.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2018 Huawei Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. .. _release_notes: Service Orchestrator ETSI SOL003 Adapter Release Notes ======================================================= The SO provides the highest level of service orchestration in the ONAP architecture. ETSI SOL003 adapter is the adapter to interact with the external ETSI VNFM through the ETSI SOL003 standard interfaces. ============= Release Notes ============= Version: 1.8.1 ============== :Release Date: 2021-02-24 SO Release Image Versions -------------------------- - so/so-etsi-sol003-adapter :Version: 1.8.1 Release Purpose ---------------- SO Honolulu Release **Epics** **Stories** **Tasks** **Bug Fixes** Security Notes -------------- *Fixed Security Issues* *Known Security Issues* *Known Vulnerabilities in Used Modules* Quick Links: - `SO project page `__ - `Passing Badge information for SDC `__ **Known Issues** **Upgrade Notes** N/A **Deprecation Notes** SO modules Ve-Vnfm-adapter and appc-orchestrator are deprectaed for the Guilin release. **Other** N/A ***************************************************************************************