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"4345ea8f.58f384" ] ] }, { "id": "4345ea8f.58f384", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch vnf_length", "xml": "<switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf_length`'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 498.3333206176758, "y": 359.49701499938965, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "728fa904.537908", "23bd57ed.5c2f68" ] ] }, { "id": "728fa904.537908", "type": "other", "name": "NULL", "xml": "<outcome value=''>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 682.9166831970215, "y": 308.83031368255615, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "f32a75d4.e72c28" ] ] }, { "id": "ea2e0eca.99875", "type": "for", "name": "for each vnf", "xml": "<for index='idx' start='0' end='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf_length`' >\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1021.2500038146973, "y": 388.49698543548584, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "ff75cb52.105748" ] ] }, { "id": "ff75cb52.105748", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch this vnf-id == input vnf-id", "xml": "<switch test='`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$idx].vnf-id == $vnf-topology-operation-input.vnf-information.vnf-id`' >\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1276.2500915527344, "y": 388.16365337371826, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "49e6f7a3.488758" ] ] }, { "id": "49e6f7a3.488758", "type": "outcomeTrue", "name": "true", "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1514.5833778381348, "y": 387.163631439209, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "d7731519.ea37c8" ] ] }, { "id": "d7731519.ea37c8", "type": "set", "name": "set vnf-index", "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='vnf-index' value='`$idx`' />\n", "comments": "", "x": 1682.9165725708008, "y": 387.16365337371826, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [] }, { "id": "59efadd9.34ff64", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch vnf-index", "xml": "<switch test='`$vnf-index`'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1031.2500114440918, "y": 456.16367626190186, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "4275fe83.7bd96", "d296558f.79c2f8" ] ] }, { "id": "4275fe83.7bd96", "type": "other", 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name=\"service-data.vnfs.\" value=\"\"/>\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2371.24320602417, "y": 864.5607433319092, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [] }, { "id": "a23b009d.a038", "type": "other", "name": "other", "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2209.100601196289, "y": 945.0367832183838, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "9a322bdb.0d3758" ] ] }, { "id": "632aab75.bfd5f4", "type": "set", "name": "set new vnf length", "xml": "<set>\n\t<parameter name=\"service-data.vnfs.vnf_length\" value=\"`$service-data.vnfs.vnf_length - 1`\"/>\n\n\t\n", "comments": "", "x": 2621.373092651367, "y": 1037.4774322509766, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [] }, { "id": "cc9aa5c.d39c258", "type": "set", "name": "Remove the last vnf in the list", "xml": "<set>\n\t<parameter name=\"service-data.vnfs.vnf[$service-data.vnfs.vnf_length - 1].\" value=\"\"/>\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2657.076747894287, "y": 992.5884532928467, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [] }, { "id": "9a322bdb.0d3758", "type": "block", "name": "block : atomic", "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">", "atomic": "true", "outputs": 1, "x": 2374.909942626953, "y": 948.5605640411377, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "ea9f2a97.ca1f08", "cc9aa5c.d39c258", "632aab75.bfd5f4" ] ] }, { "id": "422a0307.b6e26c", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch current vf-module_length", "xml": "<switch test=\"`$service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vf-modules.vf-module_length`\">\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1405.4999160766602, "y": 677.8303089141846, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "cb71008a.a8f54", "281b69c0.91b136", "b3e6a6da.0a0b88" ] ] }, { "id": "cb71008a.a8f54", "type": "outcome", "name": "0", "xml": "<outcome value='0'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1634.1665573120117, "y": 634.4969501495361, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "c599e4d6.59a018" ] ] }, { "id": "281b69c0.91b136", "type": "outcome", "name": "NULL", "xml": "<outcome value=''>", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1632.7379684448242, "y": 675.9256076812744, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "c599e4d6.59a018" ] ] }, { "id": "c599e4d6.59a018", "type": "block", "name": "block", "xml": "<block>\n", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1781.309482574463, "y": 655.9256086349487, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "b3e6a6da.0a0b88", "type": "other", "name": "other", "xml": "<outcome value='Other'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1632.7380180358887, "y": 717.3541955947876, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "46457f5b.3ef86" ] ] }, { "id": "46457f5b.3ef86", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n\t<parameter name='ack-final' value='Y'/>\n\t<parameter name=\"error-code\" value=\"500\" />\n <parameter name=\"error-message\" value=\"Cannot delete the VNF because there are VF modules defined\" />\n", "comments": "", "x": 1799.8809127807617, "y": 716.9255838394165, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [] }, { "id": "1b063d0f.a0a6e3", "type": "call", "name": "call GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:naming-policy-generate-name", "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='naming-policy-generate-name' mode='sync' >\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2149.9602127075195, "y": 1258.7499952316284, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "85b7a9d.afa5c58", "type": "set", "name": "set variables for deleting name", "xml": "<set>\n<parameter name='naming-policy-generate-name-input.naming-type' value='VNF' />\n<parameter name='naming-policy-generate-name-input.context-id' value='`$vnf-topology-operation-input.vnf-information.vnf-id`' />\n<parameter name='naming-policy-generate-name-input.action' value='DELETE' />\n", "comments": "", "x": 2051.388832092285, "y": 1211.60706615448, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [] }, { "id": "f601bfcd.e4487", "type": "block", "name": "block : atomic", "xml": "<block atomic=\"true\">", "atomic": "true", "outputs": 1, "x": 1765.6427841186523, "y": 1094.7024116516113, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "9db43d1a.80b5b", "85b7a9d.afa5c58", "1b063d0f.a0a6e3", "e72eb007.b4761" ] ] }, { "id": "9f240acf.f10968", "type": "call", "name": "call self-serve-vnf-forking-logic", "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-vnf-forking-logic' mode='sync' >\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1389.7857284545898, "y": 904.7023048400879, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "c939b04c.c627d", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch ss.self-serve-flag", "xml": "<switch test=\"`$ss.self-serve-flag`\">\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1372.4999465942383, "y": 1094.5594997406006, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "7a49c72e.1fe9c8", "ecc5218b.461db" ] ] }, { "id": "7a49c72e.1fe9c8", "type": "outcomeFalse", "name": "false", "xml": "<outcome value='false'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1588.4999465942383, "y": 1094.9880847930908, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "f601bfcd.e4487" ] ] }, { "id": "4db0d0cc.fcf23", "type": "call", "name": "call self-serve-vnf-unassign", "xml": "<call module='GENERIC-RESOURCE-API' rpc='self-serve-vnf-unassign' mode='sync' >\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1804.214210510254, "y": 1410.4166460037231, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "a8b8d4da.ba5e58", "1a3f330c.4838ed" ] ] }, { "id": "a8b8d4da.ba5e58", "type": "failure", "name": "failure", "xml": "<outcome value='failure'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2011.9641952514648, "y": 1410.6666345596313, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "58a86c05.a04eb4" ] ] }, { "id": "58a86c05.a04eb4", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "<return status='failure'>\n<parameter name='error-code' value='500' />\n<parameter name='error-message' value=\"`'Encountered error while unassigning self-serve resources with error: '+ $error-message`\" />\n", "comments": "", "x": 2177.5356216430664, "y": 1410.3095293045044, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [] }, { "id": "1a3f330c.4838ed", "type": "success", "name": "success", "xml": "<outcome value='success'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2016.5713691711426, "y": 1461.2221689224243, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "9db43d1a.80b5b" ] ] }, { "id": "ecc5218b.461db", "type": "outcomeTrue", "name": "true", "xml": "<outcome value='true'>\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1589.7856254577637, "y": 1410.8452253341675, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "4db0d0cc.fcf23" ] ] }, { "id": "46619b61.b2e6d4", "type": "get-resource", "name": "get-resource VF_MODEL", "xml": "<get-resource plugin='org.onap.ccsdk.sli.adaptors.resource.sql.SqlResource' resource='SQL'\n key='SELECT * from VF_MODEL WHERE customization_uuid = $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.onap-model-information.model-customization-uuid'\n pfx='db.vf-model'>\n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1376.7856369018555, "y": 800.4166660308838, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [ "db921505.1ecab8", "2ad253ad.07e3dc" ] ] }, { "id": "db921505.1ecab8", "type": "failure", 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name=\"service-data.vnfs.vnf[$tmpidx].\" value=\"\" />\n\t\n", "comments": "", "x": 2923.6903648376465, "y": 895.8660793304443, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [] }, { "id": "6896f0e8.60f06", "type": "record", "name": "record ", "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.Slf4jRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"logger\" value=\"message-log\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"`'No model found for VNF customization UUID ' + $service-data.vnfs.vnf[$vnf-index].vnf-data.vnf-topology.onap-model-information.model-customization-uuid`\"/>", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1758.4999923706055, "y": 825.7500009536743, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "b4171d9d.62fd", "type": "record", "name": "record ", "xml": "<record plugin=\"org.onap.ccsdk.sli.core.sli.recording.Slf4jRecorder\">\n<parameter name=\"logger\" value=\"message-log\"/>\n<parameter name=\"field1\" value=\"Error reading VF_MODEL table\"/>", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1741.4999923706055, "y": 780.7500009536743, "z": "8bfceefc.af82b", "wires": [ [] ] } ]