/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * OPENECOMP - MSO * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package com.att.bpm.scripts import groovy.util.Node import groovy.util.XmlParser; import groovy.xml.QName import java.io.Serializable; import org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.BpmnError import org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.Execution import org.openecomp.mso.rest.APIResponse import org.openecomp.mso.rest.RESTClient import org.openecomp.mso.rest.RESTConfig import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.RollbackData import org.openecomp.mso.bpmn.core.WorkflowException public class CreateAAIVfModuleVolumeGroup extends AbstractServiceTaskProcessor { private XmlParser xmlParser = new XmlParser() /** * Initialize the flow's variables. * * @param execution The flow's execution instance. */ public void initProcessVariables(Execution execution) { execution.setVariable('prefix', 'CAAIVfModVG_') execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_vnfId', null) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_vfModuleId', null) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_aicCloudRegion', null) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_volumeGroupId', null) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponseCode' ,null) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponse', '') execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponseCode', null) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponse', '') } /** * Check for missing elements in the received request. * * @param execution The flow's execution instance. */ public void preProcessRequest(Execution execution) { def method = getClass().getSimpleName() + '.preProcessRequest(' + 'execution=' + execution.getId() + ')' def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled') logDebug('Entered ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) try { def xml = execution.getVariable('CreateAAIVfModuleVolumeGroupRequest') logDebug('Received request xml:\n' + xml, isDebugLogEnabled) initProcessVariables(execution) def vnfId = getRequiredNodeText(execution, xml,'vnf-id') execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_vnfId', vnfId) def vfModuleId = getRequiredNodeText(execution, xml,'vf-module-id') execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_vfModuleId', vfModuleId) def aicCloudRegion = getRequiredNodeText(execution, xml,'aic-cloud-region') execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_aicCloudRegion', aicCloudRegion) def volumeGroupId = getRequiredNodeText(execution, xml,'volume-group-id') execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_volumeGroupId', volumeGroupId) logDebug('Exited ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) } catch (BpmnError e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { logError('Caught exception in ' + method, e) createWorkflowException(execution, 1002, 'Error in preProcessRequest(): ' + e.getMessage()) } } /** * Using the received vnfId and vfModuleId, query AAI to get the corresponding VF Module. * A 200 response is expected with the VF Module in the response body. * * @param execution The flow's execution instance. */ public void getVfModule(Execution execution) { def method = getClass().getSimpleName() + '.getVfModule(' + 'execution=' + execution.getId() + ')' def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled') logDebug('Entered ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) try { def vnfId = execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_vnfId') def vfModuleId = execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_vfModuleId') // Construct endpoint AaiUtil aaiUtil = new AaiUtil(this) def aai_uri = aaiUtil.getNetworkGenericVnfUri(execution) logDebug('AAI URI is: ' + aai_uri, isDebugLogEnabled) String endPoint = execution.getVariable('URN_aai_endpoint') + aai_uri + '/' + URLEncoder.encode(vnfId, "UTF-8") + '/vf-modules/vf-module/' + URLEncoder.encode(vfModuleId, "UTF-8") try { logDebug('sending GET to AAI endpoint \'' + endPoint + '\'', isDebugLogEnabled) APIResponse response = aaiUtil.executeAAIGetCall(execution, endPoint) def responseData = response.getResponseBodyAsString() execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponseCode', response.getStatusCode()) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponse', responseData) logDebug('Response code:' + response.getStatusCode(), isDebugLogEnabled) logDebug('Response:' + System.lineSeparator() + responseData, isDebugLogEnabled) } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace() logDebug('Exception occurred while executing AAI GET:' + ex.getMessage(),isDebugLogEnabled) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponseCode', 500) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponse', 'AAI GET Failed:' + ex.getMessage()) } logDebug('Exited ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) } catch (BpmnError e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { logError('Caught exception in ' + method, e) createWorkflowException(execution, 1002, 'Error in getVfModule(): ' + e.getMessage()) } } /** * Construct and send a PUT request to AAI to update the VF Module with the * created Volume Group relationship. * * @param execution The flow's execution instance. */ public void updateVfModule(Execution execution) { def method = getClass().getSimpleName() + '.updateVfModule(' + 'execution=' + execution.getId() + ')' def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled') logDebug('Entered ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) try { def vnfId = execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_vnfId') def vfModuleId = execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_vfModuleId') def vfModule = execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponse') def origRequest = execution.getVariable('CreateAAIVfModuleVolumeGroupRequest') def Node vfModuleNode = xmlParser.parseText(vfModule) // Confirm resource-version is in retrieved VF Module if (utils.getChildNode(vfModuleNode, 'resource-version') == null) { def msg = 'Can\'t update VF Module ' + vfModuleId + ' since \'resource-version\' is missing' logError(msg) throw new Exception(msg) } // Construct payload by creating a Volume Group relationhip and inserting it into the VF Module def aicCloudRegion = execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_aicCloudRegion') def volumeGroupId = execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_volumeGroupId') def Node vgRelationshipNode = createVolumeGroupRelationshipNode(aicCloudRegion, volumeGroupId) insertVolumeGroupRelationshipNode(vfModuleNode, vgRelationshipNode) def payload = utils.nodeToString(vfModuleNode) // Construct endpoint AaiUtil aaiUtil = new AaiUtil(this) def aai_uri = aaiUtil.getNetworkGenericVnfUri(execution) logDebug('AAI URI is: ' + aai_uri, isDebugLogEnabled) String endPoint = execution.getVariable('URN_aai_endpoint') + aai_uri + '/' + URLEncoder.encode(vnfId, "UTF-8") + '/vf-modules/vf-module/' + URLEncoder.encode(vfModuleId, "UTF-8") try { logDebug('sending PUT to AAI endpoint \'' + endPoint + '\'' + 'with payload \n' + payload, isDebugLogEnabled) APIResponse response = aaiUtil.executeAAIPutCall(execution, endPoint, payload) def responseData = response.getResponseBodyAsString() execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponseCode', response.getStatusCode()) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponse', responseData) logDebug('Response code:' + response.getStatusCode(), isDebugLogEnabled) logDebug('Response:' + System.lineSeparator() + responseData, isDebugLogEnabled) } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace() logDebug('Exception occurred while executing AAI PUT:' + ex.getMessage(),isDebugLogEnabled) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponseCode', 500) execution.setVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponse', 'AAI PUT Failed:' + ex.getMessage()) } logDebug('Exited ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) } catch (BpmnError e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { logError('Caught exception in ' + method, e) createWorkflowException(execution, 1002, 'Error in updateVfModule(): ' + e.getMessage()) } } /** * Construct a Volume Group relationship Node with the given AIC Cloud Region and * Volume Group ID for insertion into a VF Module. * * @param aicCloudRegion Cloud Region ID to use in the Volume Group relationship * @param volumeGroupId Volume Group ID to use in the Volume Group relationship * @return a Node representing the new Volume Group relationship */ private Node createVolumeGroupRelationshipNode(String aicCloudRegion, String volumeGroupId) { def Node relatedTo = new Node(null, 'related-to', 'volume-group') def Node relationshipKeyCO = new Node(null, 'relationship-key', 'cloud-region.cloud-owner') def Node relationshipValueCO = new Node(null, 'relationship-value', 'att-aic') def Node relationshipDataCO = new Node(null, 'relationship-data') relationshipDataCO.append(relationshipKeyCO) relationshipDataCO.append(relationshipValueCO) def Node relationshipKeyCRI = new Node(null, 'relationship-key', 'cloud-region.cloud-region-id') def Node relationshipValueCRI = new Node(null, 'relationship-value', aicCloudRegion) def Node relationshipDataCRI = new Node(null, 'relationship-data') relationshipDataCRI.append(relationshipKeyCRI) relationshipDataCRI.append(relationshipValueCRI) def Node relationshipKeyVGI = new Node(null, 'relationship-key', 'volume-group.volume-group-id') def Node relationshipValueVGI = new Node(null, 'relationship-value', volumeGroupId) def Node relationshipDataVGI = new Node(null, 'relationship-data') relationshipDataVGI.append(relationshipKeyVGI) relationshipDataVGI.append(relationshipValueVGI) def Node volumeGroupRelationship = new Node(null, 'relationship') volumeGroupRelationship.append(relatedTo) volumeGroupRelationship.append(relationshipDataCO) volumeGroupRelationship.append(relationshipDataCRI) volumeGroupRelationship.append(relationshipDataVGI) return volumeGroupRelationship; } /** * Insert the given Volume Group relationship Node into the given VF Module. * If the VF Module does NOT contain a relationship list: * - Create a relationship list containing the Volume Group relationship and insert it into the VF Module * If the VF Module contains a relationship list but not a Volume Group relationship: * - Insert the the Volume Group relationship into the relationship lsit * If the VF Module contains a relationship list and has a Volume Group relationship: * - Replace the existing Volume Group relationship with the new one * @param vfModuleNode * @param volumeGroupRelationshipNode */ private void insertVolumeGroupRelationshipNode(Node vfModuleNode, Node volumeGroupRelationshipNode) { def Node relationshipList = utils.getChildNode(vfModuleNode, 'relationship-list') if (relationshipList == null) { relationshipList = new Node(null, 'relationship-list') relationshipList.append(volumeGroupRelationshipNode) vfModuleNode.append(relationshipList) } else { def Node currVolumeGroupRelationshipNode = getCurrVolumeGroupRelationshipNode(relationshipList) if (currVolumeGroupRelationshipNode == null) { relationshipList.append(volumeGroupRelationshipNode) } else { currVolumeGroupRelationshipNode.replaceNode(volumeGroupRelationshipNode) } } } /** * Find and return the value of the Volume Group ID for the specified VF Module. If * the value of the Volume Group ID cannot be found for any reason, 'null' is returned. * * @param vfModuleNode VF Module (as a Node) retrieved from AAI. * @return the value of the Volume Group ID for the specified VF Module. If the * value of the Volume Group ID cannot be found for any reason, 'null' is returned. */ private Node getCurrVolumeGroupRelationshipNode(Node relationshipList) { def Node currVolumeGroupRelationshipNode = null def NodeList relationships = utils.getIdenticalChildren(relationshipList, 'relationship') for (Node relationshipNode in relationships) { def String relatedTo = utils.getChildNodeText(relationshipNode, 'related-to') if ((relatedTo != null) && relatedTo.equals('volume-group')) { currVolumeGroupRelationshipNode = relationshipNode } } return currVolumeGroupRelationshipNode } /** * Generates a WorkflowException if the AAI query returns a response code other than 200. * * @param execution The flow's execution instance. */ public void handleAAIQueryFailure(Execution execution) { def method = getClass().getSimpleName() + '.handleAAIQueryFailure(' + 'execution=' + execution.getId() + ')' def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled') logDebug('Entered ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) logError('Error occurred attempting to query AAI, Response Code ' + execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponseCode') + ', Error Response ' + execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponse')) ExceptionUtil exceptionUtil = new ExceptionUtil() exceptionUtil.buildWorkflowException(execution, 5000, execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_getVfModuleResponse')) logDebug('Exited ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) } /** * Generates a WorkflowException if updating a VF Module in AAI returns a response code other than 200. * * @param execution The flow's execution instance. */ public void handleUpdateVfModuleFailure(Execution execution) { def method = getClass().getSimpleName() + '.handleUpdateVfModuleFailure(' + 'execution=' + execution.getId() + ')' def isDebugLogEnabled = execution.getVariable('isDebugLogEnabled') logDebug('Entered ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) logError('Error occurred attempting to update VF Module in AAI, Response Code ' + execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponseCode') + ', Error Response ' + execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponse')) ExceptionUtil exceptionUtil = new ExceptionUtil() exceptionUtil.buildWorkflowException(execution, 5000, execution.getVariable('CAAIVfModVG_updateVfModuleResponse')) logDebug('Exited ' + method, isDebugLogEnabled) } }