	"swagger": "2.0",
	"info": {
		"version": "2018.08.01",
		"title": "networkelementnamegenprodtest Service"
	"basePath": "/web",
	"paths": {
		"/service/v1/addPolicy": {
			"post": {
				"summary": "Respond Hello <name>!",
				"description": "Returns a JSON object with a string to say hello. Uses 'world' if a name is not specified",
				"operationId": "addPolicyToDB",
				"produces": [
				"responses": {
					"200": {
						"description": "successful operation",
						"schema": {
							"type": "object",
							"additionalProperties": {
								"type": "object"
					"404": {
						"description": "Service not available"
					"500": {
						"description": "Unexpected Runtime error"
		"/service/v1/genNetworkElementName": {
			"post": {
				"summary": "Generates name",
				"description": "Generates network element name based on a naming policy1 ",
				"operationId": "generateNetworkElementName",
				"produces": [
				"parameters": [
						"in": "body",
						"name": "body",
						"required": true,
						"schema": {
							"$ref": "#/definitions/NameGenRequest"
				"responses": {
					"200": {
						"description": "successful operation",
						"schema": {
							"$ref": "#/definitions/NameGenResponse"
					"404": {
						"description": "Service not available"
					"500": {
						"description": "Unexpected Runtime error"
			"delete": {
				"summary": "Release an existing name by external key",
				"description": "Release network element name ",
				"operationId": "releaseNetworkElementName",
				"produces": [
				],"parameters": [ 
						"in": "body",
						"name": "body",
						"required": true,
						"schema": {
							"$ref": "#/definitions/NameGenDeleteRequest"
				"responses": {
					"200": {
						"description": "successful operation",
						"schema": {
							"$ref": "#/definitions/NameGenDeleteResponse"
					"404": {
						"description": "Service not available"
					"500": {
						"description": "Unexpected Runtime error"
		"/service/v1/getpolicyresponse/{policyName}": {
			"get": {
				"summary": "Respond Hello <name>!",
				"description": "Returns a JSON object with a string to say hello. Uses 'world' if a name is not specified",
				"operationId": "getPolicyResponse",
				"produces": [
				"responses": {
					"200": {
						"description": "successful operation",
						"schema": {
							"type": "object",
							"additionalProperties": {
								"type": "object"
					"404": {
						"description": "Service not available"
					"500": {
						"description": "Unexpected Runtime error"
	"definitions": {
		"HelloWorld": {
			"type": "object",
			"properties": {
				"message": {
					"type": "string"
		"NameGenRequest": {
			"title": "NameGenRequest",
			"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
			"type": "object",
			"required": [
			"properties": {
				"elements": {
					"type": "array",
					"items": {
						"$ref": "#/definitions/element"
			"additionalProperties": false,
			"definitions": {
				"element": {
					"type": "object",
					"required": [
					"properties": {
						"resource-name": {
							"type": "string",
							"description": "Name of the resource"
						"resource-value": {
							"type": "string",
							"description": "Optional. If given, request will be considered as update request"
						"external-key": {
							"type": "string",
							"description": "Key identifier for generated name. This will be used in release/update request"
						"policy-instance-name": {
							"type": "string",
							"description": "Name of the policy to be used for name generation"
						"naming-type": {
							"type": "string",
							"description": "Naming type of the resource"
					"additionalProperties": {
						"type": "string"
		"NameGenResponse": {
			"type": "object",
			  "description":"Response with generated names for each naming type. Either elements(one or more) or an error block will be present",
			  "properties": {
				"elements" : {
					"items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/respelement" }
				"error" : {
			        "required": ["errorId", "message"],
						"errorId":{"type":"string" , "description":"error code"},
						"message": {"type":"string", "description":"error message"}
		"element": {
			"type": "object",
			"required": [
			"properties": {
				"resource-name": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "Name of the resource"
				"resource-value": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "Optional. If given, request will be considered as update request"
				"external-key": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "Key identifier for generated name. This will be used in release/update request"
				"policy-instance-name": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "Name of the policy to be used for name generation"
				"naming-type": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "Naming type of the resource"
				"{naming-ingredients(zero or more)}": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "values to subsitute in the naming recipe"
			"additionalProperties": {
				"type": "string"
		"respelement": {
		"required": [ "resource-name","resource-value","external-key"],
		 "properties": {
           "resource-value": {
				"type": "string",
				"description": "Optional. If given, request will be considered as update request"
			"resource-name": {
				"type": "string",
				 "description": "Name of the resource"
			"external-key": { 
				"type": "string",
				"description": "Key identifier for generated name. This will be used in release/update request"
		"NameGenDeleteRequest": {
			"title": "NameGenRequest",
			"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
			"type": "object",
			"required": [
			"properties": {
				"elements": {
					"type": "array",
					"items": {
						"$ref": "#/definitions/deleteelement"
		"deleteelement": {
			"type": "object",
			"required": [ "external-key" ],
			"properties": {
				"external-key": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "External key of the name that is being released"
		},"NameGenDeleteResponse": {
			"title": "NameGenRequest",
			"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
			"type": "object",
			"required": [
			"properties": {
				"elements": {
					"type": "array",
					"items": {
						"$ref": "#/definitions/deleteresponseelement"
		"deleteresponseelement": {
			"type": "object",
			"required": [ "resource-value","resource_name","external-key" ],
			"properties": {
				"resource-value": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "Name that is being release"
				"resource-name": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "Resource Name"
				"external-key": {
					"type": "string",
					"description": "External key of the name that is being released"