### # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # ECOMP MSO # ================================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= ### ######################################################################## #Resource key=Error Code|Message text|Resolution text |Description text ####### # {component}-{subcomponent}-{4-digit code}{classification} #Newlines can be utilized to add some clarity ensuring continuing line #has atleast one leading space #ResourceKey=\ # ERR0000E\ # Sample error msg txt\ # Sample resolution msg\ # Sample description txt # ####### #Error code classification category #1200-1299 Security/Permission Related #2200-2299 Availability/Timeout Related #3200-3299 Data Access/Integrity Related #4200-4299 Schema Interface Type/Validation #5200-5299 Business/Flow Processing Related #6200-6299 Reserved \u2013 do not use #9200-9299 Unknown Errors # ###### #{classification} description # I = Information # W = Warning # E = Error # F = Fatal ######################################################################## RA_CREATE_STACK_TIMEOUT=\ MSO-RA-2200E|\ Create Stack - Polling timeout exceeded. cloud={0}, tenant={1}, stack={2}, status={3}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Create Stack timeout RA_DELETE_STACK_TIMEOUT=\ MSO-RA-2201E|\ Delete Stack - Polling timeout exceeded. cloud={0}, tenant={1}, stack={2}, status={3}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Delete Stack timeout RA_UPDATE_STACK_TIMEOUT=\ MSO-RA-2202E|\ Update Stack - Polling timeout exceeded. cloud={0}, tenant={1}, stack={2}, status={3}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Delete Stack timeout RA_MISSING_PARAM=\ MSO-RA-4200I|\ Missing Required parameter: {0}|\ No resolution needed|\ Mandatory Parameter Missing RA_PARSING_ERROR=\ MSO-RA-4201E|\ Error parsing file {0}|\ No resolution needed|\ Error parsing file RA_MARSHING_ERROR=\ MSO-RA-4202E|\ Error marshalling callback request with JaxB|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error marshalling callback request RA_PARSING_REQUEST_ERROR=\ MSO-RA-4203E|\ Error parsing request:{0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error parsing request RA_VLAN_PARSE=\ MSO-RA-4204E|\ Error parsing VLAN parameter in network stack {0}:{1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error parsing VLAN parameter in network stack RA_GENERAL_WARNING=\ MSO-RA-5201W|\ WARNING: {0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ General warning RA_AUDIT_EXEC=\ MSO-RA-5202I|\ Executing method: {0}. {1}|\ No resolution needed|\ Executing method RA_GENERAL_METRICS=\ MSO-RA-5205I|\ Executed method: {0}. {1}|\ No resolution needed|\ Generate information for Metric events RA_PROPERTIES_NOT_FOUND=\ MSO-RA-5206E|\ Properties file: {0} not found|\ Please verify whether properties file exist or readable|\ Properties file not found RA_LOAD_PROPERTIES_SUC=\ MSO-RA-5207I|\ Properties file loaded successfully from file {0}|\ No resolution needed|\ Properties file loaded successfully RA_PARAM_NOT_FOUND=\ MSO-RA-5208E|\ Attribute {0} not found in DB. For {1}={2}|\ No resolution needed|\ Attribute not found in DB RA_UNKOWN_PARAM=\ MSO-RA-5209E|\ Unknown {0}:{1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Unknown attribute RA_CONFIG_EXC=\ MSO-RA-5210E|\ Configuration error:{0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Configuration Error RA_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND=\ MSO-RA-5211E|\ Could not found configuration file:{0}|\ Please verify whether configuration file exist or readable|\ Configuration file not found RA_SEND_REQUEST_SDNC=\ MSO-RA-5212I|\ Sending request to SDNC:{0}|\ No resolution needed|\ Sending request to SDNC RA_RESPONSE_FROM_SDNC=\ MSO-RA-5213I|\ Response received from SDNC:{0}|\ No resolution needed|\ Response received from SDNC RA_CALLBACK_BPEL=\ MSO-RA-5218E|\ Callback to BPEL:{0} |\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Callback to BPEL RA_NETWORK_ALREADY_EXIST=\ MSO-RA-5240W|\ Network already exists: {0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Network already exists RA_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND=\ MSO-RA-5241E|\ Network doesn't exist: {0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Network doesn't exist RA_NETWORK_ORCHE_MODE_NOT_SUPPORT=\ MSO-RA-5243E|\ Network Type Orchestrated mode:{0} is not supported|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Network Type Orchestrated mode RA_ROLLBACK_NULL=\ MSO-RA-5249W|\ Rollback: No action to perform|\ No resolution needed|\ Rollback: No action to perform RA_ASYNC_ROLLBACK=\ MSO-RA-5251I|\ Async Rollback Network {0}|\ No resolution needed|\ Async Rollback Network RA_WSDL_NOT_FOUND=\ MSO-RA-5252E|\ Unable to find wsdl file {0} in classpath|\ No resolution needed|\ Unable to find wsdl file in classpath RA_CALLBACK_BPEL_COMPLETE=\ MSO-RA-5258I|\ Completed processing BPEL request|\ No resolution needed|\ Completed processing BPEL request RA_SDNC_MISS_CONFIG_PARAM=\ MSO-RA-5259E|\ Missing configuration for:{0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Missing configuration for RA_SDNC_INVALID_CONFIG=\ MSO-RA-5260W|\ Invalid configuration(most requests require atleast 3 params:method,timeout,action) for Key:{0} Value:{1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Invalid configuration RA_TENANT_NOT_FOUND=\ MSO-RA-5263E|\ Tenant not found: tenant={0}, cloudSiteId={1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Tenant not found RA_PRINT_URL=\ MSO-RA-5264I|\ {0} URL:{1}|\ No resolution needed|\ Log the URL RA_RECEIVE_SDNC_NOTIF=\ MSO-RA-5268I|\ Received SDNC Notification. XML:{0}|\ No resolution needed|\ Received SDNC Notification RA_INIT_SDNC_ADAPTER=\ MSO-RA-5269I|\ Initializing mso-sdnc-adapter|\ No resolution needed|\ Initializing mso-sdnc-adapter RA_RECEIVE_BPEL_REQUEST=\ MSO-RA-5270I|\ BPEL request received [{0}] with callback URL [{1}]|\ No resolution needed|\ BPEL request received RA_SEND_REQUEST_SDNC_ERR=\ MSO-RA-5271E|\ Error sending request to SDNC. Failed to start SDNC Client thread|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error sending request to SDNC RA_TENANT_ALREADY_EXIST=\ MSO-RA-5272E|\ Tenant {0} already exists in {1}|\ No resolution needed|\ Tenant alaredy exists RA_SEND_REQUEST_APPC_ERR=\ MSO-RA-5273E|\ Error sending request to APPC|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error sending request to APPC RA_VNF_ALREADY_EXIST=\ MSO-RA-5275E|\ Stack {0} already exists in {1}/{2}|\ No resolution needed|\ VNF already exists RA_VNF_UNKNOWN_PARAM=\ MSO-RA-5276E|\ Unknown {0}:{1}|\ No resolution needed|\ Uknown parameter RA_VNF_EXTRA_PARAM=\ MSO-RA-5277E|\ Create Stack ({0}) extra input params received:{1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Extra input params received RA_VNF_NOT_EXIST=\ MSO-RA-5278E|\ Stack {0} does not exist in {1}/{2}|\ No resolution needed|\ Stack does not exist RA_ASYNC_CREATE_VNF=\ MSO-RA-5282I|\ Async Create VNF :{0} of type {1} in {2}/{3}|\ No resolution needed|\ Async Create VNF RA_SEND_VNF_NOTIF_ERR=\ MSO-RA-5283E|\ Error sending createVnf notification|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error sending createVnf notification RA_ASYNC_CREATE_VNF_COMPLETE=\ MSO-RA-5284I|\ Completed createVnfA|\ No resolution needed|\ Completed createVnfA RA_ASYNC_UPDATE_VNF=\ MSO-RA-5285I|\ Async Update VNF :{0} of type {1} in {2}/{3}|\ No resolution needed|\ Async Update VNF RA_ASYNC_UPDATE_VNF_COMPLETE=\ MSO-RA-5286I|\ Completed updateVnfA|\ No resolution needed|\ Completed updateVnfA RA_ASYNC_QUERY_VNF=\ MSO-RA-5287I|\ Async Query VNF :{0} of type {1} in {2}/{3}|\ No resolution needed|\ Async Query VNF RA_ASYNC_QUERY_VNF_COMPLETE=\ MSO-RA-5288I|\ Completed queryVnfA|\ No resolution needed|\ Completed queryVnfA RA_ASYNC_DELETE_VNF=\ MSO-RA-5289I|\ Async Delete VNF :{0} of type {1} in {2}/{3}|\ No resolution needed|\ Async Delete VNF RA_ASYNC_DELETE_VNF_COMPLETE=\ MSO-RA-5290I|\ Completed deleteVnfA|\ No resolution needed|\ Completed deleteVnfA RA_ASYNC_ROLLBACK_VNF=\ MSO-RA-5291I|\ Async Rollback VNF|\ No resolution needed|\ Async Rollback VNF RA_ASYNC_ROLLBACK_VNF_COMPLETE=\ MSO-RA-5292I|\ Completed rollbackVnfA|\ No resolution needed|\ Completed rollbackVnfA RA_DB_INVALID_STATUS=\ MSO-RA-5293E|\ Invalid status value|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Invalid status value RA_DB_REQUEST_NOT_EXIST=\ MSO-RA-5294E|\ Request ID={0} does not exist in DB|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Record does not exist in DB RA_CANT_UPDATE_REQUEST=\ MSO-RA-5295E|\ Enable to update {0} in DB for Request ID={1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Enable to update DB RA_CONFIG_LOAD=\ MSO-RA-5296I|\ Configuration loaded from {0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Configuration loaded \ RA_RECEIVE_WORKFLOW_MESSAGE=\ MSO-RA-5297I|\ Received Workflow Message: {0}|\ No resolution needed|\ Received Workflow Message RA_GENERAL_EXCEPTION_ARG=\ MSO-RA-9200E|\ Exception: {0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ General exception with reason RA_GENERAL_EXCEPTION=\ MSO-RA-9201E|\ Exception encountered|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception encountered RA_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION=\ MSO-RA-9202E|\ Exception communicating with {0}: {1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Communication Exception RA_EXCEPTION_COMMUNICATE_SDNC=\ MSO-RA-9203E|\ Exception while processing request to SDNC|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception while processing request to SDNC RA_EVALUATE_XPATH_ERROR=\ MSO-RA-9204E|\ Error while evaluating xpath {0} - {1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error while evaluating xpath RA_ANALYZE_ERROR_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9205E|\ Problem analyzing error returned by SDN-C|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Problem analyzing error returned by SDN-C RA_ERROR_GET_RESPONSE_SDNC=\ MSO-RA-9206E|\ Error getting response code from errored SDNC request|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error getting response code from errored SDNC request RA_INIT_CALLBACK_WSDL_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9207E|\ Caught exception initializing Callback wsdl:{0} |\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Caught exception initializing Callback wsdl RA_CREATE_STACK_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9208E|\ Create Stack Error: {0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Create Stack Error RA_UPDATE_STACK_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9209E|\ Update Stack Error - Polling complete with non-success status: {0}, {1}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Update Stack Error RA_UPDATE_NETWORK_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9210E|\ Exception while update network, {0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info |\ Update Network Error RA_QUERY_NETWORK_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9211E|\ Exception while query network: {0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception while query network: RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9212E|\ Exception while create network: {0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Create Network Error RA_DELETE_NETWORK_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9213E|\ Exception while delete network: {0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ delete Network Error RA_CREATE_NETWORK_NOTIF_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9214E|\ Error sending createNetwork notification|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error sending createNetwork notification RA_WSDL_URL_CONVENTION_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9215E|\ {0} URL converion failed|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ WSDL URL converion failed RA_INIT_NOTIF_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9216E|\ Caught exception initializing Notification Url|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Caught exception initializing Notification Url RA_SET_CALLBACK_AUTH_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9217E|\ Unable to set authorization in callback request|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Unable to set authorization in callback request RA_FAULT_INFO_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9218E|\ Exception caught while getting fault info|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception caught while getting fault info RA_CALLBACK_BPEL_EXC=\ MSO-RA-9219E|\ Error sending BPEL Callback request|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error sending BPEL Callback request RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9220E|\ Create Tenant Error: {0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Create Tenant Error RA_DELETE_TEMAMT_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9221E|\ Delete Tenant Error: {0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Delete Tenant Error RA_ERROR_CREATE_SDNC_REQUEST=\ MSO-RA-9222E|\ Error creating SDNC request|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error creating SDNC request RA_ERROR_CREATE_SDNC_RESPONSE=\ MSO-RA-9223E|\ Error creating SDNC response|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Error creating SDNC response RA_ERROR_CONVERT_XML2STR=\ MSO-RA-9224E|\ Error converting xml Document to String|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info |\ Error converting xml Document to String RA_UPDATE_TENANT_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9225E|\ Update Tenant Error: {0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Update Tenant Error RA_ROLLBACK_TENANT_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9226E|\ Rollback Tenant Error: {0}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Rollback Tenant Error RA_QUERY_VNF_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9227E|\ Exception while query VNF:{0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception while query VNF RA_UPDATE_VNF_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9228E|\ Exception while update VNF:{0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception while update VNF RA_DELETE_VNF_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9229E|\ Exception while delete VNF:{0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception while delete VNF RA_CREATE_VNF_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9230E|\ Exception while create VNF:{0} in {1}/{2}|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception while create VNF RA_ROLLBACK_VNF_ERR=\ MSO-RA-9231E|\ Exception while rollback VNF|\ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\ Exception while rollback VNF