module ietf-te { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-te"; /* Replace with IANA when assigned */ prefix "te"; /* Import TE generic types */ import ietf-te-types { prefix te-types; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } organization "IETF Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling (TEAS) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: <> WG List: <> WG Chair: Lou Berger <> WG Chair: Vishnu Pavan Beeram <> Editor: Tarek Saad <> Editor: Rakesh Gandhi <> Editor: Vishnu Pavan Beeram <> Editor: Himanshu Shah <> Editor: Xufeng Liu <> Editor: Igor Bryskin <>"; description "YANG data module for TE configuration, state, RPC and notifications."; revision "2018-03-03" { description "Latest update to TE generic YANG module."; reference "TBA"; } typedef tunnel-ref { type leafref { path "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:name"; } description "This type is used by data models that need to reference configured TE tunnel."; } /**** TODO: FIXME Hesam typedef path-ref { type union { type leafref { path "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:p2p-primary-paths/te:p2p-primary-path/te:name"; } type leafref { path "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/" + "te:p2p-secondary-paths/te:p2p-secondary-path/te:name"; } } description "This type is used by data models that need to reference configured primary or secondary path of a TE tunnel."; } ***** TODO****/ typedef tunnel-p2mp-ref { type leafref { path "/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel-p2mp/te:name"; } description "This type is used by data models that need to reference configured P2MP TE tunnel."; reference "RFC4875"; } /** * TE tunnel generic groupings */ grouping path-affinities-contents_config { description "Path affinities constraints grouping"; reference "RFC3630 and RFC5305"; leaf usage { type identityref { base te-types:resource-affinities-type; } description "Affinities usage"; } choice style { description "Path affinities representation style"; case value { leaf value { type te-types:admin-groups; description "Bitmap indicating what bits are of significance"; } } case named { list affinity-names { key "name"; leaf name { type string; description "Affinity name"; } description "List of named affinities"; } } } } grouping path-affinities { description "Path affinities grouping"; container path-affinities { description "Path affinities container"; list constraints { key "usage"; description "List of named affinity constraints"; uses path-affinities-contents_config; } } } grouping path-srlgs-values_config { description "Path SRLG values properties grouping"; reference "RFC4203 and RFC5307"; leaf usage { type identityref { base te-types:route-exclude-srlg; } description "SRLG usage"; } leaf-list values { type te-types:srlg; description "SRLG value"; reference "RFC4203 and RFC5307"; } } grouping path-srlgs { description "Path SRLG properties grouping"; container path-srlgs { description "Path SRLG properties container"; choice style { description "Type of SRLG representation"; case values { uses path-srlgs-values_config; } case named { container constraints { description "SRLG named constraints"; list constraint { key "usage"; leaf usage { type identityref { base te-types:route-exclude-srlg; } description "SRLG usage"; } container constraint { description "Container for named SRLG list"; list srlg-names { key "name"; leaf name { type string; description "The SRLG name"; } description "List named SRLGs"; } } description "List of named SRLG constraints"; } } } } } } grouping bidirectional-association_config { description "TE tunnel associated bidirectional leaves grouping"; reference "RFC7551"; leaf id { type uint16; description "The TE tunnel association identifier."; } leaf source { type inet:ip-address; description "The TE tunnel association source."; } leaf global-source { type inet:ip-address; description "The TE tunnel association global source."; } leaf type { type identityref { base te-types:bidir-association-type; } default te-types:bidir-assoc-non-corouted; description "The TE tunnel association type."; } leaf provisioning { type identityref { base te-types:bidir-provisioning-mode; } description "Describes the provisioning model of the associated bidirectional LSP"; reference "draft-ietf-teas-mpls-tp-rsvpte-ext- associated-lsp, section-3.2"; } } grouping bidir-assoc-properties { description "TE tunnel associated bidirectional properties grouping"; reference "RFC7551"; container bidirectional { description "TE tunnel associated bidirectional attributes."; container association { description "Tunnel bidirectional association properties"; uses bidirectional-association_config; } } } grouping p2p-reverse-primary-path-properties { description "tunnel path properties."; reference "RFC7551"; container p2p-reverse-primary-path { description "Tunnel reverse primary path properties"; uses p2p-path-reverse-properties_config; container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; uses p2p-path-properties_state; } container p2p-reverse-secondary-path { description "Tunnel reverse secondary path properties"; uses p2p-reverse-path-candidate-secondary-path-config; } } } grouping p2p-secondary-path-properties { description "tunnel path properties."; uses p2p-path-properties_config; uses protection-restoration-params_config; container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; uses p2p-path-properties_state; } } grouping p2p-primary-path-properties { description "TE tunnel primary path properties grouping"; uses hierarchical-link; uses p2p-path-properties_config; container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; uses p2p-path-properties_state; } } grouping path-properties_state { description "Computed path properties grouping"; leaf metric-type { type identityref { base te-types:path-metric-type; } description "TE path metric type"; } leaf accumulative-value { type uint64; description "TE path metric accumulative value"; } } grouping path-properties { description "TE computed path properties grouping"; container path-properties { description "The TE path computed properties"; list path-metric { key metric-type; description "TE path metric type"; leaf metric-type { type leafref { path "../state/metric-type"; } description "TE path metric type"; } container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; uses path-properties_state; } } uses path-affinities; uses path-srlgs; container path-route-objects { description "Container for the list of computed route objects as returned by the computation engine"; list path-computed-route-object { key index; description "List of computed route objects returned by the computation engine"; leaf index { type leafref { path "../state/index"; } description "Index of computed route object"; } container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; uses te-types:explicit-route-hop; } } } uses shared-resources-tunnels; } } grouping p2p-path-properties_state { description "TE per path state parameters"; uses path-properties { description "The TE path computed properties"; } container lsps { description "TE LSPs container"; list lsp { key "source destination tunnel-id lsp-id "+ "extended-tunnel-id"; description "List of LSPs associated with the tunnel."; uses lsp-properties_state; uses shared-resources-tunnels_state; uses lsp-record-route-information_state; uses path-properties { description "The TE path actual properties"; } } } } grouping p2p-path-properties-common_config { description "TE tunnel common path properties configuration grouping"; leaf name { type string; description "TE path name"; } leaf path-setup-protocol { type identityref { base te-types:path-signaling-type; } description "Signaling protocol used to set up this tunnel"; } leaf path-computation-method { type identityref { base te-types:path-computation-method; } default te-types:path-locally-computed; description "The method used for computing the path, either locally computed, queried from a server or not computed at all (explicitly configured)."; } leaf path-computation-server { when "../path-computation-method = "+ "'te-types:path-externally-queried'" { description "The path-computation server when the path is externally queried"; } type inet:ip-address; description "Address of the external path computation server"; } leaf compute-only { type empty; description "When set, the path is computed and updated whenever the topology is updated. No resources are committed or reserved in the network."; } leaf use-path-computation { when "../path-computation-method =" + " 'te-types:path-locally-computed'"; type boolean; description "A CSPF dynamically computed path"; } leaf lockdown { type empty; description "Indicates no reoptimization to be attempted for this path."; } leaf path-scope { type identityref { base te-types:path-scope-type; } default te-types:path-scope-end-to-end; description "Path scope if segment or an end-to-end path"; } } grouping p2p-path-reverse-properties_config { description "TE tunnel reverse path properties configuration grouping"; uses p2p-path-properties-common_config; uses path-constraints_config; uses te-types:generic-path-optimization; leaf named-path-constraint { if-feature te-types:named-path-constraints; type leafref { path "../../../../../../globals/" + "named-path-constraints/named-path-constraint/" + "name"; } description "Reference to a globally defined named path constraint set"; } } grouping p2p-path-properties_config { description "TE tunnel path properties configuration grouping"; uses p2p-path-properties-common_config; uses path-constraints_config; uses te-types:generic-path-optimization; leaf preference { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } description "Specifies a preference for this path. The lower the number higher the preference"; } leaf named-path-constraint { if-feature te-types:named-path-constraints; type leafref { path "../../../../../globals/" + "named-path-constraints/named-path-constraint/" + "name"; } description "Reference to a globally defined named path constraint set"; } } /* TE tunnel configuration data */ grouping tunnel-p2mp-params_config { description "Configuration parameters relating to TE tunnel"; leaf name { type string; description "TE tunnel name."; } leaf identifier { type uint16; description "TE tunnel Identifier."; } leaf description { type string; description "Textual description for this TE tunnel"; } } grouping hierarchical-link_config { description "Hierarchical link configuration grouping"; reference "RFC4206"; leaf local-te-node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "Local TE node identifier"; } leaf local-te-link-tp-id { type te-types:te-tp-id; description "Local TE link termination point identifier"; } leaf remote-te-node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "Remote TE node identifier"; } uses te-types:te-topology-identifier; } grouping hierarchical-link { description "Hierarchical link grouping"; reference "RFC4206"; container hierarchical-link { description "Identifies a hierarchical link (in client layer) that this tunnel is associated with."; uses hierarchical-link_config; } } grouping protection-restoration-params_state { description "Protection parameters grouping"; leaf lockout-of-normal { type boolean; description " When set to 'True', it represents a lockout of normal traffic external command. When set to 'False', it represents a clear lockout of normal traffic external command. The lockout of normal traffic command applies to this Tunnel. "; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } leaf freeze { type boolean; description " When set to 'True', it represents a freeze external command. When set to 'False', it represents a clear freeze external command. The freeze command command applies to all the Tunnels which are sharing the protection resources with this Tunnel. "; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } leaf lsp-protection-role { type enumeration { enum working { description "A working LSP must be a primary LSP whilst a protecting LSP can be either a primary or a secondary LSP. Also, known as protected LSPs when working LSPs are associated with protecting LSPs."; } enum protecting { description "A secondary LSP is an LSP that has been provisioned in the control plane only; e.g. resource allocation has not been committed at the data plane"; } } description "LSP role type"; reference "rfc4872, section 4.2.1"; } leaf lsp-protection-state { type identityref { base te-types:lsp-protection-state; } description "The state of the APS state machine controlling which tunnels is using the resources of the protecting LSP."; } leaf protection-group-ingress-node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "Indicates the te-node-id of the protection group ingress node when the APS state represents an extenal command (LoP, SF, MS) applied to it or a WTR timer running on it. If the external command is not applied to the ingress node or the WTR timer is not running on it, this attribute is not specified. If value is used when the te-node-id of the protection group ingress node is unknown (e.g., because the ingress node is outside the scope of control of the server)"; } leaf protection-group-egress-node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "Indicates the te-node-id of the protection group egress node when the APS state represents an extenal command (LoP, SF, MS) applied to it or a WTR timer running on it. If the external command is not applied to the ingress node or the WTR timer is not running on it, this attribute is not specified. If value is used when the te-node-id of the protection group ingress node is unknown (e.g., because the ingress node is outside the scope of control of the server)"; } } grouping protection-restoration-params_config { description "Protection and restoration parameters"; container protection { description "Protection parameters"; leaf enable { type boolean; default 'false'; description "A flag to specify if LSP protection is enabled"; reference "rfc4427"; } leaf protection-type { type identityref { base te-types:lsp-protection-type; } description "LSP protection type."; } leaf protection-reversion-disable { type boolean; description "Disable protection reversion to working path"; } leaf hold-off-time { type uint32; units "milli-seconds"; default 0; description "The time between the declaration of an SF or SD condition and the initialization of the protection switching algorithm."; } leaf wait-to-revert { type uint16; units seconds; description "Time to wait before attempting LSP reversion"; } leaf aps-signal-id { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } description "The APS signal number used to reference the traffic of this tunnel. The default value for normal traffic is 1. The default value for extra-traffic is 255. If not specified, non-default values can be assigned by the server, if and only if, the server controls both endpoints."; reference "ITU-T G.808.1"; } } container restoration { description "Restoration parameters"; leaf enable { type boolean; default 'false'; description "A flag to specify if LSP restoration is enabled"; reference "rfc4427"; } leaf restoration-type { type identityref { base te-types:lsp-restoration-type; } description "LSP restoration type."; } leaf restoration-scheme { type identityref { base te-types:restoration-scheme-type; } description "LSP restoration scheme."; } leaf restoration-reversion-disable { type boolean; description "Disable restoration reversion to working path"; } leaf hold-off-time { type uint32; units "milli-seconds"; description "The time between the declaration of an SF or SD condition and the initialization of the protection switching algorithm."; } leaf wait-to-restore { type uint16; units seconds; description "Time to wait before attempting LSP restoration"; } leaf wait-to-revert { type uint16; units seconds; description "Time to wait before attempting LSP reversion"; } } } grouping p2p-dependency-tunnels_config { description "Groupong for tunnel dependency list of tunnels"; container dependency-tunnels { description "Dependency tunnels list"; list dependency-tunnel { key "name"; description "Dependency tunnel entry"; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../../tunnels/tunnel/name"; require-instance false; } description "Dependency tunnel name"; } leaf encoding { type identityref { base te-types:lsp-encoding-types; } description "LSP encoding type"; reference "RFC3945"; } leaf switching-type { type identityref { base te-types:switching-capabilities; } description "LSP switching type"; reference "RFC3945"; } } } } grouping tunnel-p2p-params_config { description "Configuration parameters relating to TE tunnel"; leaf name { type string; description "TE tunnel name."; } leaf identifier { type uint16; description "TE tunnel Identifier."; } leaf description { type string; description "Textual description for this TE tunnel"; } leaf encoding { type identityref { base te-types:lsp-encoding-types; } description "LSP encoding type"; reference "RFC3945"; } leaf switching-type { type identityref { base te-types:switching-capabilities; } description "LSP switching type"; reference "RFC3945"; } leaf provisioning-state { type identityref { base te-types:tunnel-state-type; } default te-types:tunnel-state-up; description "TE tunnel administrative state."; } leaf preference { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } description "Specifies a preference for this tunnel. A lower number signifies a better preference"; } leaf reoptimize-timer { type uint16; units seconds; description "frequency of reoptimization of a traffic engineered LSP"; } leaf source { type inet:ip-address; description "TE tunnel source address."; } leaf destination { type inet:ip-address; description "P2P tunnel destination address"; } leaf src-tp-id { type binary; description "TE tunnel source termination point identifier."; } leaf dst-tp-id { type binary; description "TE tunnel destination termination point identifier."; } uses protection-restoration-params_config; uses te-types:tunnel-constraints_config; uses p2p-dependency-tunnels_config; } grouping tunnel-p2p-params_state { description "State parameters relating to TE tunnel"; leaf operational-state { type identityref { base te-types:tunnel-state-type; } default te-types:tunnel-state-up; description "TE tunnel administrative state."; } } grouping access-segment-info { description "info related to a segment"; container forward { description "for the forward direction of this tunnel"; uses te-types:label-set-info; } container reverse { description "for the reverse direction of this tunnel"; uses te-types:label-set-info; } } grouping path-access-segment-info { description "If an end-to-end tunnel crosses multiple domains using the same technology, some additional constraints have to be taken in consideration in each domain"; container path-in-segment { presence "The end-to-end tunnel starts in a previous domain; this tunnel is a segment in the current domain."; description "This tunnel is a segment that needs to be coordinated with previous segment stitched on head-end side."; uses access-segment-info; } container path-out-segment { presence "The end-to-end tunnel is not terminated in this domain; this tunnel is a segment in the current domain."; description "This tunnel is a segment that needs to be coordinated with previous segment stitched on head-end side."; uses access-segment-info; } } /* TE tunnel configuration/state grouping */ grouping tunnel-p2mp-properties { description "Top level grouping for P2MP tunnel properties."; uses tunnel-p2mp-params_config; container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; leaf operational-state { type identityref { base te-types:tunnel-state-type; } default te-types:tunnel-state-up; description "TE tunnel administrative state."; } } } grouping p2p-path-candidate-secondary-path-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to a secondary path which is a candidate for a particular primary path"; leaf secondary-path { type leafref { path "../../../../../p2p-secondary-paths/" + "p2p-secondary-path/name"; } description "A reference to the secondary path that should be utilised when the containing primary path option is in use"; } leaf path-setup-protocol { type identityref { base te-types:path-signaling-type; } description "Signaling protocol used to set up this tunnel"; } } grouping p2p-reverse-path-candidate-secondary-path-config { description "Configuration parameters relating to a secondary path which is a candidate for a particular primary path"; leaf secondary-path { type leafref { path "../../../../../p2p-secondary-paths/" + "p2p-secondary-path/name"; } description "A reference to the secondary path that should be utilised when the containing primary path option is in use"; } leaf path-setup-protocol { type identityref { base te-types:path-signaling-type; } description "Signaling protocol used to set up this tunnel"; } } grouping p2p-path-candidate-secondary-path-state { description "Operational state parameters relating to a secondary path which is a candidate for a particular primary path"; leaf active { type boolean; description "Indicates the current active path option that has been selected of the candidate secondary paths"; } } grouping tunnel-p2p-properties { description "Top level grouping for tunnel properties."; uses tunnel-p2p-params_config; container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; uses tunnel-p2p-params_state; } uses bidir-assoc-properties; container p2p-primary-paths { description "Set of P2P primary aths container"; list p2p-primary-path { key "name"; description "List of primary paths for this tunnel."; uses p2p-primary-path-properties; uses p2p-reverse-primary-path-properties; container candidate-p2p-secondary-paths { description "The set of candidate secondary paths which may be used for this primary path. When secondary paths are specified in the list the path of the secondary LSP in use must be restricted to those path options referenced. The priority of the secondary paths is specified within the list. Higher priority values are less preferred - that is to say that a path with priority 0 is the most preferred path. In the case that the list is empty, any secondary path option may be utilised when the current primary path is in use."; list candidate-p2p-secondary-path { key "secondary-path"; description "List of secondary paths for this tunnel."; uses p2p-path-candidate-secondary-path-config; container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; uses p2p-path-candidate-secondary-path-state; } } } } } container p2p-secondary-paths { description "Set of P2P secondary paths container"; list p2p-secondary-path { key "name"; description "List of secondary paths for this tunnel."; uses p2p-secondary-path-properties; } } } grouping shared-resources-tunnels_state { description "The specific tunnel that is using the shared secondary path resources"; leaf lsp-shared-resources-tunnel { type te:tunnel-ref; description "Reference to the tunnel that sharing secondary path resources with this tunnel"; } } grouping shared-resources-tunnels { description "Set of tunnels that share secondary path resources with this tunnnel"; container shared-resources-tunnels { description "Set of tunnels that share secondary path resources with this tunnnel"; leaf-list lsp-shared-resources-tunnel { type te:tunnel-ref; description "Reference to the tunnel that sharing secondary path resources with this tunnel"; } } } grouping tunnel-actions { description "Tunnel actions"; /***TODO: FIXME: Hesam: actions are not supported by yangtools yet action tunnel-action { description "Tunnel action"; input { leaf action-type { type identityref { base te-types:tunnel-action-type; } description "Tunnel action type"; } } output { leaf action-result { type identityref { base te-types:te-action-result; } description "The result of the RPC operation"; } } } ****TODO: FIXME****/ } grouping tunnel-protection-actions { description "Protection external command actions"; /***TODO: FIXME: Hesam: actions are not supported by yangtools yet action protection-external-commands { input { leaf protection-external-command { type identityref { base te-types:protection-external-commands; } description "Protection external command"; } leaf protection-group-ingress-node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "Indicates the te-node-id of the protection group ingress node when the extenal command has to be applied to it. If the external command is not applied to the ingress node, this attribute is not specified."; } leaf protection-group-egress-node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "Indicates the te-node-id of the protection group egress node when the extenal command has to be applied to it. If the external command is not applied to the egress node, This attribute is not specified."; } leaf path-ref { type path-ref; description "Indicates to which path the external command applies to."; } leaf traffic-type { type enumeration { enum normal-traffic { description "The manual-switch or forced-switch command applies to the normal traffic (this Tunnel)."; } enum null-traffic { description "The manual-switch or forced-switch command applies to the null traffic."; } enum extra-traffic { description "The manual-switch or forced-switch command applies to the extra traffic (the extra-traffic Tunnel sharing protection bandwidth with this Tunnel)."; } } description "Indicates whether the manual-switch or forced-switch commands applies to the normal traffic, the null traffic or the extra-traffic."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } leaf extra-traffic-tunnel-ref { type te:tunnel-ref; description "In case there are multiple extra-traffic tunnels sharing protection bandwidth with this Tunnel (m:n protection), represents which extra-traffic Tunnel the manual-switch or forced-switch to extra-traffic command applies to."; } } } ****TODO: FIXME****/ } /*** End of TE tunnel groupings ***/ /** * LSP related generic groupings */ grouping lsp-record-route-information_state { description "recorded route information grouping"; container lsp-record-route-subobjects { description "RSVP recorded route object information"; list record-route-subobject { when "../../origin-type = 'ingress'" { description "Applicable on non-ingress LSPs only"; } key "index"; description "Record route sub-object list"; uses te-types:record-route-subobject_state; } } } grouping lsps-state-grouping { description "LSPs state operational data grouping"; container lsps-state { config false; description "TE LSPs state container"; list lsp { key "source destination tunnel-id lsp-id "+ "extended-tunnel-id"; description "List of LSPs associated with the tunnel."; uses lsp-properties_state; uses lsp-record-route-information_state; } } } /*** End of TE LSP groupings ***/ /** * TE global generic groupings */ /* Global named admin-groups configuration data */ grouping named-admin-groups_config { description "Global named administrative groups configuration grouping"; leaf name { type string; description "A string name that uniquely identifies a TE interface named admin-group"; } leaf bit-position { type uint32; description "Bit position representing the administrative group"; } } grouping named-admin-groups { description "Global named administrative groups configuration grouping"; container named-admin-groups { description "TE named admin groups container"; list named-admin-group { if-feature te-types:extended-admin-groups; if-feature te-types:named-extended-admin-groups; key "name"; description "List of named TE admin-groups"; uses named-admin-groups_config; } } } /* Global named admin-srlgs configuration data */ grouping named-srlgs_config { description "Global named SRLGs configuration grouping"; leaf name { type string; description "A string name that uniquely identifies a TE interface named srlg"; } leaf group { type te-types:srlg; description "An SRLG value"; } leaf cost { type uint32; description "SRLG associated cost. Used during path to append the path cost when traversing a link with this SRLG"; } } grouping named-srlgs { description "Global named SRLGs configuration grouping"; container named-srlgs { description "TE named SRLGs container"; list named-srlg { if-feature te-types:named-srlg-groups; key "name"; description "A list of named SRLG groups"; uses named-srlgs_config; } } } /* Global named paths constraints configuration data */ grouping path-constraints_state { description "TE path constraints state"; leaf bandwidth-generic_state { type te-types:te-bandwidth; description "A technology agnostic requested bandwidth to use for path computation"; } leaf disjointness_state { type te-types:te-path-disjointness; description "The type of resource disjointness."; } } grouping path-constraints_config { description "Global named path constraints configuration grouping"; uses te-types:common-constraints_config; uses te-types:generic-path-disjointness; uses te-types:generic-path-metric-bounds; uses path-affinities; uses path-srlgs; uses te-types:path-route-objects; uses shared-resources-tunnels { description "Set of tunnels that are allowed to share secondary path resources of this tunnel"; } uses path-access-segment-info { description "Tunnel constraints induced by other segments."; } } grouping path-constraints { description "Per path constraints"; uses path-constraints_config; container state { config false; description "Configuration applied parameters and state"; uses path-constraints_state; } } grouping named-path-constraints { description "Global named path constraints configuration grouping"; container named-path-constraints { description "TE named path constraints container"; list named-path-constraint { if-feature te-types:named-path-constraints; key "name"; leaf name { type string; description "A string name that uniquely identifies a path constraint set"; } uses path-constraints; description "A list of named path constraints"; } } } /* TE globals container data */ grouping globals-grouping { description "Globals TE system-wide configuration data grouping"; container globals { description "Globals TE system-wide configuration data container"; uses named-admin-groups; uses named-srlgs; uses named-path-constraints; } } /* TE tunnels container data */ grouping tunnels-grouping { description "Tunnels TE configuration data grouping"; container tunnels { description "Tunnels TE configuration data container"; list tunnel { key "name"; description "P2P TE tunnels list."; uses tunnel-p2p-properties; uses tunnel-actions; uses tunnel-protection-actions; } list tunnel-p2mp { key "name"; unique "identifier"; description "P2MP TE tunnels list."; uses tunnel-p2mp-properties; } } } /* TE LSPs ephemeral state container data */ grouping lsp-properties_state { description "LSPs state operational data grouping"; leaf source { type inet:ip-address; description "Tunnel sender address extracted from SENDER_TEMPLATE object"; reference "RFC3209"; } leaf destination { type inet:ip-address; description "Tunnel endpoint address extracted from SESSION object"; reference "RFC3209"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "Tunnel identifier used in the SESSION that remains constant over the life of the tunnel."; reference "RFC3209"; } leaf lsp-id { type uint16; description "Identifier used in the SENDER_TEMPLATE and the FILTER_SPEC that can be changed to allow a sender to share resources with itself."; reference "RFC3209"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ip-address; description "Extended Tunnel ID of the LSP."; reference "RFC3209"; } leaf operational-state { type identityref { base te-types:lsp-state-type; } description "LSP operational state."; } leaf path-setup-protocol { type identityref { base te-types:path-signaling-type; } description "Signaling protocol used to set up this tunnel"; } leaf origin-type { type enumeration { enum ingress { description "Origin ingress"; } enum egress { description "Origin egress"; } enum transit { description "transit"; } } description "Origin type of LSP relative to the location of the local switch in the path."; } leaf lsp-resource-status { type enumeration { enum primary { description "A primary LSP is a fully established LSP for which the resource allocation has been committed at the data plane"; } enum secondary { description "A secondary LSP is an LSP that has been provisioned in the control plane only; e.g. resource allocation has not been committed at the data plane"; } } description "LSP resource allocation type"; reference "rfc4872, section 4.2.1"; } uses protection-restoration-params_state; } /*** End of TE global groupings ***/ /** * TE configurations container */ container te { presence "Enable TE feature."; description "TE global container."; /* TE Global Configuration Data */ uses globals-grouping; /* TE Tunnel Configuration Data */ uses tunnels-grouping; /* TE LSPs State Data */ uses lsps-state-grouping; } /* TE Global RPCs/execution Data */ rpc globals-rpc { description "Execution data for TE global."; } /* TE interfaces RPCs/execution Data */ rpc interfaces-rpc { description "Execution data for TE interfaces."; } /* TE Tunnel RPCs/execution Data */ rpc tunnels-rpc { description "TE tunnels RPC nodes"; input { container tunnel-info { description "Tunnel Identification"; choice type { description "Tunnel information type"; case tunnel-p2p { leaf p2p-id { type te:tunnel-ref; description "P2P TE tunnel"; } } case tunnel-p2mp { leaf p2mp-id { type te:tunnel-p2mp-ref; description "P2MP TE tunnel"; } } } } } output { container result { description "The container result of the RPC operation"; leaf result { type enumeration { enum success { description "Origin ingress"; } enum in-progress { description "Origin egress"; } enum fail { description "transit"; } } description "The result of the RPC operation"; } } } } /* TE Global Notification Data */ notification globals-notif { description "Notification messages for Global TE."; } /* TE Tunnel Notification Data */ notification tunnels-notif { description "Notification messages for TE tunnels."; } }