.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) ONAP Project and its contributors ****************** SDNC Release Notes ****************** Abstract ======== This document provides the release notes for the Frankfurt release of the Software Defined Network Controller (SDNC) Summary ======= The Frankfurt release of SDNC introduces new functionality to support PNFs (Physical Network Functions), extends support for Netconf/TLS to support CMPv2, and adds support for the Multi Domain Optical Network Service use case. Release Data ============ +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | **Project** | SDNC | | | | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | **Docker images** | See :ref:`dockercontainers` section below | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | **Release designation** | Frankfurt | | | | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | **Release date** | 06/04/2020 | | | | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ New features ------------ The SDNC Frankfurt release includes the following features: * ORAN-compliant A1 adaptor (Jira `SDNC-965 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-965>`_) * Multi-Domain Optical Service (Jira `SDNC-928 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-928>`_) * Python 2 -> Python 3 migration (Jira `SDNC-967 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-967>`_) * Upgrade to new Policy lifecycle API (Jira `SDNC-968 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-968>`_) For the complete list of `SDNC Frankfurt release epics <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?filter=12322>`_ and `SDNC Frankfurt release user stories <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?filter=12323>`_ , please see the `ONAP Jira`_. **Bug fixes** The full list of `bugs fixed in the SDNC Frankfurt release <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?filter=12324>`_ is maintained on the `ONAP Jira`_. **Known Issues** The full list of `known issues in SDNC <https://jira.onap.org/issues/?filter=11119>`_ is maintained on the `ONAP Jira`_. Deliverables ------------ Software Deliverables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _dockercontainers: Docker Containers ````````````````` The following table lists the docker containers comprising the SDNC Frankfurt release along with the current stable Frankfurt version/tag. Each of these is available on the ONAP nexus3 site (https://nexus3.onap.org) and can be downloaded with the following command:: docker pull nexus3.onap.org:10001/{image-name}:{version} Note: users that want to use the latest in-development Frankfurt version may use the tag 0.7-STAGING-latest to pull the latest daily Frankfurt build +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+---------+ | Image name | Description | Version | +================================+=====================================================+=========+ | onap/sdnc-aaf-image | SDNC controller image, integrated with AAF for RBAC | 1.8.3 | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+---------+ | onap/sdnc-ansible-server-image | Ansible server | 1.8.3 | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+---------+ | onap/sdnc-dmaap-listener-image | DMaaP listener | 1.8.3 | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+---------+ | onap/sdnc-image | SDNC controller image, without AAF integration | 1.8.3 | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+---------+ | onap/sdnc-ueb-listener-image | SDC listener | 1.8.3 | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+---------+ | onap/sdnc-web-image | Web tier (currently only used by SDN-R persona) | 1.8.3 | +--------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+---------+ Documentation Deliverables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `SDN Controller for Radio user guide`_ Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds ========================================= System Limitations ------------------ No system limitations noted. Known Vulnerabilities --------------------- Any known vulnerabilities for ONAP are tracked in the `ONAP Jira`_ in the OJSI project. Any outstanding OJSI issues that pertain to SDNC are listed in the :ref:`secissues` section below. Workarounds ----------- Not applicable. Security Notes -------------- Fixed Security Issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following security issues have been addressed in the Frankfurt SDNC release: * `OSJI-34 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/OJSI-34>`_ : Multiple SQL Injection issues in SDNC * `OSJI-40 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/OJSI-40>`_ : SDNC service allows for arbitrary code execution * `OSJI-41 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/OJSI-41>`_ : SDNC service allows for arbitrary code execution in sla/dgUpload form (CVE-2019-12132) * `OSJI-42 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/OJSI-42>`_ : SDNC service allows for arbitrary code execution in sla/printAsXml form (CVE-2019-12123) * `OSJI-43 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/OJSI-43>`_ : SDNC service allows for arbitrary code execution in sla/printAsGv form (CVE-2019-12113) * `OSJI-199 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/OJSI-199>`_ : SDNC service allows for arbitrary code execution in sla/upload form (CVE-2019-12112) * `SDNC-1145 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-1145>`_ : Pods still run as root * `SDNC-970 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/SDNC-970>`_ : Password removal from OOM Helm charts .. _secissues : Known Security Issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is currently one known SDNC security issue, related to the SDNC portal * `OJSI-91 <https://jira.onap.org/browse/OJSI-91>`_ : SDNC exposes unprotected API for user creation The current implementation of the SDNC portal has a self-subscription model - so anyone can create an account by going to the setup link. This is not appropriate for production deployment and will be fixed in a future release. The SDNC portal is disabled in the Frankfurt helm charts and we recommend that it NOT be enabled in a production deployment until this issue is corrected. Test Results ============ Not applicable References ========== For more information on the ONAP Frankfurt release, please see: #. `ONAP Home Page`_ #. `ONAP Documentation`_ #. `ONAP Release Downloads`_ #. `ONAP Wiki Page`_ .. _`ONAP Home Page`: https://www.onap.org .. _`ONAP Wiki Page`: https://wiki.onap.org .. _`ONAP Documentation`: https://docs.onap.org .. _`ONAP Release Downloads`: https://git.onap.org .. _`ONAP Jira`: https://jira.onap.org .. _`SDN Controller for Radio user guide`: https://docs.onap.org/en/frankfurt/submodules/ccsdk/features.git/docs/guides/onap-user/home.html