.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright 2023 DTAG

ManagedObject3gppServiceInstances API

Create a ManagedObject3gppServiceInstances

|Interface Definition|Description                                                 |
|URI                 |onap/so/infra/moi/api/rest/v1/NetworkSliceSubnet/$NSSID     |
|Operation Type      |PUT                                                         |
|Content-Type        |application/json                                            |

Request Body:

|Attribute                          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content       |Description                            |
|ManagedObject3gppServiceInstances  |M        |1          |allocateMOI   |Content of allocate3gppMOI object      |

ManagedObject3gppServiceInstances Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|attributes                    |List             |List of Slice Profile Attribute                                    |

SliceProfileList Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|plmnInfoList                  |List             |Contains plmnInfoList                                              |
|RANSliceSubnetProfile         |Object           |Contains RAN Attributes Object                                     |

plmnInfoList Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|plmnId                        |Object           |Contains plmnData                                                  |
|snssai                        |Object           |Contains snssai data                                               |

plmnId Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|mcc                           |integer          |Contains mcc value                                                 |
|mnc                           |integer          |Contains mcc value                                                 |

snssai Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|sst                           |string           |Contains sst                                                       |
|sd                            |string           |Contains sd                                                        |

RAN Attribute Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|coverageAreaTAList            |integer          |Contains coverageAreaTAList                                        |
|latency                       |integer          |desired latency of slice                                           |
|areaTrafficCapDL              |integer          |Contains areaTrafficCapDL                                          |
|resourceSharingLevel          |string           |describes slice sharing level                                      |
|serviceType                   |string           |describes serviceType                                              |
|maxNumberofUEs                |integer          |describes maxNumberofUEs                                           |


|Attribute                |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content          |Description                                |
|requestReferences        |M        |1          |Response Object  |Content of Response object.                |

Response Object

|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
|requestId          |M        |1          |String                    |Request Id.                                |
|requestDetails     |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Type of the request.                       |
|instanceId         |M        |1          |requestStatus Object      |Type of the request.                       |

Terminate/Deallocate a MOI

|Interface Definition|Description                                                 |
|URI                 |onap/so/infra/moi/api/rest/v1/NetworkSliceSubnet/$NSSID     |
|Operation Type      |DELETE                                                      |
|Content-Type        |application/json                                            |

Request Body:

|Attribute                          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content       |Description                            |
|ManagedObject3gppServiceInstances  |M        |1          |deleteMOI     |Content of deleteMOI object            |

ManagedObject3gppServiceInstances Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|attributes                    |List             |List of Slice Profile Attribute                                    |

SliceProfileList Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|sliceProfileId                |string           |slice profile id to be deleted                                     |


|Attribute                |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content          |Description                                |
|requestReferences        |M        |1          |Response Object  |Content of Response object.                |

Response Object

|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
|requestId          |M        |1          |String                    |Request Id.                                |
|requestDetails     |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Type of the request.                       |
|instanceId         |M        |1          |requestStatus Object      |Type of the request.                       |

Modify a 3GPP service instance
|Interface Definition|Description                                                 |
|URI                 |onap/so/infra/moi/api/rest/v1/NetworkSliceSubnet/$NSSID     |
|Operation Type      |PATCH                                                       |
|Content-Type        |application/json                                            |

Request Body:

|Attribute                          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content       |Description                            |
|ManagedObject3gppServiceInstances  |M        |1          |modifyMOI     |Content of modifyMOI object            |

ManagedObject3gppServiceInstances Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|attributes                    |List             |List of Slice Profile Attribute                                    |

SliceProfileList Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|sliceProfileId                |string           |slice profile id to be modify                                      |
|RANSliceSubnetProfile         |Object           |Contains RAN Attributes Object                                     |

RAN Attribute Object

|Attribute                     |Content          |Description                                                        |
|coverageAreaTAList            |integer          |Contains coverageAreaTAList                                        |
|latency                       |integer          |desired latency of slice                                           |
|areaTrafficCapDL              |integer          |Contains areaTrafficCapDL                                          |
|resourceSharingLevel          |string           |describes slice sharing level                                      |
|serviceType                   |string           |describes serviceType                                              |
|maxNumberofUEs                |integer          |describes maxNumberofUEs                                           |


|Attribute                |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content          |Description                                |
|requestReferences        |M        |1          |Response Object  |Content of Response object.                |

Response Object

|Attribute          |Qualifier|Cardinality|Content                   |Description                                |
|requestId          |M        |1          |String                    |Request Id.                                |
|requestDetails     |M        |1          |requestDetails Object     |Type of the request.                       |
|instanceId         |M        |1          |requestStatus Object      |Type of the request.                       |