[ { "id": "4b30503e.867f2", "type": "dgstart", "name": "DGSTART", "outputs": 1, "x": 116.00390625, "y": 47.999999046325684, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "37e77520.ee3cba" ] ] }, { "id": "37e77520.ee3cba", "type": "service-logic", "name": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API ${project.version}", "module": "GENERIC-RESOURCE-API", "version": "${project.version}", "comments": "", "xml": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 328.00391006469727, "y": 120.00001621246338, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "5677b71b.5fb328" ] ] }, { "id": "5677b71b.5fb328", "type": "method", "name": "sotn-attachment-topology-operation-delete", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 316.0040283203125, "y": 207.99999904632568, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "9d2f20f7.d7e57" ] ] }, { "id": "9d2f20f7.d7e57", "type": "block", "name": "block : atomic", "xml": "\n", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 332.0040283203125, "y": 763.0002436637878, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "ed51ef95.ae803", "88df7f3c.6dcf", "3f1b61e1.0ac49e", "e2fe8873.3a2848", "d8fe29bc.d00d68", "4903f6e1.1eeb68", "f2266740.3e9f68", "a2240e65.e6034", "1742ced6.939601", "8b97d92c.0d63e8", "4eb557ec.96c928", "608b88dd.e3a5a8", "12cd17c5.66c948", "9eb3dfae.f51c4", "cf61b833.d96918" ] ] }, { "id": "ed51ef95.ae803", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.ar.allotted-resource-id,etc", "xml": "\n\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 728.9974670410156, "y": 161.9934859275818, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "d21298fe.289dd8", "type": "comment", "name": "set tmp ar-id to fetch resource from MDSAL", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 757.9577789306641, "y": 126.02528190612793, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "88df7f3c.6dcf", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.ar.self-link", "xml": "\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 682.9974060058594, "y": 254.99349117279053, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "d8fe29bc.d00d68", "type": "execute", "name": "execute Properties", "xml": "\n \n \n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 689.2592964172363, "y": 342.6602201461792, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "3f1b61e1.0ac49e", "type": "execute", "name": "generate allotted-resource url", "xml": "\n \n \n \n \n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 721.2593231201172, "y": 430.66020154953003, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "c43edf3b.dcbac", "type": "comment", "name": "Used for setting output to API Handler", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 736.9974365234375, "y": 221.9935007095337, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "10733905.283097", "type": "comment", "name": "Obtain different URL, template location etc", "info": "For saving resource information to MDSAL & for AAI", "comments": "", "x": 754.9974021911621, "y": 307.882381439209, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "62545852.867ec8", "type": "comment", "name": "Used to Get AR by id to MDSAL, same as self-link", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 780.9974212646484, "y": 394.8823404312134, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "ed0a2645.640ef8", "type": "comment", "name": "GET parent-service-data from mdsal to check existence of other End point", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 848.0042343139648, "y": 849.5316219329834, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "a950273c.9f66a8", "type": "for", "name": "for pidx..mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources.provided-allotted-resource[]", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1676.1888427734375, "y": 1083.0042576789856, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "e88ff344.a2353" ] ] }, { "id": "e2fe8873.3a2848", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch mdsal-psd.service-data.provided-allotted-resources_length", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 827.1882019042969, "y": 1089.7180404663086, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "7dbb67ae.29f3f8", "dea01091.d8b15" ] ] }, { "id": "2fdb27fa.f6ac38", "type": "block", "name": "block : atomic", "xml": "", "atomic": "true", "outputs": 1, "x": 1277.4583644866943, "y": 1129.7015261650085, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "a950273c.9f66a8", "19cf7741.613499" ] ] }, { "id": "e88ff344.a2353", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch allotted-resource-id", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2126.300048828125, "y": 1081.0041155815125, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "c87ef19e.e93cf" ] ] }, { "id": "4903f6e1.1eeb68", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.ar.parent-service-instance-id", "xml": "\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 738.9726181030273, "y": 885.0000667572021, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "9023749d.2a65a8", "type": "success", "name": "success", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1118.972900390625, "y": 963.0001816749573, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "85ec274.d7380d8" ] ] }, { "id": "13a32c23.faaff4", "type": "other", "name": "other", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1110.8247032165527, "y": 998.0662665367126, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "61460fc5.a222" ] ] }, { "id": "61460fc5.a222", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "\n\t\n\t\n \n \n", "comments": "", "x": 1285.973388671875, "y": 994.333616733551, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "85ec274.d7380d8", "type": "block", "name": "block", "xml": "\n", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1269.972900390625, "y": 961.0001816749573, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "2a315011.b7952", "type": "failure", "name": "failure", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 972.7346687316895, "y": 1278.9528144598007, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "398739b4.01afc6" ] ] }, { "id": "398739b4.01afc6", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "\n\t\n\t\n \n", "comments": "", "x": 1139.2585487365723, "y": 1290.5718854665756, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "2e78e3b1.a4cadc", "type": "failure", "name": "not-found", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 979.8299560546875, "y": 1311.7147821187973, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "398739b4.01afc6" ] ] }, { "id": "3f6ffe96.e0bda2", "type": "comment", "name": "TODO: Rework after confirmation from AAI", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 1104.1413345336914, "y": 1229.8732142448425, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "f2266740.3e9f68", "type": "set", "name": "set output to api handler", "xml": "\n\n\n\n \n", "comments": "", "x": 705.5500564575195, "y": 1242.8276815414429, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "a2240e65.e6034", "type": "returnSuccess", "name": "return success", "xml": "\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 674.9631614685059, "y": 1343.4434361457825, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "1742ced6.939601", "type": "execute", "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - PUT AR by id", "xml": "\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 754.6705703735352, "y": 519.3333616256714, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "597f085a.f89fd8", "c3fb7b14.ff60a8", "e4c15d29.0e847" ] ] 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1135.7180843353271, "y": 475.7141823768616, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "c4e5f3c2.475ed", "type": "comment", "name": "Delete Allotted Resource", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 702.0039520263672, "y": 488.0000276565552, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "de43dad6.d53448", "type": "for", "name": "for cidx..service-data.consumed-allotted-resources.consumed-allotted-resource[]", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1652.0078125, "y": 725.0039052963257, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "584a4c5d.3639a4" ] ] }, { "id": "8b97d92c.0d63e8", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch service-data.consumed-allotted-resources_length", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 805.0071983337402, "y": 685.7179067134857, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "3433f8dc.aa0358", "d35e52b4.a3e33" ] ] }, { "id": "3433f8dc.aa0358", "type": "other", "name": "outcome Null", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1129.1500625610352, "y": 668.5753412246704, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "e9cfa004.3e1db" ] ] }, { "id": "d35e52b4.a3e33", "type": "other", "name": "other", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1115.1500854492188, "y": 731.5753300189972, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "27f778ec.7e6108" ] ] }, { "id": "27f778ec.7e6108", "type": "block", "name": "block : atomic", "xml": "", "atomic": "true", "outputs": 1, "x": 1275.2771759033203, "y": 729.7013065814972, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "de43dad6.d53448", "c89d5c3.bdcfea" ] ] }, { "id": "4eb557ec.96c928", "type": "set", "name": "set consumed allotted resources for deletion", "xml": "\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 761.8645324707031, "y": 756.2895498275757, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "584a4c5d.3639a4", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch allotted-resource-id", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2090.1194229125977, "y": 721.0040273666382, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "c6c0a37e.c2dab" ] ] }, { "id": "c6c0a37e.c2dab", "type": "outcomeTrue", "name": "true", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2285.929244995117, "y": 720.4683518409729, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "980eb324.1f10c" ] ] }, { "id": "b3956a96.0877a8", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.cidx", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2601.2657775878906, "y": 721.2246098518372, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "f7015fdd.73e0f", "type": "comment", "name": "Delete consumed service consumed-allotted-resources in mdsal", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 816.0084686279297, "y": 618.003871455905, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "1b9b1c3c.959814", "type": "comment", "name": "This set resource will be deleted in MDSAL by provider code", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 806.341251373291, "y": 722.7819633483887, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "4ceb1c8.5e02ee4", "type": "comment", "name": "Obtain the index of conusumed AR", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 728.7856597900391, "y": 649.8927316665649, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "e9cfa004.3e1db", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "\n\t\n\t\n \n", "comments": "", "x": 1291.0078125, "y": 669.0039052963257, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "980eb324.1f10c", "type": "block", "name": "block : atomic", "xml": "", "atomic": "true", "outputs": 1, "x": 2435.007843017578, "y": 721.2539548873901, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "b3956a96.0877a8" ] ] }, { "id": "157c6d55.8b7213", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "\n\t\n\t\n \n", "comments": "", "x": 1745.2578125, "y": 778.2539052963257, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "2c9e34da.91de0c", "type": "outcome", "name": "NULL", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1607.7578125, "y": 778.2539052963257, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "157c6d55.8b7213" ] ] }, { "id": "c89d5c3.bdcfea", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch tmp.cidx ", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1453.7578125, "y": 778.2539052963257, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "2c9e34da.91de0c" ] ] }, { "id": "c4252e31.dbb43", "type": "comment", "name": "Delete provided service provided-allotted-resources in mdsal", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 802.5078277587891, "y": 814.0039052963257, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "dea01091.d8b15", "type": "other", "name": "other", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1130.5080833435059, "y": 1128.7540974617004, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "2fdb27fa.f6ac38" ] ] }, { "id": "7dbb67ae.29f3f8", "type": "other", "name": "outcome Null", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1147.5080032348633, "y": 1040.7539315223694, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "f54472a.345109" ] ] }, { "id": "f54472a.345109", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "\n\t\n\t\n \n", "comments": "", "x": 1311.3656005859375, "y": 1041.1824765205383, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "e1824da6.1f214", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "\n\t\n\t\n \n", "comments": "", "x": 1742.7578563690186, "y": 1158.7539353370667, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "8205df8d.8ddee", "type": "outcome", "name": "NULL", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1605.2578563690186, "y": 1158.7539353370667, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "e1824da6.1f214" ] ] }, { "id": "19cf7741.613499", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch tmp.pidx ", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1451.2578563690186, "y": 1158.7539353370667, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "8205df8d.8ddee" ] ] }, { "id": "c87ef19e.e93cf", "type": "outcomeTrue", "name": "true", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2315.508274078369, "y": 1078.7540936470032, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "27e8796d.045376" ] ] }, { "id": "33e9010b.6c835e", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.pidx", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2383.8443908691406, "y": 1213.510190486908, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "27e8796d.045376", "type": "block", "name": "block : atomic", "xml": "", "atomic": "true", "outputs": 1, "x": 2375.586727142334, "y": 1149.5395798683167, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "33e9010b.6c835e" ] ] }, { "id": "608b88dd.e3a5a8", "type": "set", "name": "set provided allotted resources for deletion", "xml": "\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 761.0079040527344, "y": 1144.003975868225, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [] }, { "id": "12cd17c5.66c948", "type": "update", "name": "update AAI allotted-resource", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 718.2266616821289, "y": 1298.7543454170227, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "2a315011.b7952", "2e78e3b1.a4cadc" ] ] }, { "id": "cf61b833.d96918", "type": "execute", "name": "execute RestApiCallNode - get-resource parent service data", "xml": "\n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 808.3373260498047, "y": 984.3333654403687, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [ "9023749d.2a65a8", "13a32c23.faaff4" ] ] }, { "id": "9eb3dfae.f51c4", "type": "execute", "name": "get parent-service-data tmp.ar-url-psd", "xml": "\n \n \n \n ", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 742.3372650146484, "y": 942.3332047462463, "z": "5c846185.ea888", "wires": [ [] ] } ]