######### # Copyright (c) 2014 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. import mock import random import string import unittest from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError from cloudify.context import BootstrapContext from cloudify.mocks import MockCloudifyContext import openstack_plugin_common as common import openstack_plugin_common.tests.test as common_test import neutron_plugin import neutron_plugin.network import neutron_plugin.port import neutron_plugin.router import neutron_plugin.security_group class ResourcesRenamingTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): neutron_plugin.port._find_network_in_related_nodes = mock.Mock() # *** Configs from files ******************** common.Config.get = mock.Mock() common.Config.get.return_value = {} # *** Neutron ******************** self.neutron_mock = mock.Mock() def neutron_mock_connect(unused_self, unused_cfg): return self.neutron_mock common.NeutronClient.connect = neutron_mock_connect self.neutron_mock.cosmo_list = mock.Mock() self.neutron_mock.cosmo_list.return_value = [] def _setup_ctx(self, obj_type): ctx = common_test.create_mock_ctx_with_provider_info( node_id='__cloudify_id_something_001', properties={ obj_type: { 'name': obj_type + '_name', }, 'rules': [] # For security_group } ) return ctx def _test(self, obj_type): ctx = self._setup_ctx(obj_type) attr = getattr(self.neutron_mock, 'create_' + obj_type) attr.return_value = { obj_type: { 'id': obj_type + '_id', } } getattr(neutron_plugin, obj_type).create(ctx) calls = attr.mock_calls self.assertEquals(len(calls), 1) # Exactly one object created # Indexes into call[]: # 0 - the only call # 1 - regular arguments # 0 - first argument arg = calls[0][1][0] self.assertEquals(arg[obj_type]['name'], 'p2_' + obj_type + '_name') def test_network(self): self._test('network') def test_port(self): self._test('port') def test_router(self): self._test('router') def test_security_group(self): self._test('security_group') # Network chosen arbitrary for this test. # Just testing something without prefix. def test_network_no_prefix(self): ctx = self._setup_ctx('network') for pctx in common_test.BOOTSTRAP_CONTEXTS_WITHOUT_PREFIX: ctx._bootstrap_context = BootstrapContext(pctx) self.neutron_mock.create_network.reset_mock() self.neutron_mock.create_network.return_value = { 'network': { 'id': 'network_id', } } neutron_plugin.network.create(ctx) calls = self.neutron_mock.create_network.mock_calls self.assertEquals(len(calls), 1) # Exactly one network created # Indexes into call[]: # 0 - the only call # 1 - regular arguments # 0 - first argument arg = calls[0][1][0] self.assertEquals(arg['network']['name'], 'network_name', "Failed with context: " + str(pctx)) def _rand_str(n): chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(n)) class SecurityGroupTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # *** Configs from files ******************** common.Config.get = mock.Mock() common.Config.get.return_value = {} # *** Neutron ******************** self.neutron_mock = mock.Mock() def neutron_mock_connect(unused_self, unused_cfg): return self.neutron_mock common.NeutronClient.connect = neutron_mock_connect neutron_plugin.security_group._rules_for_sg_id = mock.Mock() neutron_plugin.security_group._rules_for_sg_id.return_value = [] def _setup_ctx(self): sg_name = _rand_str(6) + '_new' ctx = MockCloudifyContext(properties={ 'security_group': { 'name': sg_name, 'description': 'blah' }, 'rules': [{'port': 80}], 'disable_default_egress_rules': True, }) return ctx def test_sg_new(self): ctx = self._setup_ctx() self.neutron_mock.cosmo_list = mock.Mock() self.neutron_mock.cosmo_list.return_value = [] self.neutron_mock.create_security_group = mock.Mock() self.neutron_mock.create_security_group.return_value = { 'security_group': { 'description': 'blah', 'id': ctx['security_group']['name'] + '_id', } } neutron_plugin.security_group.create(ctx) self.assertTrue(self.neutron_mock.create_security_group.mock_calls) def test_sg_use_existing(self): ctx = self._setup_ctx() self.neutron_mock.cosmo_list = mock.Mock() self.neutron_mock.cosmo_list.return_value = [{ 'id': ctx['security_group']['name'] + '_existing_id', 'description': 'blah', 'security_group_rules': [{ 'remote_group_id': None, 'direction': 'ingress', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'port_range_max': 80, 'port_range_min': 80, 'remote_ip_prefix': '', }] }] self.neutron_mock.create_security_group = mock.Mock() self.neutron_mock.create_security_group.return_value = { 'security_group': { 'description': 'blah', 'id': ctx['security_group']['name'] + '_id', } } neutron_plugin.security_group.create(ctx) self.assertFalse(self.neutron_mock.create_security_group.mock_calls) def test_sg_use_existing_with_other_rules(self): ctx = self._setup_ctx() self.neutron_mock.cosmo_list = mock.Mock() self.neutron_mock.cosmo_list.return_value = [{ 'id': ctx['security_group']['name'] + '_existing_id', 'description': 'blah', 'security_group_rules': [{ 'remote_group_id': None, 'direction': 'ingress', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'port_range_max': 81, # Note the different port! 'port_range_min': 81, # Note the different port! 'remote_ip_prefix': '', }] }] self.neutron_mock.create_security_group = mock.Mock() self.neutron_mock.create_security_group.return_value = { 'security_group': { 'description': 'blah', 'id': ctx['security_group']['name'] + '_id', } } self.assertRaises( NonRecoverableError, neutron_plugin.security_group.create, ctx ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()