module ietf-te-types { namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-te-types"; /* Replace with IANA when assigned */ prefix "te-types"; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; } import ietf-routing-types { prefix "rt-types"; } organization "IETF Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling (TEAS) Working Group"; contact "WG Web: WG List: WG Chair: Lou Berger WG Chair: Vishnu Pavan Beeram Editor: Tarek Saad Editor: Rakesh Gandhi Editor: Vishnu Pavan Beeram Editor: Himanshu Shah Editor: Xufeng Liu Editor: Igor Bryskin "; description "This module contains a collection of generally useful TE specific YANG data type defintions."; revision "2018-07-01" { description "Latest revision of TE types"; reference "RFC3209"; } /* * Identities */ identity association-type { description "Base identity for tunnel association"; reference "RFC6780, RFC4872, RFC4873"; } identity association-type-recovery { base association-type; description "Association Type Recovery used to association LSPs of same tunnel for recovery"; reference "RFC4872"; } identity association-type-resource-sharing { base association-type; description "Association Type Resource Sharing used to enable resource sharing during make-before-break."; reference "RFC4873"; } identity association-type-double-sided-bidir { base association-type; description "Association Type Double Sided bidirectional used to associate two LSPs of two tunnels that are independently configured on either endpoint"; reference "RFC7551"; } identity association-type-single-sided-bidir { base association-type; description "Association Type Single Sided bidirectional used to associate two LSPs of two tunnels, where a tunnel is configured on one side/endpoint, and the other tunnel is dynamically created on the other endpoint"; reference "RFC7551"; } identity objective-function-type { description "Base objective function type"; reference "RFC4657"; } identity of-minimize-cost-path { base objective-function-type; description "Mimimuze cost of path objective function"; } identity of-minimize-load-path { base objective-function-type; description "Minimize the load on path(s) objective function"; } identity of-maximize-residual-bandwidth { base objective-function-type; description "Maximize the residual bandwidth objective function"; } identity of-minimize-agg-bandwidth-consumption { base objective-function-type; description "minimize the aggregate bandwidth consumption objective function"; } identity of-minimize-load-most-loaded-link { base objective-function-type; description "Minimize the load on the most loaded link objective function"; } identity of-minimize-cost-path-set { base objective-function-type; description "Minimize the cost on a path set objective function"; } identity path-computation-method { description "base identity for supported path computation mechanisms"; } identity path-locally-computed { base path-computation-method; description "indicates a constrained-path LSP in which the path is computed by the local LER"; } identity path-externally-queried { base path-computation-method; description "Constrained-path LSP in which the path is obtained by querying an external source, such as a PCE server. In the case that an LSP is defined to be externally queried, it may also have associated explicit definitions (provided to the external source to aid computation); and the path that is returned by the external source is not required to provide a wholly resolved path back to the originating system - that is to say, some local computation may also be required"; } identity path-explicitly-defined { base path-computation-method; description "constrained-path LSP in which the path is explicitly specified as a collection of strict or/and loose hops"; } /** * Typedefs */ typedef te-bandwidth { type string { pattern '0[xX](0((\.0?)?[pP](\+)?0?|(\.0?))|' + '1(\.([\da-fA-F]{0,5}[02468aAcCeE]?)?)?[pP](\+)?(12[0-7]|' + '1[01]\d|0?\d?\d)?)|0[xX][\da-fA-F]{1,8}|\d+' + '(,(0[xX](0((\.0?)?[pP](\+)?0?|(\.0?))|' + '1(\.([\da-fA-F]{0,5}[02468aAcCeE]?)?)?[pP](\+)?(12[0-7]|' + '1[01]\d|0?\d?\d)?)|0[xX][\da-fA-F]{1,8}|\d+))*'; } description "This is the generic bandwidth type that is a string containing a list of numbers separated by commas, with each of these number can be non-negative decimal, hex integer, or hex float: (dec | hex | float)[*(','(dec | hex | float))] For packet switching type, a float number is used, such as 0x1p10. For OTN switching type, a list of integers can be used, such as '0,2,3,1', indicating 2 odu0's and 1 odu3. For DWDM, a list of pairs of slot number and width can be used, such as '0, 2, 3, 3', indicating a frequency slot 0 with slot width 2 and a frequency slot 3 with slot width 3."; } // te-bandwidth typedef te-ds-class { type uint8 { range "0..7"; } description "The Differentiatied Class-Type of traffic."; reference "RFC4124: section-4.3.1"; } typedef te-link-direction { type enumeration { enum INCOMING { description "explicit route represents an incoming link on a node"; } enum OUTGOING { description "explicit route represents an outgoing link on a node"; } } description "enumerated type for specifying direction of link on a node"; } typedef te-label-direction { type enumeration { enum FORWARD { description "Label allocated for the forward LSP direction"; } enum REVERSE { description "Label allocated for the reverse LSP direction"; } } description "enumerated type for specifying the forward or reverse label"; } typedef te-hop-type { type enumeration { enum LOOSE { description "loose hop in an explicit path"; } enum STRICT { description "strict hop in an explicit path"; } } description "enumerated type for specifying loose or strict paths"; reference "RFC3209: section-4.3.2"; } identity LSP_METRIC_TYPE { description "Base identity for types of LSP metric specification"; } identity LSP_METRIC_RELATIVE { base LSP_METRIC_TYPE; description "The metric specified for the LSPs to which this identity refers is specified as a relative value to the IGP metric cost to the LSP's tail-end."; } identity LSP_METRIC_ABSOLUTE { base LSP_METRIC_TYPE; description "The metric specified for the LSPs to which this identity refers is specified as an absolute value"; } identity LSP_METRIC_INHERITED { base LSP_METRIC_TYPE; description "The metric for for the LSPs to which this identity refers is not specified explicitly - but rather inherited from the IGP cost directly"; } identity tunnel-type { description "Base identity from which specific tunnel types are derived."; } identity tunnel-p2p { base tunnel-type; description "TE point-to-point tunnel type."; } identity tunnel-p2mp { base tunnel-type; description "TE point-to-multipoint tunnel type."; reference "RFC4875"; } identity tunnel-action-type { description "Base identity from which specific tunnel action types are derived."; } identity tunnel-action-resetup { base tunnel-action-type; description "TE tunnel action resetup. Tears the tunnel's current LSP (if any) and attempts to re-establish a new LSP"; } identity tunnel-action-reoptimize { base tunnel-action-type; description "TE tunnel action reoptimize. Reoptimizes placement of the tunnel LSP(s)"; } identity tunnel-action-switchpath { base tunnel-action-type; description "TE tunnel action reoptimize Switches the tunnel's LSP to use the specified path"; } identity te-action-result { description "Base identity from which specific TE action results are derived."; } identity te-action-success { base te-action-result; description "TE action successul."; } identity te-action-fail { base te-action-result; description "TE action failed."; } identity tunnel-action-inprogress { base te-action-result; description "TE action inprogress."; } identity tunnel-admin-state-type { description "Base identity for TE tunnel admin states"; } identity tunnel-admin-state-up { base tunnel-admin-state-type; description "Tunnel administratively state up"; } identity tunnel-admin-state-down { base tunnel-admin-state-type; description "Tunnel administratively state down"; } identity tunnel-state-type { description "Base identity for TE tunnel states"; } identity tunnel-state-up { base tunnel-state-type; description "Tunnel state up"; } identity tunnel-state-down { base tunnel-state-type; description "Tunnel state down"; } identity lsp-state-type { description "Base identity for TE LSP states"; } identity lsp-path-computing { base lsp-state-type; description "State path compute in progress"; } identity lsp-path-computation-ok { base lsp-state-type; description "State path compute successful"; } identity lsp-path-computatione-failed { base lsp-state-type; description "State path compute failed"; } identity lsp-state-setting-up { base lsp-state-type; description "State setting up"; } identity lsp-state-setup-ok { base lsp-state-type; description "State setup successful"; } identity lsp-state-setup-failed { base lsp-state-type; description "State setup failed"; } identity lsp-state-up { base lsp-state-type; description "State up"; } identity lsp-state-tearing-down { base lsp-state-type; description "State tearing down"; } identity lsp-state-down { base lsp-state-type; description "State down"; } identity path-invalidation-action-type { description "Base identity for TE path invalidation action types"; } identity path-invalidation-action-drop-type { base path-invalidation-action-type; description "TE path invalidation action drop"; } identity path-invalidation-action-drop-tear { base path-invalidation-action-type; description "TE path invalidation action tear"; } identity lsp-restoration-type { description "Base identity from which LSP restoration types are derived."; } identity lsp-restoration-restore-any { base lsp-restoration-type; description "Restores when any of the LSPs is affected by a failure"; } identity lsp-restoration-restore-all { base lsp-restoration-type; description "Restores when all the tunnel LSPs are affected by failure"; } identity restoration-scheme-type { description "Base identity for LSP restoration schemes"; reference "RFC4872"; } identity restoration-scheme-preconfigured { base restoration-scheme-type; description "Restoration LSP is preconfigured prior to the failure"; } identity restoration-scheme-precomputed { base restoration-scheme-type; description "Restoration LSP is precomputed prior to the failure"; } identity restoration-scheme-presignaled { base restoration-scheme-type; description "Restoration LSP is presignaledd prior to the failure"; } identity lsp-protection-type { description "Base identity from which LSP protection types are derived."; } identity lsp-protection-unprotected { base lsp-protection-type; description "LSP protection 'Unprotected'"; reference "RFC4872"; } identity lsp-protection-reroute-extra { base lsp-protection-type; description "LSP protection '(Full) Rerouting'"; reference "RFC4872"; } identity lsp-protection-reroute { base lsp-protection-type; description "LSP protection 'Rerouting without Extra-Traffic'"; reference "RFC4872"; } identity lsp-protection-1-for-n { base lsp-protection-type; description "LSP protection '1:N Protection with Extra-Traffic'"; reference "RFC4872"; } identity lsp-protection-unidir-1-to-1 { base lsp-protection-type; description "LSP protection '1+1 Unidirectional Protection'"; reference "RFC4872"; } identity lsp-protection-bidir-1-to-1 { base lsp-protection-type; description "LSP protection '1+1 Bidirectional Protection'"; reference "RFC4872"; } identity lsp-protection-extra-traffic { base lsp-protection-type; description "LSP protection 'Extra-Traffic'"; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427."; } identity lsp-protection-state { description "Base identity of protection states for reporting purposes."; } identity normal { base lsp-protection-state; description "Normal state."; } identity signal-fail-of-protection { base lsp-protection-state; description "There is a SF condition on the protection transport entity which has higher priority than the FS command."; reference "ITU-T G.873.1, G.8031, G.8131"; } identity lockout-of-protection { base lsp-protection-state; description "A Loss of Protection (LoP) command is active."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity forced-switch { base lsp-protection-state; description "A forced switch (FS) command is active."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity signal-fail { base lsp-protection-state; description "There is a SF condition on either the working or the protection path."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity signal-degrade { base lsp-protection-state; description "There is an SD condition on either the working or the protection path."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity manual-switch { base lsp-protection-state; description "A manual switch (MS) command is active."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity wait-to-restore { base lsp-protection-state; description "A wait time to restore (WTR) is running."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity do-not-revert { base lsp-protection-state; description "A DNR condition is active because of a non-revertive behavior."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity failure-of-protocol { base lsp-protection-state; description "The protection is not working because of a failure of protocol condition."; reference "ITU-T G.873.1, G.8031, G.8131"; } identity protection-external-commands { description "Protection external commands for trouble shooting purposes."; } identity action-freeze { base protection-external-commands; description "A temporary configuration action initiated by an operator command to prevent any switch action to be taken and as such freezes the current state."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity clear-freeze { base protection-external-commands; description "An action that clears the active freeze state."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity action-lockout-of-normal { base protection-external-commands; description "A temporary configuration action initiated by an operator command to ensure that the normal traffic is not allowed to use the protection transport entity."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity clear-lockout-of-normal { base protection-external-commands; description "An action that clears the active lockout of normal state."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity action-lockout-of-protection { base protection-external-commands; description "A temporary configuration action initiated by an operator command to ensure that the protection transport entity is temporarily not available to transport a traffic signal (either normal or extra traffic)."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity action-forced-switch { base protection-external-commands; description "A switch action initiated by an operator command to swith the extra traffic signal, the normal traffic signal, or the null signal to the protection transport entity, unless an equal or higher priority switch command is in effect."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity action-manual-switch { base protection-external-commands; description "A switch action initiated by an operator command to swith the extra traffic signal, the normal traffic signal #i, or the null signal to the protection transport entity, unless a fault condition exists on other transport entities or an equal or higher priority switch command is in effect."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity action-exercise { base protection-external-commands; description "An action to start testing if the APS communication is operating correctly. It is lower priority than any other state or command."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity clear { base protection-external-commands; description "An action that clears the active near-end lockout of protection, forced switch, manual switch, WTR state, or exercise command."; reference "ITU-T G.808, RFC 4427"; } identity switching-capabilities { description "Base identity for interface switching capabilities"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity switching-psc1 { base switching-capabilities; description "Packet-Switch Capable-1 (PSC-1)"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity switching-evpl { base switching-capabilities; description "Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)"; } identity switching-l2sc { base switching-capabilities; description "Layer-2 Switch Capable (L2SC)"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity switching-tdm { base switching-capabilities; description "Time-Division-Multiplex Capable (TDM)"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity switching-otn { base switching-capabilities; description "OTN-TDM capable"; } identity switching-dcsc { base switching-capabilities; description "Data Channel Switching Capable (DCSC)"; } identity switching-lsc { base switching-capabilities; description "Lambda-Switch Capable (LSC)"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity switching-fsc { base switching-capabilities; description "Fiber-Switch Capable (FSC)"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-types { description "Base identity for encoding types"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-packet { base lsp-encoding-types; description "Packet LSP encoding"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-ethernet { base lsp-encoding-types; description "Ethernet LSP encoding"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-pdh { base lsp-encoding-types; description "ANSI/ETSI LSP encoding"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-sdh { base lsp-encoding-types; description "SDH ITU-T G.707 / SONET ANSI T1.105 LSP encoding"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-digital-wrapper { base lsp-encoding-types; description "Digital Wrapper LSP encoding"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-lambda { base lsp-encoding-types; description "Lambda (photonic) LSP encoding"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-fiber { base lsp-encoding-types; description "Fiber LSP encoding"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-fiber-channel { base lsp-encoding-types; description "FiberChannel LSP encoding"; reference "RFC3471"; } identity lsp-encoding-oduk { base lsp-encoding-types; description "G.709 ODUk (Digital Path)LSP encoding"; } identity lsp-encoding-optical-channel { base lsp-encoding-types; description "Line (e.g., 8B/10B) LSP encoding"; } identity lsp-encoding-line { base lsp-encoding-types; description "Line (e.g., 8B/10B) LSP encoding"; } identity path-signaling-type { description "base identity from which specific LSPs path setup types are derived"; } identity path-setup-static { base path-signaling-type; description "Static LSP provisioning path setup"; } identity path-setup-rsvp { base path-signaling-type; description "RSVP-TE signaling path setup"; reference "RFC3209"; } identity path-setup-sr { base path-signaling-type; description "Segment-routing path setup"; } identity path-scope-type { description "base identity from which specific path scope types are derived"; } identity path-scope-segment { base path-scope-type; description "Path scope segment"; } identity path-scope-end-to-end { base path-scope-type; description "Path scope end to end"; } /* TE basic features */ feature p2mp-te { description "Indicates support for P2MP-TE"; reference "RFC4875"; } feature frr-te { description "Indicates support for TE FastReroute (FRR)"; reference "RFC4090"; } feature extended-admin-groups { description "Indicates support for TE link extended admin groups."; reference "RFC7308"; } feature named-path-affinities { description "Indicates support for named path affinities"; } feature named-extended-admin-groups { description "Indicates support for named extended admin groups"; } feature named-srlg-groups { description "Indicates support for named SRLG groups"; } feature named-path-constraints { description "Indicates support for named path constraints"; } feature path-optimization-metric { description "Indicates support for path optimization metric"; } feature path-optimization-objective-function { description "Indicates support for path optimization objective function"; } identity route-usage-type { description "Base identity for route usage"; } identity route-include-ero { base route-usage-type; description "Include ERO from route"; } identity route-exclude-ero { base route-usage-type; description "Exclude ERO from route"; } identity route-exclude-srlg { base route-usage-type; description "Exclude SRLG from route"; } identity path-metric-type { description "Base identity for path metric type"; } identity path-metric-te { base path-metric-type; description "TE path metric"; reference "RFC3785"; } identity path-metric-igp { base path-metric-type; description "IGP path metric"; reference "RFC3785"; } identity path-metric-hop { base path-metric-type; description "Hop path metric"; } identity path-metric-delay-average { base path-metric-type; description "Unidirectional average link delay"; reference "RFC7471"; } identity path-metric-residual-bandwidth { base path-metric-type; description "Unidirectional Residual Bandwidth, which is defined to be Maximum Bandwidth [RFC3630] minus the bandwidth currently allocated to LSPs."; reference "RFC7471"; } identity path-metric-optimize-includes { base path-metric-type; description "A metric that optimizes the number of included resources specified in a set"; } identity path-metric-optimize-excludes { base path-metric-type; description "A metric that optimizes the number of excluded resources specified in a set"; } identity path-tiebreaker-type { description "Base identity for path tie-breaker type"; } identity path-tiebreaker-minfill { base path-tiebreaker-type; description "Min-Fill LSP path placement"; } identity path-tiebreaker-maxfill { base path-tiebreaker-type; description "Max-Fill LSP path placement"; } identity path-tiebreaker-randoom { base path-tiebreaker-type; description "Random LSP path placement"; } identity bidir-provisioning-mode { description "Base identity for bidirectional provisioning mode."; reference "RFC7551"; } identity bidir-provisioning-single-sided { base bidir-provisioning-mode; description "Single-sided bidirectional provioning mode"; reference "RFC7551"; } identity bidir-provisioning-double-sided { base bidir-provisioning-mode; description "Double-sided bidirectional provioning mode"; reference "RFC7551"; } identity bidir-association-type { description "Base identity for bidirectional association type"; reference "RFC7551"; } identity bidir-assoc-corouted { base bidir-association-type; description "Co-routed bidirectional association type"; reference "RFC7551"; } identity bidir-assoc-non-corouted { base bidir-association-type; description "Non co-routed bidirectional association type"; reference "RFC7551"; } identity resource-affinities-type { description "Base identity for resource affinities"; reference "RFC2702"; } identity resource-aff-include-all { base resource-affinities-type; description "The set of attribute filters associated with a tunnel all of which must be present for a link to be acceptable"; reference "RFC2702 and RFC3209"; } identity resource-aff-include-any { base resource-affinities-type; description "The set of attribute filters associated with a tunnel any of which must be present for a link to be acceptable"; reference "RFC2702 and RFC3209"; } identity resource-aff-exclude-any { base resource-affinities-type; description "The set of attribute filters associated with a tunnel any of which renders a link unacceptable"; reference "RFC2702 and RFC3209"; } typedef optimization-goal { type enumeration { enum minimize { description "Pick lowest path metric goal"; } enum maximize { description "Pick highest path metric goal"; } enum randomize { description "Pick a path at random from list of equally favorable ones"; } } description "TE optimization goal"; } identity te-optimization-criterion { description "Base identity for TE optimization criterion."; reference "RFC3272: Overview and Principles of Internet Traffic Engineering."; } identity not-optimized { base te-optimization-criterion; description "Optimization is not applied."; } identity cost { base te-optimization-criterion; description "Optimized on cost."; } identity delay { base te-optimization-criterion; description "Optimized on delay."; } /* * Typedefs */ typedef percentage { type uint8 { range "0..100"; } description "Integer indicating a percentage value"; } typedef performance-metric-normality { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { value 0; description "Unknown."; } enum "normal" { value 1; description "Normal."; } enum "abnormal" { value 2; description "Abnormal. The anomalous bit is set."; } } description "Indicates whether a performance metric is normal, abnormal, or unknown."; reference "RFC7471: OSPF Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7810: IS-IS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7823: Performance-Based Path Selection for Explicitly Routed Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Using TE Metric Extensions"; } typedef te-admin-status { type enumeration { enum up { description "Enabled."; } enum down { description "Disabled."; } enum testing { description "In some test mode."; } enum preparing-maintenance { description "Resource is disabled in the control plane to prepare for graceful shutdown for maintenance purposes."; reference "RFC5817: Graceful Shutdown in MPLS and Generalized MPLS Traffic Engineering Networks"; } enum maintenance { description "Resource is disabled in the data plane for maintenance purposes."; } } description "Defines a type representing the administrative status of a TE resource."; } typedef te-global-id { type uint32; description "An identifier to uniquely identify an operator, which can be either a provider or a client. The definition of this type is taken from RFC6370 and RFC5003. This attribute type is used solely to provide a globally unique context for TE topologies."; } typedef te-link-access-type { type enumeration { enum point-to-point { description "The link is point-to-point."; } enum multi-access { description "The link is multi-access, including broacast and NBMA."; } } description "Defines a type representing the access type of a TE link."; reference "RFC3630: Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2."; } typedef te-node-id { type yang:dotted-quad; description "An identifier for a node in a topology. The identifier is represented as 32-bit unsigned integer in the dotted-quad notation. This attribute is mapped to Router ID in RFC3630, RFC5329, RFC5305, and RFC6119."; } typedef te-oper-status { type enumeration { enum up { description "Operational up."; } enum down { description "Operational down."; } enum testing { description "In some test mode."; } enum unknown { description "Status cannot be determined for some reason."; } enum preparing-maintenance { description "Resource is disabled in the control plane to prepare for graceful shutdown for maintenance purposes."; reference "RFC5817: Graceful Shutdown in MPLS and Generalized MPLS Traffic Engineering Networks"; } enum maintenance { description "Resource is disabled in the data plane for maintenance purposes."; } } description "Defines a type representing the operational status of a TE resource."; } typedef te-path-disjointness { type bits { bit node { position 0; description "Node disjoint."; } bit link { position 1; description "Link disjoint."; } bit srlg { position 2; description "SRLG (Shared Risk Link Group) disjoint."; } } description "Type of the resource disjointness for a TE tunnel path."; reference "RFC4872: RSVP-TE Extensions in Support of End-to-End Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Recovery"; } // te-path-disjointness typedef te-recovery-status { type enumeration { enum normal { description "Both the recovery and working spans are fully allocated and active, data traffic is being transported over (or selected from) the working span, and no trigger events are reported."; } enum recovery-started { description "The recovery action has been started, but not completed."; } enum recovery-succeeded { description "The recovery action has succeeded. The working span has reported a failure/degrade condition and the user traffic is being transported (or selected) on the recovery span."; } enum recovery-failed { description "The recovery action has failed."; } enum reversion-started { description "The reversion has started."; } enum reversion-failed { description "The reversion has failed."; } enum recovery-unavailable { description "The recovery is unavailable -- either as a result of an operator Lockout command or a failure condition detected on the recovery span."; } enum recovery-admin { description "The operator has issued a command switching the user traffic to the recovery span."; } enum wait-to-restore { description "The recovery domain is recovering from a failuer/degrade condition on the working span that is being controlled by the Wait-to-Restore (WTR) timer."; } } description "Defines the status of a recovery action."; reference "RFC4427: Recovery (Protection and Restoration) Terminology for Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS). RFC6378: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Linear Protection"; } typedef te-template-name { type string { pattern '/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+)(/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+)*'; } description "A type for the name of a TE node template or TE link template."; } typedef te-topology-event-type { type enumeration { enum "add" { value 0; description "A TE node or te-link has been added."; } enum "remove" { value 1; description "A TE node or te-link has been removed."; } enum "update" { value 2; description "A TE node or te-link has been updated."; } } description "TE Event type for notifications"; } // te-topology-event-type typedef te-topology-id { type string { pattern '([a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+:)*' + '/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+)(/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+)*'; } description "An identifier for a topology. It is optional to have one or more prefixes at the begining, separated by colons. The prefixes can be the network-types, defined in ietf-network.yang, to help user to understand the topology better before further inquiry."; } typedef te-tp-id { type union { type uint32; // Unnumbered type inet:ip-address; // IPv4 or IPv6 address } description "An identifier for a TE link endpoint on a node. This attribute is mapped to local or remote link identifier in RFC3630 and RFC5305."; } typedef admin-group { type binary { length 4; } description "Administrative group/Resource class/Color."; reference "RFC3630 and RFC5305"; } typedef extended-admin-group { type binary; description "Extended administrative group/Resource class/Color."; reference "RFC7308"; } typedef admin-groups { type union { type admin-group; type extended-admin-group; } description "TE administrative group derived type"; } typedef srlg { type uint32; description "SRLG type"; reference "RFC4203 and RFC5307"; } identity path-computation-srlg-type { description "Base identity for SRLG path computation"; } identity srlg-ignore { base path-computation-srlg-type; description "Ignores SRLGs in path computation"; } identity srlg-strict { base path-computation-srlg-type; description "Include strict SRLG check in path computation"; } identity srlg-preferred { base path-computation-srlg-type; description "Include preferred SRLG check in path computation"; } identity srlg-weighted { base path-computation-srlg-type; description "Include weighted SRLG check in path computation"; } typedef te-metric { type uint32; description "TE link metric"; reference "RFC3785"; } /** * TE bandwidth groupings **/ identity otn-rate-type { description "Base type to identify OTN bit rates of various information structures."; reference "RFC7139"; } identity odu0 { base otn-rate-type; description "ODU0 bit rate."; } identity odu1 { base otn-rate-type; description "ODU1 bit rate."; } identity odu2 { base otn-rate-type; description "ODU2 bit rate."; } identity odu3 { base otn-rate-type; description "ODU3 bit rate."; } identity odu4 { base otn-rate-type; description "ODU4 bit rate."; } identity odu2e { base otn-rate-type; description "ODU2e bit rate."; } identity oduc { base otn-rate-type; description "ODUCn bit rate."; } identity oduflex { base otn-rate-type; description "ODUflex bit rate."; } identity wdm-spectrum-type { description "Base type to identify WDM spectrum type."; } identity cwdm { base wdm-spectrum-type; description "CWDM."; reference "RFC6205"; } identity dwdm { base wdm-spectrum-type; description "DWDM."; reference "RFC6205"; } identity flexible-grid { base wdm-spectrum-type; description "Flexible grid."; reference "RFC6205"; } grouping te-bandwidth { description "This grouping defines the generic TE bandwidth. For some known data plane technologies, specific modeling structures are specified. The string encoded te-bandwidth type is used for un-specified technologies. The modeling structure can be augmented later for other technologies."; container te-bandwidth { description "Container that specifies TE bandwidth."; choice technology { default generic; description "Data plane technology type."; case generic { leaf generic { type te-bandwidth; description "Bandwidth specified in a generic format."; } } } } } /** * TE label groupings **/ grouping te-label { description "This grouping defines the generic TE label. The modeling structure can be augmented for each technology. For un-specified technologies, rt-types:generalized-label is used."; container te-label { description "Container that specifies TE label."; choice technology { default generic; description "Data plane technology type."; case generic { leaf generic { type rt-types:generalized-label; description "TE label specified in a generic format."; } } } leaf direction { type te-label-direction; description "Label direction"; } } } /** * TE performance metric groupings **/ grouping performance-metric-container { description "A container containing performance metric attributes."; container performance-metric { description "Link performance information in real time."; reference "RFC7471: OSPF Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7810: IS-IS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7823: Performance-Based Path Selection for Explicitly Routed Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Using TE Metric Extensions"; container measurement { description "Measured performance metric values. Static configuration and manual overrides of these measurements are also allowed."; uses performance-metric-attributes; } container normality { description "Performance metric normality values."; uses performance-metric-normality-attributes; } uses performance-metric-throttle-container; } } // performance-metric-container grouping te-topology-identifier { description "Augmentation for TE topology."; container te-topology-identifier { description "TE topology identifier container"; leaf provider-id { type te-types:te-global-id; description "An identifier to uniquely identify a provider."; } leaf client-id { type te-types:te-global-id; description "An identifier to uniquely identify a client."; } leaf topology-id { type te-types:te-topology-id; description "It is presumed that a datastore will contain many topologies. To distinguish between topologies it is vital to have UNIQUE topology identifiers."; } } } grouping performance-metric-attributes { description "Link performance information in real time."; reference "RFC7471: OSPF Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7810: IS-IS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7823: Performance-Based Path Selection for Explicitly Routed Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Using TE Metric Extensions"; leaf unidirectional-delay { type uint32 { range 0..16777215; } description "Delay or latency in micro seconds."; } leaf unidirectional-min-delay { type uint32 { range 0..16777215; } description "Minimum delay or latency in micro seconds."; } leaf unidirectional-max-delay { type uint32 { range 0..16777215; } description "Maximum delay or latency in micro seconds."; } leaf unidirectional-delay-variation { type uint32 { range 0..16777215; } description "Delay variation in micro seconds."; } leaf unidirectional-packet-loss { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 6; range "0 .. 50.331642"; } description "Packet loss as a percentage of the total traffic sent over a configurable interval. The finest precision is 0.000003%."; } leaf unidirectional-residual-bandwidth { type rt-types:bandwidth-ieee-float32; description "Residual bandwidth that subtracts tunnel reservations from Maximum Bandwidth (or link capacity) [RFC3630] and provides an aggregated remainder across QoS classes."; } leaf unidirectional-available-bandwidth { type rt-types:bandwidth-ieee-float32; description "Available bandwidth that is defined to be residual bandwidth minus the measured bandwidth used for the actual forwarding of non-RSVP-TE LSP packets. For a bundled link, available bandwidth is defined to be the sum of the component link available bandwidths."; } leaf unidirectional-utilized-bandwidth { type rt-types:bandwidth-ieee-float32; description "Bandwidth utilization that represents the actual utilization of the link (i.e. as measured in the router). For a bundled link, bandwidth utilization is defined to be the sum of the component link bandwidth utilizations."; } } // performance-metric-attributes grouping performance-metric-normality-attributes { description "Link performance metric normality attributes."; reference "RFC7471: OSPF Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7810: IS-IS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7823: Performance-Based Path Selection for Explicitly Routed Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Using TE Metric Extensions"; leaf unidirectional-delay { type te-types:performance-metric-normality; description "Delay normality."; } leaf unidirectional-min-delay { type te-types:performance-metric-normality; description "Minimum delay or latency normality."; } leaf unidirectional-max-delay { type te-types:performance-metric-normality; description "Maximum delay or latency normality."; } leaf unidirectional-delay-variation { type te-types:performance-metric-normality; description "Delay variation normality."; } leaf unidirectional-packet-loss { type te-types:performance-metric-normality; description "Packet loss normality."; } leaf unidirectional-residual-bandwidth { type te-types:performance-metric-normality; description "Residual bandwidth normality."; } leaf unidirectional-available-bandwidth { type te-types:performance-metric-normality; description "Available bandwidth normality."; } leaf unidirectional-utilized-bandwidth { type te-types:performance-metric-normality; description "Bandwidth utilization normality."; } } // performance-metric-normality-attributes grouping performance-metric-throttle-container { description "A container controlling performance metric throttle."; container throttle { must "suppression-interval >= measure-interval" { error-message "suppression-interval cannot be less then measure-interval."; description "Constraint on suppression-interval and measure-interval."; } description "Link performance information in real time."; reference "RFC7471: OSPF Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7810: IS-IS Traffic Engineering (TE) Metric Extensions. RFC7823: Performance-Based Path Selection for Explicitly Routed Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Using TE Metric Extensions"; leaf unidirectional-delay-offset { type uint32 { range 0..16777215; } description "Offset value to be added to the measured delay value."; } leaf measure-interval { type uint32; default 30; description "Interval in seconds to measure the extended metric values."; } leaf advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Interval in seconds to advertise the extended metric values."; } leaf suppression-interval { type uint32 { range "1 .. max"; } default 120; description "Interval in seconds to suppress advertising the extended metric values."; } container threshold-out { uses performance-metric-attributes; description "If the measured parameter falls outside an upper bound for all but the min delay metric (or lower bound for min-delay metric only) and the advertised value is not already outside that bound, anomalous announcement will be triggered."; } container threshold-in { uses performance-metric-attributes; description "If the measured parameter falls inside an upper bound for all but the min delay metric (or lower bound for min-delay metric only) and the advertised value is not already inside that bound, normal (anomalous-flag cleared) announcement will be triggered."; } container threshold-accelerated-advertisement { description "When the difference between the last advertised value and current measured value exceed this threshold, anomalous announcement will be triggered."; uses performance-metric-attributes; } } } // performance-metric-throttle-container /** * TE tunnel generic groupings **/ /* Tunnel path selection parameters */ grouping explicit-route-hop { description "The explicit route subobject grouping"; leaf index { type uint32; description "ERO subobject index"; } choice type { description "The explicit route subobject type"; case num-unnum-hop { container num-unnum-hop { leaf node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "The identifier of a node in the TE topology."; } leaf link-tp-id { type te-types:te-tp-id; description "TE link termination point identifier. The combination of TE link ID and the TE node ID is used to identify an unnumbered TE link."; } leaf hop-type { type te-hop-type; description "strict or loose hop"; } leaf direction { type te-link-direction; description "Unnumbered Link ERO direction"; } description "Numbered and Unnumbered link/node explicit route subobject"; reference "RFC3209: section 4.3 for EXPLICIT_ROUTE in RSVP-TE RFC3477: Signalling Unnumbered Links in RSVP-TE"; } } case as-number { container as-number-hop { leaf as-number { type binary { length 16; } description "AS number"; } leaf hop-type { type te-hop-type; description "strict or loose hop"; } description "Autonomous System explicit route subobject"; } } case label { container label-hop { description "Label hop type"; uses te-label; } description "The Label ERO subobject"; } } } grouping record-route-subobject_state { description "The record route subobject grouping"; leaf index { type uint32; description "RRO subobject index"; } choice type { description "The record route subobject type"; case numbered { leaf address { type te-types:te-tp-id; description "Numbered link TE termination point address."; } leaf ip-flags { type binary { length 8; } description "RRO IP address sub-object flags"; reference "RFC3209"; } } case unnumbered { leaf node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "The identifier of a node in the TE topology."; } leaf link-tp-id { type te-types:te-tp-id; description "TE link termination point identifier, used together with te-node-id to identify the link termination point"; } description "Unnumbered link record route subobject"; reference "RFC3477: Signalling Unnumbered Links in RSVP-TE"; } case label { container label-hop { description "Label hop type"; uses te-label; leaf label-flags { type binary { length 8; } description "Label sub-object flags"; reference "RFC3209"; } } description "The Label RRO subobject"; } } } grouping label-restriction-info { description "Label set item info"; leaf restriction { type enumeration { enum inclusive { description "The label or label range is inclusive."; } enum exclusive { description "The label or label range is exclusive."; } } description "Whether the list item is inclusive or exclusive."; } leaf index { type uint32; description "Then index of the label restriction list entry."; } container label-start { description "This is the starting label if a label range is specified. This is the label value if a single label is specified, in which case, attribute 'label-end' is not set."; uses te-label; } container label-end { description "The ending label if a label range is specified; This attribute is not set, If a single label is specified."; uses te-label; } leaf range-bitmap { type binary; description "When there are gaps between label-start and label-end, this attribute is used to specified the possitions of the used labels."; } } grouping label-set-info { description "Grouping for List of label restrictions specifying what labels may or may not be used on a link connectivity."; container label-restrictions { description "The label restrictions container"; list label-restriction { key "index"; description "The absence of label-set implies that all labels are acceptable; otherwise only restricted labels are available."; reference "RFC7579: General Network Element Constraint Encoding for GMPLS-Controlled Networks"; uses label-restriction-info; } } } /*** End of TE tunnel groupings ***/ grouping optimizations_config { description "Optimization metrics configuration grouping"; leaf metric-type { type identityref { base te-types:path-metric-type; } description "TE path metric type"; } leaf weight { type uint8; description "TE path metric normalization weight"; } container explicit-route-exclude-objects { when "../metric-type = " + "'te-types:path-metric-optimize-excludes'"; description "Container for the exclude route object list"; uses path-route-exclude-objects; } container explicit-route-include-objects { when "../metric-type = " + "'te-types:path-metric-optimize-includes'"; description "Container for the include route object list"; uses path-route-include-objects; } } grouping common-constraints_config { description "Common constraints grouping that can be set on a constraint set or directly on the tunnel"; uses te-types:te-bandwidth { description "A requested bandwidth to use for path computation"; } leaf setup-priority { type uint8 { range "0..7"; } description "TE LSP requested setup priority"; reference "RFC3209"; } leaf hold-priority { type uint8 { range "0..7"; } description "TE LSP requested hold priority"; reference "RFC3209"; } leaf signaling-type { type identityref { base te-types:path-signaling-type; } description "TE tunnel path signaling type"; } } grouping tunnel-constraints_config { description "Tunnel constraints grouping that can be set on a constraint set or directly on the tunnel"; uses te-types:te-topology-identifier; uses te-types:common-constraints_config; } grouping path-metrics-bounds_config { description "TE path metric bounds grouping"; leaf metric-type { type identityref { base te-types:path-metric-type; } description "TE path metric type"; } leaf upper-bound { type uint64; description "Upper bound on end-to-end TE path metric"; } } grouping path-objective-function_config { description "Optimization metrics configuration grouping"; leaf objective-function-type { type identityref { base te-types:objective-function-type; } description "Objective function entry"; } } /** * TE interface generic groupings **/ grouping path-route-objects { description "List of EROs to be included or excluded when performing the path computation."; container explicit-route-objects { description "Container for the exclude route object list"; list route-object-exclude-always { key index; description "List of explicit route objects to always exclude from path computation"; uses te-types:explicit-route-hop; } list route-object-include-exclude { key index; description "List of explicit route objects to include or exclude in path computation"; leaf explicit-route-usage { type identityref { base te-types:route-usage-type; } description "Explicit-route usage."; } uses te-types:explicit-route-hop { augment "type" { case srlg { container srlg { description "SRLG container"; leaf srlg { type uint32; description "SRLG value"; } } description "An SRLG value to be included or excluded"; } description "Augmentation to generic explicit route for SRLG exclusion"; } } } } } grouping path-route-include-objects { description "List of EROs to be included when performing the path computation."; list route-object-include-object { key index; description "List of explicit route objects to be included in path computation"; uses te-types:explicit-route-hop; } } grouping path-route-exclude-objects { description "List of EROs to be included when performing the path computation."; list route-object-exclude-object { key index; description "List of explicit route objects to be excluded in path computation"; uses te-types:explicit-route-hop { augment "type" { case srlg { container srlg { description "SRLG container"; leaf srlg { type uint32; description "SRLG value"; } } description "An SRLG value to be included or excluded"; } description "Augmentation to generic explicit route for SRLG exclusion"; } } } } grouping generic-path-metric-bounds { description "TE path metric bounds grouping"; container path-metric-bounds { description "TE path metric bounds container"; list path-metric-bound { key metric-type; description "List of TE path metric bounds"; uses path-metrics-bounds_config; } } } grouping generic-path-optimization { description "TE generic path optimization grouping"; container optimizations { description "The objective function container that includes attributes to impose when computing a TE path"; choice algorithm { description "Optimizations algorithm."; case metric { if-feature path-optimization-metric; /* Optimize by metric */ list optimization-metric { key "metric-type"; description "TE path metric type"; uses optimizations_config; } /* Tiebreakers */ container tiebreakers { description "The list of tiebreaker criterion to apply on an equally favored set of paths to pick best"; list tiebreaker { key "tiebreaker-type"; description "The list of tiebreaker criterion to apply on an equally favored set of paths to pick best"; leaf tiebreaker-type { type identityref { base te-types:path-metric-type; } description "The objective function"; } } } } case objective-function { if-feature path-optimization-objective-function; /* Objective functions */ container objective-function { description "The objective function container that includes attributes to impose when computing a TE path"; uses path-objective-function_config; } } } } } grouping generic-path-affinities { description "Path affinities grouping"; container path-affinities { description "Path affinities container"; list constraint { key "usage"; description "List of named affinity constraints"; leaf usage { type identityref { base resource-affinities-type; } description "Affinities usage"; } leaf value { type admin-groups; description "Affinity value"; } } } } grouping generic-path-srlgs { description "Path SRLG grouping"; container path-srlgs { description "Path SRLG properties container"; leaf usage { type identityref { base te-types:route-exclude-srlg; } description "SRLG usage"; } leaf-list values { type srlg; description "SRLG value"; } } } grouping generic-path-disjointness { description "Path disjointness grouping"; leaf disjointness { type te-types:te-path-disjointness; description "The type of resource disjointness. Under primary path, disjointness level applies to all secondary LSPs. Under secondary, disjointness level overrides the one under primary"; } } grouping common-path-constraints-attributes { description "Common path constraints configuration grouping"; uses common-constraints_config; uses generic-path-metric-bounds; uses generic-path-affinities; uses generic-path-srlgs; } grouping generic-path-constraints { description "Global named path constraints configuration grouping"; container path-constraints { description "TE named path constraints container"; uses common-path-constraints-attributes; uses generic-path-disjointness; } } grouping generic-path-properties { description "TE generic path properties grouping"; container path-properties { config false; description "The TE path properties"; list path-metric { key metric-type; description "TE path metric type"; leaf metric-type { type identityref { base te-types:path-metric-type; } description "TE path metric type"; } leaf accumulative-value { type uint64; description "TE path metric accumulative value"; } } uses generic-path-affinities; uses generic-path-srlgs; container path-route-objects { description "Container for the list of route objects either returned by the computation engine or actually used by an LSP"; list path-route-object { key index; description "List of route objects either returned by the computation engine or actually used by an LSP"; uses explicit-route-hop; } } } } }