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"comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1686.3928833007812, "y": 1215.357460975647, "z": "9db1531d.07a1a", "wires": [ [ "158c4088.3cd6c7", "2aec43bd.80530c" ] ] }, { "id": "158c4088.3cd6c7", "type": "failure", "name": "failure", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2003.3928833007812, "y": 1217.3573999404907, "z": "9db1531d.07a1a", "wires": [ [ "2e7a036b.bc0adc" ] ] }, { "id": "2e7a036b.bc0adc", "type": "block", "name": "block : atomic", "xml": "", "atomic": "true", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2211.3928833007812, "y": 1221.3573999404907, "z": "9db1531d.07a1a", "wires": [ [ "51bf773d.df62b", "bc6879f4.baae4" ] ] }, { "id": "51bf773d.df62b", "type": "set", "name": "set resource-resolution-data.status = FAILED", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2528.3929443359375, "y": 1225.3573694229126, "z": "9db1531d.07a1a", "wires": [] }, { "id": "bc6879f4.baae4", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2425.7738037109375, "y": 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"c67fc199.97dec", "type": "block", "name": "block", "xml": "\n", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2153.547528948103, "y": 1557.6190797260829, "z": "9db1531d.07a1a", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "b964039a.43a1a", "type": "block", "name": "block", "xml": "\n", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2205.7259521484375, "y": 1360.869140625, "z": "9db1531d.07a1a", "wires": [ [ "49b2f547.09aa04", "3bdfdc4f.b39f24", "4628865b.a3d7d" ] ] }, { "id": "286269c8.56b2fe", "type": "success", "name": "success", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2690.01220703125, "y": 1748.0118408203125, "z": "9db1531d.07a1a", "wires": [ [ "8b1d70.bdf8029" ] ] }, { "id": "4628865b.a3d7d", "type": "set", "name": "set service-data...param[].value = ip-address", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2495, "y": 1380, "z": "9db1531d.07a1a", "wires": [] }, { "id": "3bdfdc4f.b39f24", "type": "execute", "name": "SliStringUtils - split subnet", "xml": "\n \n \n \n \n", "comments": 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