# will be used as entry in DB to say SITE OFF/ON for healthcheck security: basic: enabled: false server: port: 8080 tomcat: max-threads: 50 ssl-enable: false mso: adapters: requestDb: auth: Basic YnBlbDptc28tZGItMTUwNyE= endpoint: http://localhost:8081 logPath: logs site-name: localSite infra-requests: archived: period: 0 spring: datasource: jdbc-url: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3307/requestdb username: root password: password driver-class-name: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver initialize: true initialization-mode: never jpa: generate-ddl: false show-sql: false hibernate: ddl-auto: validate naming-strategy: org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy enable-lazy-load-no-trans: true database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect security: usercredentials: - username: bpel password: '$2a$12$1xyutEZNfjGewIZRfKaE8eZE99f5sYFUmmM80BobI65KNjmcK0JuO' role: BPEL-Client - username: mso_admin password: '$2a$12$tidKuu.h88E2nuL95pTVY.ZOYMN/1dp29A9b1o.0GFDsVVSYlMkHa' role: ACTUATOR mariaDB4j: dataDir: port: 3307 databaseName: requestdb management: endpoints: web: base-path: /manage server: servlet: context-path: /manage metrics: se-global-registry: false export: prometheus: enabled: true # Whether exporting of metrics to Prometheus is enabled. step: 1m # Step size (i.e. reporting frequency) to use. flyway: baseline-on-migrate: false jdbc-url: jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3307/requestdb user: root password: password