name } key_name: { get_resource: cw_keypair } # base_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, base_mgmt ] } # homer_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, homer_mgmt ] } # homer_sig_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, homer_sig ] } repo_url: { get_param: repo_url } zone: { get_param: zone } dns_ip: { get_attr: [ dns, dns_ip ] } dnssec_key: { get_param: dnssec_key } etcd_ip: { get_attr: [ ellis, public_ip ] } index: __index__ homestead: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: 2 index_var: __index__ resource_def: type: homestead.yaml properties: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } public_net_id: { get_param: public_net_id } homestead_flavor_name: { get_param: homestead_flavor_name } homestead_image_name: { get_param: homestead_image_name } key_name: { get_resource: cw_keypair } # base_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, base_mgmt ] } # homestead_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, homestead_mgmt ] } # homestead_sig_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, homestead_sig ] } repo_url: { get_param: repo_url } zone: { get_param: zone } dns_ip: { get_attr: [ dns, dns_ip ] } dnssec_key: { get_param: dnssec_key } etcd_ip: { get_attr: [ ellis, public_ip ] } index: __index__ ralf: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup properties: count: 2 index_var: __index__ resource_def: type: ralf.yaml properties: vnf_id: { get_param: vnf_id } vf_module_id: { get_param: vf_module_id } public_net_id: { get_param: public_net_id } ralf_flavor_name: { get_param: ralf_flavor_name } ralf_image_name: { get_param: ralf_image_name } key_name: { get_resource: cw_keypair } # base_mgmt_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, base_mgmt ] } # ralf_sig_security_group: { get_attr: [ security_groups, ralf_sig ] } repo_url: { get_param: repo_url } zone: { get_param: zone } dns_ip: { get_attr: [ dns, dns_ip ] } dnssec_key: { get_param: dnssec_key } etcd_ip: { get_attr: [ ellis, public_ip ] } index: __index__ outputs: zone: description: DNS zone value: { get_param: zone } dns_ip: description: IP address of DNS value: { get_attr: [ dns, dns_ip ] }