/* * This file was automatically generated by EvoSuite * Mon Nov 14 09:02:51 GMT 2016 */ package org.openecomp.mso.properties; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.evosuite.runtime.EvoAssertions.*; import org.evosuite.runtime.EvoRunner; import org.evosuite.runtime.EvoRunnerParameters; import org.evosuite.runtime.PrivateAccess; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; @RunWith(EvoRunner.class) @EvoRunnerParameters(mockJVMNonDeterminism = true, useVFS = true, useVNET = true, resetStaticState = true, useJEE = true) public class MsoPropertiesFactoryESTest { @Test(timeout = 4000) public void test0() throws Throwable { MsoPropertiesFactory msoPropertiesFactory0 = new MsoPropertiesFactory(); // Undeclared exception! try { msoPropertiesFactory0.changeMsoPropertiesFilePath((String) null, "Unable to load the MSO properties file because format is not recognized (only .json or .properties): "); fail("Expecting exception: NullPointerException"); } catch(NullPointerException e) { // // no message in exception (getMessage() returned null) // } } @Test(timeout = 4000) public void test1() throws Throwable { MsoPropertiesFactory msoPropertiesFactory0 = new MsoPropertiesFactory(); msoPropertiesFactory0.removeAllMsoProperties(); } @Test(timeout = 4000) public void test2() throws Throwable { MsoPropertiesFactory msoPropertiesFactory0 = new MsoPropertiesFactory(); try { msoPropertiesFactory0.getMsoJavaProperties("iz/`I"); fail("Expecting exception: Exception"); } catch(Exception e) { // // Mso properties not found in cache:iz/`I // verifyException("org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoPropertiesFactory", e); } } @Test(timeout = 4000) public void test3() throws Throwable { MsoPropertiesFactory msoPropertiesFactory0 = new MsoPropertiesFactory(); MsoPropertiesParameters msoPropertiesParameters0 = new MsoPropertiesParameters(); try { PrivateAccess.callMethod((Class) MsoPropertiesFactory.class, msoPropertiesFactory0, "createObjectType", (Object) msoPropertiesParameters0, (Class) MsoPropertiesParameters.class, (Object) ":8nnlF[sGvCub6J", (Class) String.class); fail("Expecting exception: Exception"); } catch(Exception e) { // // Unable to load the MSO properties file because format is not recognized (only .json or .properties): :8nnlF[sGvCub6J // verifyException("org.openecomp.mso.properties.MsoPropertiesFactory", e); } } }