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"block : saveNetworkData", "xml": "", "atomic": "true", "comments": "", "outputs": 1, "x": 811, "y": 674, "z": "2b9e11cc.456d3e", "wires": [ [ "90f2187a.a0ed98", "d97a2187.fc0188", "8edd5656.7d422", "8bc5ebfa.1b543" ] ] }, { "id": "a8af32f0.52f9a", "type": "returnSuccess", "name": "return success", "xml": "\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 771.6665802001953, "y": 807.3332815170288, "z": "2b9e11cc.456d3e", "wires": [] }, { "id": "8edd5656.7d422", "type": "set", "name": "copy input to service-data", "xml": "\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 1104.0000076293945, "y": 654.3333120346069, "z": "2b9e11cc.456d3e", "wires": [] }, { "id": "90f2187a.a0ed98", "type": "set", "name": "set networkId", "xml": "\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 1068.2895622253418, "y": 698.0511589050293, "z": "2b9e11cc.456d3e", "wires": [] }, { "id": "d97a2187.fc0188", "type": "set", "name": "set object-path", "xml": "\n\n \n", "comments": "", "x": 1074.0039291381836, "y": 735.1940507888794, "z": "2b9e11cc.456d3e", "wires": [] }, { "id": "8bc5ebfa.1b543", "type": "set", "name": "set network-level-oper-status", "xml": "\n\n\n\n", "comments": "", "x": 1117.9999389648438, "y": 782.333270072937, "z": "2b9e11cc.456d3e", "wires": [] } ]