heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: HOT creates Nimbus MSP VMT stack under MobiSupport Tenant parameters: vmt_name_0: type: string label: MSP VMT server names description: name of the MSP VMT instances # vmt_image_name: # type: string # label: MSP VMT image name # description: MSP VMT image name vmt_flavor_name: type: string label: MSP VMT flavor name description: MSP VMT flavor name # availability_zone_0: # type: string # label: MSP VMT availability zones # description: MSP VMT availability zones sec_grp_msp_id: type: string label: security group id description: the id of security group vmt_oam_protected_ip_0: type: string label: MSP VMT OAM IP Addresses description: MSP VMT OAM IP Addresses oam_protected_net_name: type: string label: MSP VMT OAM net name description: MSP VMT OAM net name vmt_block_device_names: type: comma_delimited_list label: MSP VMT Block Device Names description: MSP VMT Block Device Names vmt_volume_name_0: type: string label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names vmt_volume_name_1: type: string label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume names vmt_volume_size_0: type: number label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes vmt_volume_size_1: type: number label: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes description: Mobisupport MSP VMT Cinder Volume sizes vmt_volume_image_name_0: type: string label: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDA Cinder Volume image name description: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDA Cinder Volume image name vmt_volume_image_name_1: type: string label: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDB Cinder Volume image name description: Mobisupport MSP VMT VDB Cinder Volume image name cinder_delete_on_termination_true: type: boolean description: delete cinder volume upon instances termination cinder_delete_on_termination_false: type: boolean description: keep cinder volume upon instances termination vnf_id: type: string label: MSP VMT VNF ID description: MSP VMT VNF ID vf_module_id: type: string description: Unique ID for this VF Module instance resources: ################ Cinder Volumes ############################## vmt_volume_0: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: {get_param: vmt_volume_name_0} size: {get_param: vmt_volume_size_0} image: {get_param: vmt_volume_image_name_0} vmt_volume_1: type: OS::Cinder::Volume properties: name: {get_param: vmt_volume_name_1} size: {get_param: vmt_volume_size_1} image: {get_param: vmt_volume_image_name_1} ################ Ports ############################## vmt_oam_protected_0_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_param: oam_protected_net_name} fixed_ips: [{"ip_address": {get_param: vmt_oam_protected_ip_0}}] security_groups: [{get_param: sec_grp_msp_id}] replacement_policy: AUTO ################### Servers ######################### vmt_zrdm5bpxmc02vmt_0: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: name: {get_param: vmt_name_0} # image: {get_param: vmt_image_name} flavor: {get_param: vmt_flavor_name} # availability_zone: {get_param: availability_zone_0} block_device_mapping_v2: - device_name: {get_param: [vmt_block_device_names, 0]} volume_id: {get_resource: vmt_volume_0} delete_on_termination: {get_param: cinder_delete_on_termination_true} boot_index: 0 - device_name: {get_param: [vmt_block_device_names, 1]} volume_id: {get_resource: vmt_volume_1} delete_on_termination: {get_param: cinder_delete_on_termination_true} boot_index: -1 networks: - port: {get_resource: vmt_oam_protected_0_port} config_drive: "True" user_data_format: RAW user_data: get_file: user_data_zrdm5bpxmc02vmt001.txt metadata: vnf_id: {get_param: vnf_id} vf_module_id {get_param: vf_module_id} "evacuation_policy": "Evacuation"