/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP - SO * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.so.db.request.beans; import java.net.URI; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.PrePersist; import javax.persistence.PreUpdate; import javax.persistence.Temporal; import javax.persistence.TemporalType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.onap.so.requestsdb.TimestampXMLAdapter; import uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation.LinkedResource; import uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation.ResourceId; @MappedSuperclass public abstract class InfraRequests implements java.io.Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5497583682393936143L; private static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown"; @Id @Column(name = "REQUEST_ID", length = 45) private String requestId; @Column(name = "REQUEST_STATUS", length = 20) private String requestStatus; @Column(name = "STATUS_MESSAGE", length = 2000) private String statusMessage; @Column(name = "ROLLBACK_STATUS_MESSAGE", length = 2000) private String rollbackStatusMessage; @Column(name = "FLOW_STATUS", length = 2000) private String flowStatus; @Column(name = "RETRY_STATUS_MESSAGE", length = 2000) private String retryStatusMessage; @Column(name = "PROGRESS", precision = 11) private Long progress; @Column(name = "START_TIME") private Timestamp startTime; @Column(name = "END_TIME") private Timestamp endTime; @Column(name = "SOURCE", length = 45) private String source; @Column(name = "VNF_ID", length = 45) private String vnfId; @Column(name = "VNF_NAME", length = 80) private String vnfName; @Column(name = "VNF_TYPE", length = 200) private String vnfType; @Column(name = "SERVICE_TYPE", length = 45) private String serviceType; @Column(name = "TENANT_ID", length = 45) private String tenantId; @Column(name = "VNF_PARAMS") private String vnfParams; @Column(name = "VNF_OUTPUTS") private String vnfOutputs; @Column(name = "REQUEST_BODY") private String requestBody; @Column(name = "RESPONSE_BODY") private String responseBody; @Column(name = "LAST_MODIFIED_BY", length = 50) private String lastModifiedBy; @Column(name = "MODIFY_TIME") @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) private Date modifyTime; @Column(name = "VOLUME_GROUP_ID", length = 45) private String volumeGroupId; @Column(name = "VOLUME_GROUP_NAME", length = 45) private String volumeGroupName; @Column(name = "VF_MODULE_ID", length = 45) private String vfModuleId; @Column(name = "VF_MODULE_NAME", length = 200) private String vfModuleName; @Column(name = "VF_MODULE_MODEL_NAME", length = 200) private String vfModuleModelName; @Column(name = "CLOUD_REGION", length = 11) private String cloudRegion; @Column(name = "CALLBACK_URL", length = 200) private String callBackUrl; @Column(name = "CORRELATOR", length = 80) private String correlator; @Column(name = "SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID", length = 45) private String serviceInstanceId; @Column(name = "SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME", length = 80) private String serviceInstanceName; @Column(name = "REQUEST_SCOPE", length = 45) private String requestScope; @Column(name = "REQUEST_ACTION", length = 45) private String requestAction; @Column(name = "NETWORK_ID", length = 45) private String networkId; @Column(name = "NETWORK_NAME", length = 80) private String networkName; @Column(name = "NETWORK_TYPE", length = 80) private String networkType; @Column(name = "REQUESTOR_ID", length = 80) private String requestorId; @Column(name = "CONFIGURATION_ID", length = 45) private String configurationId; @Column(name = "CONFIGURATION_NAME", length = 200) private String configurationName; @Column(name = "OPERATIONAL_ENV_ID", length = 45) private String operationalEnvId; @Column(name = "OPERATIONAL_ENV_NAME", length = 200) private String operationalEnvName; @Column(name = "INSTANCE_GROUP_ID", length = 45) private String instanceGroupId; @Column(name = "INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME", length = 200) private String instanceGroupName; @Column(name = "REQUEST_URL", length = 500) private String requestUrl; @Column(name = "ORIGINAL_REQUEST_ID", length = 45) private String originalRequestId; @Column(name = "EXT_SYSTEM_ERROR_SOURCE", length = 80) private String extSystemErrorSource; @Column(name = "ROLLBACK_EXT_SYSTEM_ERROR_SOURCE", length = 80) private String rollbackExtSystemErrorSource; @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name = "SO_REQUEST_ID", referencedColumnName = "REQUEST_ID", updatable = false) private List cloudApiRequests = new ArrayList<>(); @ResourceId public URI getRequestURI() { return URI.create(this.requestId); } public String getRequestId() { return this.requestId; } public void setRequestId(String requestId) { this.requestId = requestId; } public String getRequestStatus() { return this.requestStatus; } public void setRequestStatus(String requestStatus) { this.requestStatus = requestStatus; } public String getStatusMessage() { return this.statusMessage; } public void setStatusMessage(String statusMessage) { this.statusMessage = statusMessage; } public String getRollbackStatusMessage() { return this.rollbackStatusMessage; } public void setRollbackStatusMessage(String rollbackStatusMessage) { this.rollbackStatusMessage = rollbackStatusMessage; } public String getFlowStatus() { return this.flowStatus; } public void setFlowStatus(String flowStatus) { this.flowStatus = flowStatus; } public String getRetryStatusMessage() { return this.retryStatusMessage; } public void setRetryStatusMessage(String retryStatusMessage) { this.retryStatusMessage = retryStatusMessage; } public Long getProgress() { return this.progress; } public void setProgress(Long progress) { this.progress = progress; } @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(TimestampXMLAdapter.class) public Timestamp getStartTime() { return this.startTime; } public void setStartTime(Timestamp startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(TimestampXMLAdapter.class) public Timestamp getEndTime() { return this.endTime; } public void setEndTime(Timestamp endTime) { this.endTime = endTime; } public String getSource() { return this.source; } public void setSource(String source) { this.source = source; } public String getVnfId() { return this.vnfId; } public void setVnfId(String vnfId) { this.vnfId = vnfId; } public String getVnfName() { return this.vnfName; } public void setVnfName(String vnfName) { this.vnfName = vnfName; } public String getVnfType() { return this.vnfType; } public void setVnfType(String vnfType) { this.vnfType = vnfType; } public String getServiceType() { return this.serviceType; } public void setServiceType(String serviceType) { this.serviceType = serviceType; } public String getTenantId() { return this.tenantId; } public void setTenantId(String tenantId) { this.tenantId = tenantId; } public String getVnfParams() { return this.vnfParams; } public void setVnfParams(String vnfParams) { this.vnfParams = vnfParams; } public String getVnfOutputs() { return this.vnfOutputs; } public void setVnfOutputs(String vnfOutputs) { this.vnfOutputs = vnfOutputs; } public String getRequestBody() { return this.requestBody; } public void setRequestBody(String requestBody) { this.requestBody = requestBody; } public String getResponseBody() { return this.responseBody; } public void setResponseBody(String responseBody) { this.responseBody = responseBody; } public String getLastModifiedBy() { return this.lastModifiedBy; } public void setLastModifiedBy(String lastModifiedBy) { this.lastModifiedBy = lastModifiedBy; } public Date getModifyTime() { return this.modifyTime; } public String getVolumeGroupId() { return this.volumeGroupId; } public void setVolumeGroupId(String volumeGroupId) { this.volumeGroupId = volumeGroupId; } public String getVolumeGroupName() { return this.volumeGroupName; } public void setVolumeGroupName(String volumeGroupName) { this.volumeGroupName = volumeGroupName; } public String getVfModuleId() { return this.vfModuleId; } public void setVfModuleId(String vfModuleId) { this.vfModuleId = vfModuleId; } public String getVfModuleName() { return this.vfModuleName; } public void setVfModuleName(String vfModuleName) { this.vfModuleName = vfModuleName; } public String getVfModuleModelName() { return this.vfModuleModelName; } public void setVfModuleModelName(String vfModuleModelName) { this.vfModuleModelName = vfModuleModelName; } public String getCloudRegion() { return this.cloudRegion; } public void setCloudRegion(String cloudRegion) { this.cloudRegion = cloudRegion; } public String getCallBackUrl() { return callBackUrl; } public void setCallBackUrl(String callBackUrl) { this.callBackUrl = callBackUrl; } public String getCorrelator() { return correlator; } public void setCorrelator(String correlator) { this.correlator = correlator; } public String getServiceInstanceId() { return serviceInstanceId; } public void setServiceInstanceId(String serviceInstanceId) { this.serviceInstanceId = serviceInstanceId; } public String getServiceInstanceName() { return serviceInstanceName; } public void setServiceInstanceName(String serviceInstanceName) { this.serviceInstanceName = serviceInstanceName; } public String getRequestScope() { return requestScope; } public void setRequestScope(String requestScope) { this.requestScope = requestScope; } public String getRequestAction() { return requestAction; } @LinkedResource public List getCloudApiRequests() { return cloudApiRequests; } public void setCloudApiRequests(List cloudApiRequests) { this.cloudApiRequests = cloudApiRequests; } public void setRequestAction(String requestAction) { this.requestAction = requestAction; } public String getNetworkId() { return networkId; } public void setNetworkId(String networkId) { this.networkId = networkId; } public String getNetworkName() { return networkName; } public void setNetworkName(String networkName) { this.networkName = networkName; } public String getNetworkType() { return networkType; } public void setNetworkType(String networkType) { this.networkType = networkType; } public String getRequestorId() { return requestorId; } public void setRequestorId(String requestorId) { this.requestorId = requestorId; } public String getConfigurationId() { return configurationId; } public void setConfigurationId(String configurationId) { this.configurationId = configurationId; } public String getConfigurationName() { return configurationName; } public void setConfigurationName(String configurationName) { this.configurationName = configurationName; } public String getOperationalEnvId() { return operationalEnvId; } public void setOperationalEnvId(String operationalEnvId) { this.operationalEnvId = operationalEnvId; } public String getOperationalEnvName() { return operationalEnvName; } public void setOperationalEnvName(String operationalEnvName) { this.operationalEnvName = operationalEnvName; } public String getInstanceGroupId() { return instanceGroupId; } public void setInstanceGroupId(String instanceGroupId) { this.instanceGroupId = instanceGroupId; } public String getInstanceGroupName() { return instanceGroupName; } public void setInstanceGroupName(String instanceGroupName) { this.instanceGroupName = instanceGroupName; } public String getRequestUrl() { return this.requestUrl; } public void setRequestUrl(String requestUrl) { this.requestUrl = requestUrl; } public String getOriginalRequestId() { return this.originalRequestId; } public void setOriginalRequestId(String originalRequestId) { this.originalRequestId = originalRequestId; } public String getExtSystemErrorSource() { return this.extSystemErrorSource; } public void setExtSystemErrorSource(String extSystemErrorSource) { this.extSystemErrorSource = extSystemErrorSource; } public String getRollbackExtSystemErrorSource() { return this.rollbackExtSystemErrorSource; } public void setRollbackExtSystemErrorSource(String rollbackExtSystemErrorSource) { this.rollbackExtSystemErrorSource = rollbackExtSystemErrorSource; } @PrePersist protected void onCreate() { if (requestScope == null) requestScope = UNKNOWN; if (requestAction == null) requestAction = UNKNOWN; this.modifyTime = new Date(); } @PreUpdate protected void onUpdate() { if (requestScope == null) requestScope = UNKNOWN; if (requestAction == null) requestAction = UNKNOWN; this.modifyTime = new Date(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof InfraRequests)) { return false; } InfraRequests castOther = (InfraRequests) other; return Objects.equals(getRequestId(), castOther.getRequestId()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(getRequestId()); } @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("requestId", getRequestId()).append("requestStatus", getRequestStatus()) .append("statusMessage", getStatusMessage()).append("rollbackStatusMessage", getRollbackStatusMessage()) .append("flowStatus", getFlowStatus()).append("retryStatusMessage", getRetryStatusMessage()) .append("progress", getProgress()).append("startTime", getStartTime()).append("endTime", getEndTime()) .append("source", getSource()).append("vnfId", getVnfId()).append("vnfName", getVnfName()) .append("vnfType", getVnfType()).append("serviceType", getServiceType()) .append("tenantId", getTenantId()).append("vnfParams", getVnfParams()) .append("vnfOutputs", getVnfOutputs()).append("requestBody", getRequestBody()) .append("responseBody", getResponseBody()).append("lastModifiedBy", getLastModifiedBy()) .append("modifyTime", getModifyTime()).append("volumeGroupId", getVolumeGroupId()) .append("volumeGroupName", getVolumeGroupName()).append("vfModuleId", getVfModuleId()) .append("vfModuleName", getVfModuleName()).append("vfModuleModelName", getVfModuleModelName()) .append("cloudRegion", getCloudRegion()).append("callBackUrl", getCallBackUrl()) .append("correlator", getCorrelator()).append("serviceInstanceId", getServiceInstanceId()) .append("serviceInstanceName", getServiceInstanceName()).append("requestScope", getRequestScope()) .append("requestAction", getRequestAction()).append("networkId", getNetworkId()) .append("networkName", getNetworkName()).append("networkType", getNetworkType()) .append("requestorId", getRequestorId()).append("configurationId", getConfigurationId()) .append("configurationName", getConfigurationName()).append("operationalEnvId", getOperationalEnvId()) .append("operationalEnvName", getOperationalEnvName()).append("instanceGroupId", getInstanceGroupId()) .append("instanceGroupName", getInstanceGroupName()).append("requestUrl", getRequestUrl()) .append("originalRequestId", originalRequestId).append("extSystemErrorSource", extSystemErrorSource) .append("rollbackExtSystemErrorSource", rollbackExtSystemErrorSource).toString(); } }