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DO NOTHING", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 2392.5277557373047, "y": 1530.083345413208, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [] }, { "id": "b133d8d2.574fa8", "type": "comment", "name": "Silence SUCCESS", "info": "", "comments": "", "x": 2741.027587890625, "y": 1802.3333225250244, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [] }, { "id": "a4121e26.ea489", "type": "block", "name": "block", "xml": "\n", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2633.2775840759277, "y": 1790.583324432373, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "300df04b.286a1", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch: tmp.rb.delta-index == 0", "xml": "", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2155.0276641845703, "y": 1406.333288192749, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [ "ebc810ff.c3a11", "cc537a09.f92948" ] ] }, { "id": "ebc810ff.c3a11", "type": "outcomeTrue", "name": "true", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2382.2776489257812, "y": 1406.3332710266113, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [ "6dc0d5b7.e8b79c" 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"comments": "", "x": 3387.730140686035, "y": 2038.5952835083008, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [] }, { "id": "9ba26a8.310e298", "type": "block", "name": "block", "xml": "\n", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 3279.980136871338, "y": 2026.8452854156494, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "43bd72cf.d1989c", "type": "block", "name": "block", "xml": "", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2637.1943588256836, "y": 1934.9166927337646, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [ "f4c9b7ed.c5e8b8", "9004f393.79866" ] ] }, { "id": "255e4edf.8d20f2", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.rb.grn.last-max-index", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2855.6943588256836, "y": 2077.916696548462, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [] }, { "id": "46080842.900648", "type": "switchNode", "name": "switch: index_number > last-max-index", "xml": " $tmp.rb.grn.last-max-index`\">", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 2884.944366455078, "y": 2121.916696548462, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [ "88ac47d8.6bb598" ] ] }, { "id": "88ac47d8.6bb598", "type": "outcomeTrue", "name": "true", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 3124.9443359375, "y": 2121.416664123535, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [ "c1f045de.3e28c8" ] ] }, { "id": "ee302e41.39dd1", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.rb.sql for update", "xml": "\n", "comments": "", "x": 3473.194366455078, "y": 2121.416696548462, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [] }, { "id": "b61cd1a1.4af9b", "type": "get-resource", "name": "Update INDEX TABLE", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 3469.3728942871094, "y": 2166.0357303619385, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [ "5241d984.6b2458", "19f1dadd.4da2c5" ] ] }, { "id": "2583f2fc.38be4e", "type": "returnFailure", "name": "return failure", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 3678.9444274902344, "y": 2166.4168043136597, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [ "2583f2fc.38be4e" ] ] }, { "id": "19f1dadd.4da2c5", "type": 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"${project.version}", "comments": "", "xml": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 1609.0277099609375, "y": 20, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [ [ "ed968adc.8ee998" ] ] }, { "id": "e200beea.7beb8", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.rb.naming-index-table-name and prefix column, grn.type", "xml": "\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2671.805435180664, "y": 555.3333234786987, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [] }, { "id": "83af09d2.c65ec8", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.rb.naming-index-table-name and prefix column, grn.type", "xml": "\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2557.6943359375, "y": 426.66666412353516, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [] }, { "id": "98dce5f3.4de788", "type": "set", "name": "set tmp.rb.naming-index-table-name and prefix column, grn.type", "xml": "\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 2741.027633666992, "y": 474.4444389343262, "z": "aa630329.50a53", "wires": [] }, { "id": "1c77760e.ecb7ea", "type": "block", "name": "block", "xml": "\n", "atomic": "false", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 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