module ietf-eth-tran-service { namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-eth-tran-service"; prefix "ethtsvc"; import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; } import ietf-te-types { prefix "te-types"; } import ietf-eth-tran-types { prefix "etht-types"; } organization "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) CCAMP WG"; contact " WG List: ID-draft editor: Haomian Zheng (; Italo Busi (; Aihua Guo (; Yunbin Xu (; Yang Zhao (; Xufeng Liu (; Giuseppe Fioccola (; "; description "This module defines a YANG data model for describing the Ethernet transport services."; revision 2018-03-01 { description "Initial revision"; reference "draft-zheng-ccamp-client-signal-yang"; } /* Groupings */ grouping vlan-classification { description "A grouping which represents classification on an 802.1Q VLAN tag."; leaf tag-type { type etht-types:eth-tag-classify; description "The tag type used for VLAN classification."; } choice individual-bundling-vlan { description "VLAN based classification can be individual or bundling."; case individual-vlan { leaf vlan-value { type etht-types:vlanid; description "VLAN ID value."; } } case vlan-bundling { leaf vlan-range { type etht-types:vid-range-type; description "List of VLAN ID values."; } } } } grouping vlan-write { description "A grouping which represents push/pop operations of an 802.1Q VLAN tag."; leaf tag-type { type etht-types:eth-tag-type; description "The VLAN tag type to push/swap."; } leaf vlan-value { type etht-types:vlanid; description "The VLAN ID value to push/swap."; } } grouping vlan-operations { description "A grouping which represents VLAN operations."; leaf pop-tags { type uint8 { range "1..2"; } description "The number of VLAN tags to pop (or swap if used in conjunction with push-tags)"; } container push-tags { description "The VLAN tags to push (or swap if used in conjunction with pop-tags)"; container outer-tag { presence "Indicates existence of the outermost VLAN tag to push/swap"; description "The outermost VLAN tag to push/swap."; uses vlan-write; } container second-tag { must '../outer-tag/tag-type = "s-vlan-tag-type" and ' + 'tag-type = "c-vlan-tag-type"' { error-message " When pushing/swapping two tags, the outermost tag must be specified and of S-VLAN type and the second outermost tag must be of C-VLAN tag type. "; description " For IEEE 802.1Q interoperability, when pushing/swapping two tags, it is required that the outermost tag exists and is an S-VLAN, and the second outermost tag is a C-VLAN. "; } presence "Indicates existence of a second outermost VLAN tag to push/swap"; description "The second outermost VLAN tag to push/swap."; uses vlan-write; } } } grouping bandwidth-profiles { description "A grouping which represent bandwidth profile configuration."; choice direction { description "Whether the bandwidth profiles are symmetrical or asymmetrical"; case symmetrical { description "The same bandwidth profile is used to describe the ingress and the egress bandwidth profile."; leaf ingress-egress-bandwidth-profile-name { type "string"; description "Name of the bandwidth profile."; } } case asymmetrical { description "Ingress and egress bandwidth profiles can be specified."; leaf ingress-bandwidth-profile-name { type "string"; description "Name of the bandwidth profile used in the ingress direction."; } leaf egress-bandwidth-profile-name { type "string"; description "Name of the bandwidth profile used in the egress direction."; } } } } grouping etht-svc-access-parameters { description "ETH transport services access parameters"; leaf access-node-id { type te-types:te-node-id; description "The identifier of the access node in the ETH transport topology."; } leaf access-ltp-id { type te-types:te-tp-id; description "The TE link termination point identifier, used together with access-node-id to identify the access LTP."; } leaf service-classification-type { type identityref { base etht-types:service-classification-type; } description "Service classification type."; } choice service-classification { description "Access classification can be port-based or VLAN based."; case port-classification { /* no additional information */ } case vlan-classification { container outer-tag { presence "The outermost VLAN tag exists"; description "Classifies traffic using the outermost VLAN tag."; uses vlan-classification; } container second-tag { must '../outer-tag/tag-type = "classify-s-vlan" and ' + 'tag-type = "classify-c-vlan"' { error-message " When matching two tags, the outermost tag must be specified and of S-VLAN type and the second outermost tag must be of C-VLAN tag type. "; description " For IEEE 802.1Q interoperability, when matching two tags, it is required that the outermost tag exists and is an S-VLAN, and the second outermost tag is a C-VLAN. "; } presence "The second outermost VLAN tag exists"; description "Classifies traffic using the second outermost VLAN tag."; uses vlan-classification; } } } /* Open issue: can we constraints it to be used only with mp services? */ leaf split-horizon-group { type string; description "Identify a split horizon group"; } uses bandwidth-profiles; container vlan-operations { description "include parameters for vlan-operation"; choice direction { description "Whether the VLAN operations are symmetrical or asymmetrical"; case symmetrical { container symmetrical-operation { uses vlan-operations; description "Symmetrical operations. Expressed in the ingress direction, but the reverse operation is applied to egress traffic"; } } case asymmetrical { container asymmetrical-operation { description "Asymmetrical operations"; container ingress { uses vlan-operations; description "Ingress operations"; } container egress { uses vlan-operations; description "Egress operations"; } } } } } } grouping etht-svc-tunnel-parameters { description "ETH transport services tunnel parameters"; leaf tunnel-name { type string; description "TE service tunnel instance name."; } choice svc-multiplexing-tag { description "Service multiplexing is optional and flexible."; case other { /* placeholder to support proprietary multiplexing (for further discussion) */ } case none { /* no additional information is needed */ } case vlan-tag { /* No additional information is needed The C-Tag or S-Tag used for service mulitplexing is defined by the VLAN classification and operations configured in the etht-svc-access-parameters grouping */ } case pw { /* to be completed (for further discussion) */ } } /* Open issue: can we constraints it to be used only with mp services? */ leaf src-split-horizon-group { type string; description "Identify a split horizon group at the Tunnel source TTP"; } leaf dst-split-horizon-group { type string; description "Identify a split horizon group at the Tunnel destination TTP"; } } grouping te-topology-identifier { description "An identifier to uniquely identify the TE topology."; leaf access-provider-id { type te-types:te-global-id; description "An identifier to uniquely identify a provider."; } leaf access-client-id { type te-types:te-global-id; description "An identifier to uniquely identify a client."; } leaf access-topology-id { type te-types:te-topology-id; description "Identifies the topology the service access ports belong to."; } } grouping etht-svc-pm-threshold_config { description "Configuraiton parameters for Ethernet service PM thresholds."; leaf sending-rate-high { type uint64; description "High threshold of packet sending rate in kbps."; } leaf sending-rate-low { type uint64; description "Low threshold of packet sending rate in kbps."; } leaf receiving-rate-high { type uint64; description "High threshold of packet receiving rate in kbps."; } leaf receiving-rate-low { type uint64; description "Low threshold of packet receiving rate in kbps."; } } grouping etht-svc-pm-stats { description "Ethernet service PM statistics."; leaf sending-rate-too-high { type uint32; description "Counter that indicates the number of times the sending rate is above the high threshold"; } leaf sending-rate-too-low { type uint32; description "Counter that indicates the number of times the sending rate is below the low threshold"; } leaf receiving-rate-too-high { type uint32; description "Counter that indicates the number of times the receiving rate is above the high threshold"; } leaf receiving-rate-too-low { type uint32; description "Counter that indicates the number of times the receiving rate is below the low threshold"; } } grouping etht-svc-instance_config { description "Configuraiton parameters for Ethernet services."; leaf etht-svc-name { type string; description "Name of the p2p ETH transport service."; } leaf etht-svc-descr { type string; description "Description of the ETH transport service."; } leaf etht-svc-type { type etht-types:service-type; description "Type of Ethernet service (p2p, mp2mp or rmp)."; /* Add default as p2p */ } uses te-topology-identifier; list etht-svc-access-ports { key access-port-id; min-elements "1"; /* Open Issue: Is it possible to limit the max-elements only for p2p services? max-elements "2"; */ description "List of the ETH trasport services access port instances."; leaf access-port-id { type uint16; description "ID of the service access port instance"; } uses etht-svc-access-parameters; } list etht-svc-tunnels { key tunnel-name; description "List of the TE Tunnels supporting the ETH transport service."; uses etht-svc-tunnel-parameters; } container pm-config { description "ETH service performance monitoring"; leaf pm-enable { type boolean; description "Boolean value indicating whether PM is enabled."; } uses etht-svc-pm-threshold_config; } leaf admin-status { type identityref { base te-types:tunnel-state-type; } default te-types:tunnel-state-up; description "ETH service administrative state."; } } grouping etht-svc-instance_state { description "State parameters for Ethernet services."; leaf operational-state { type identityref { base te-types:tunnel-state-type; } default te-types:tunnel-state-up; description "ETH service operational state."; } leaf provisioning-state { type identityref { base te-types:lsp-state-type; } description "ETH service provisioning state."; } leaf creation-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time of ETH service creation."; } leaf last-updated-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Time of ETH service last update."; } uses etht-svc-pm-stats; } /* Data nodes */ container etht-svc { description "ETH transport services."; container globals { description "ETH profile information."; list etht-svc-bandwidth-profiles { key bandwidth-profile-name; description "List of bandwidth profile templates used by Ethernet services."; uses etht-types:etht-bandwidth-profiles; } } list etht-svc-instances { key etht-svc-name; description "The list of p2p ETH transport service instances"; uses etht-svc-instance_config; container state { config false; description "Ethernet Service states."; uses etht-svc-instance_state; } } } }