var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); var exec = require('child_process').exec; var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs.extra'); var dbRoutes = require('./dbRoutes'); var csp = require('./csp'); var multer = require('multer'); var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var sax = require('sax'),strict=true,parser = sax.parser(strict); var async = require('async'); var l_ = require('lodash'); var dateFormat = require('dateformat'); var properties = require(process.env.SDNC_CONFIG_DIR + '/admportal.json'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var csrf = require('csurf'); var csrfProtection = csrf({cookie: true}); router.use(cookieParser()) // pass host, username and password to ODL // target host for ODL request var username = properties.odlUser; var password = properties.odlPasswd; var auth = 'Basic ' + new Buffer(username + ':' + password).toString('base64'); var host = properties.odlHost; var port = properties.odlPort; var header = {'Host': host, 'Authorization': auth, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}; var options = { host : host, headers : header, port : port, rejectUnauthorized:false, strictSSL: false }; // Connection to OpenDaylight OdlInterface = require('./OdlInterface'); // used for file upload button, retain original file name //router.use(bodyParser()); //router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ //extended: true //})); //var upload = multer({ dest: process.cwd() + '/uploads/', rename: function(fieldname,filename){ return filename; } }); // multer 1.1 var storage = multer.diskStorage({ destination: function (req, file, cb) { cb(null, process.cwd() + '/uploads/') }, filename: function (req, file, cb) { cb(null, file.originalname ) } }); var upload = multer({ storage: storage }); // GET router.get('/getVnfData', csp.checkAuth, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res, {code:'', msg:''}, req.session.loggedInAdmin); }); router.get('/getVnfNetworkData', csp.checkAuth, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res, {code:'', msg:''}, req.session.loggedInAdmin); }); router.get('/getVnfProfile', csp.checkAuth, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res, {code:'', msg:''}, req.session.loggedInAdmin); }); //router.get('/getVmNetworks', csp.checkAuth, function(req,res) { // dbRoutes.getVmNetworks(req,res, {code:'', msg:''}, req.session.loggedInAdmin); //}); //router.get('/getVnfNetworks', csp.checkAuth, function(req,res) { // dbRoutes.getVnfNetworks(req,res, {code:'', msg:''}, req.session.loggedInAdmin); //}); //router.get('/getVmProfile', csp.checkAuth, function(req,res) { // dbRoutes.getVmProfile(req,res, {code:'', msg:''}, req.session.loggedInAdmin); //}); //////// router.get('/viewVnfNetworkData', csp.checkAuth, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var resp_msg = ''; var network_name = req.query.network_name; var network_type = req.query.network_type; var tasks = []; tasks.push(function(callback){ OdlInterface.GetPreloadVnfData('/restconf/config/VNF-API:preload-vnfs/vnf-preload-list/' + encodeURIComponent(network_name) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(network_type) + '/', options,res,callback); }); async.series(tasks, function(err,result) { var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ resp_msg = err; res.render('mobility/displayVnfNetworkData', {result:{code:'failure', msg:resp_msg}, header:process.env.MAIN_MENU}); return; } else{ resp_msg = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(result[0],null,4)); res.render('mobility/displayVnfNetworkData', {result:{code:'success', msg:JSON.parse(result[0])}, header:process.env.MAIN_MENU}); return; } }); }); router.get('/viewVnfData', csp.checkAuth, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var resp_msg = ''; var vnf_name = req.query.vnf_name; var vnf_type = req.query.vnf_type; var tasks = []; tasks.push(function(callback){ OdlInterface.GetPreloadVnfData('/restconf/config/VNF-API:preload-vnfs/vnf-preload-list/' + encodeURIComponent(vnf_name) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(vnf_type) + '/', options,res,callback); }); async.series(tasks, function(err,result) { var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ resp_msg = err; res.render('mobility/displayVnfData', {result:{code:'failure', msg:resp_msg}, header:process.env.MAIN_MENU}); return; } else{ resp_msg = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(result[0],null,4)); res.render('mobility/displayVnfData', {result:{code:'success', msg:JSON.parse(result[0])}, header:process.env.MAIN_MENU}); return; } }); }); router.get('/loadVnfNetworkData', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, function(req,res) { var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var msgArray = new Array(); if ( req.query.status != 'pending' ) { msgArray.push("Upload Status must be in 'pending' state."); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res, {code:'failure', msg:msgArray}, privilegeObj); return; } // build request-id var now = new Date(); var df = dateFormat(now,"isoDateTime"); const rnum = crypto.randomBytes(4); var svc_req_id = + "-" + df + "-" + rnum.toString('hex');; var tasks = []; // first get the contents of the file from the db tasks.push(function(callback){ dbRoutes.getVnfPreloadData(req,res,"PRE_LOAD_VNF_NETWORK_DATA",callback); }); // then format the request and send it using the arg1 parameter // which is the contents of the file returned from the previous function // call in the tasks array tasks.push(function(arg1,callback){ var s_file = JSON.stringify(arg1); // remove the last two braces, going to add the headers there // will add them back later. s_file = s_file.substring(0, (s_file.length-2)); // add the request-information header s_file = s_file.concat(',"request-information": {"request-action": "PreloadNetworkRequest"}'); // add the sdnc-request-header s_file = s_file.concat(',"sdnc-request-header": {"svc-request-id":"'); s_file = s_file.concat(svc_req_id); s_file = s_file.concat('","svc-action": "reserve"}'); // add the two curly braces at the end that we stripped off s_file = s_file.concat('}}'); OdlInterface.Post('/restconf/operations/VNF-API:preload-network-topology-operation', options,s_file,res,callback); }); // if successful then update the status tasks.push(function(arg1,callback){ dbRoutes.executeSQL("UPDATE PRE_LOAD_VNF_NETWORK_DATA SET status='uploaded',svc_request_id='" + svc_req_id + "',svc_action='reserve' WHERE id=",req,res,callback); }); // use the waterfall method of making calls async.waterfall(tasks, function(err,result) { var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ msgArray.push("Error posting pre-load data to ODL: "+err); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res, {code:'failure', msg:msgArray}, privilegeObj); return; } else{ msgArray.push('Successfully loaded VNF pre-loaded data.'); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); }); router.get('/loadVnfData', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, function(req,res) { var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var full_path_file_name = process.cwd() + "/uploads/" + req.query.filename var msgArray = new Array(); if ( req.query.status != 'pending' ) { msgArray.push("Upload Status must be in 'pending' state."); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res, {code:'failure', msg:msgArray}, privilegeObj); return; } // build request-id var now = new Date(); var df = dateFormat(now,"isoDateTime"); const rnum = crypto.randomBytes(4); var svc_req_id = + "-" + df + "-" + rnum.toString('hex'); var tasks = []; // first get the contents of the file from the db tasks.push(function(callback){ dbRoutes.getVnfPreloadData(req,res,"PRE_LOAD_VNF_DATA",callback); }); // then format the request and send it using the arg1 parameter // which is the contents of the file returned from the previous function // call in the tasks array tasks.push(function(arg1,callback){ var s1_file = JSON.stringify(arg1); var s_file = decodeURI(s1_file); // remove the last two braces, going to add the headers there // will add them back later. s_file = s_file.substring(0, (s_file.length-2)); // add the request-information header s_file = s_file.concat(',"request-information": {"request-action": "PreloadVNFRequest"}'); // add the sdnc-request-header s_file = s_file.concat(',"sdnc-request-header": {"svc-request-id":"'); s_file = s_file.concat(svc_req_id); s_file = s_file.concat('","svc-action": "reserve"}'); // add the two curly braces at the end that we stripped off s_file = s_file.concat('}}'); OdlInterface.Post('/restconf/operations/VNF-API:preload-vnf-topology-operation', options,s_file,res,callback); }); // if successful then update the status tasks.push(function(arg1,callback){ dbRoutes.executeSQL("UPDATE PRE_LOAD_VNF_DATA SET status='uploaded',svc_request_id='" + svc_req_id + "',svc_action='reserve' WHERE id=",req,res,callback); }); // use the waterfall method of making calls async.waterfall(tasks, function(err,result) { var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ msgArray.push("Error posting pre-load data to ODL: "+err); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res, {code:'failure', msg:msgArray}, privilegeObj); return; } else{ msgArray.push('Successfully loaded VNF pre-loaded data.'); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); }); router.get('/deleteVnfNetworkData', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var tasks = []; var sql = 'DELETE FROM PRE_LOAD_VNF_NETWORK_DATA WHERE id=' +; // if status is pending, then we do not have to call // ODL, just remove from db if (req.query.status == 'pending'){ tasks.push(function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); }); } else { // format the request to ODL var inputString = '{"input":{"network-topology-information":{"network-topology-identifier":{"service-type":"SDN-MOBILITY","network-name": "'; inputString = inputString.concat(req.query.network_name); inputString = inputString.concat('","network-type":"'); inputString = inputString.concat(req.query.network_type); inputString = inputString.concat('"}},'); // add the request-information header inputString = inputString.concat('"request-information": {"request-action": "DeletePreloadNetworkRequest"},'); // add the sdnc-request-header inputString = inputString.concat('"sdnc-request-header": {"svc-request-id":"'); inputString = inputString.concat(req.query.svc_request_id); inputString = inputString.concat('","svc-action": "delete"}}}'); tasks.push(function(callback) { OdlInterface.Post('/restconf/operations/VNF-API:preload-network-topology-operation', options,inputString,res,callback); }); tasks.push(function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); }); } async.series(tasks, function(err,result){ var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ msgArray.push(err); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } else { msgArray.push('Row successfully deleted from PRE_LOAD_VNF_NETWORK_DATA table and ODL.'); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); }); router.get('/deleteVnfData', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { console.log('deleteVnfData'); var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var tasks = []; var sql = 'DELETE FROM PRE_LOAD_VNF_DATA WHERE id=' +; // if status is pending, then we do not have to call // ODL, just remove from db if (req.query.status == 'pending'){ tasks.push(function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); }); } else { var inputString = '{"input":{"vnf-topology-information":{"vnf-topology-identifier":{"service-type":"SDN-MOBILITY","vnf-name": "'; inputString = inputString.concat(req.query.vnf_name); inputString = inputString.concat('","vnf-type":"'); inputString = inputString.concat(req.query.vnf_type); inputString = inputString.concat('"}},'); // add the request-information header inputString = inputString.concat('"request-information": {"request-action": "DeletePreloadVNFRequest"},'); // add the request-information header //inputString = inputString.concat('"request-information": {"request-id": "259c0f93-23cf-46ad-84dc-162ea234fff1",'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"source": "ADMINPORTAL",'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"order-version": "1",'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"notification-url": "notused-this would be infrastructure portal",'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"order-number": "1",'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"request-action": "DeletePreloadVNFRequest"},'); // add the sdnc-request-header inputString = inputString.concat('"sdnc-request-header": {"svc-request-id":"'); inputString = inputString.concat(req.query.svc_request_id); inputString = inputString.concat('","svc-action": "delete"}}}'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"sdnc-request-header":{'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"svc-request-id": "2015-01-15T14:34:54.st1101a",'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"svc-notification-url": "not used",'); //inputString = inputString.concat('"svc-action": "delete"}}}'); tasks.push(function(callback) { OdlInterface.Post('/restconf/operations/VNF-API:preload-vnf-topology-operation', options,inputString,res,callback); }); tasks.push(function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); }); } async.series(tasks, function(err,result){ var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ msgArray.push(err); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } else { msgArray.push('Row successfully deleted from PRE_LOAD_VNF_DATA table and ODL.'); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); }); router.get('/deleteVnfNetwork', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var tasks = []; var sql = ''; sql = "DELETE FROM VNF_NETWORKS WHERE vnf_type='" + req.query.vnf_type + "'" + " AND network_role='" + req.query.network_role + "'"; tasks.push(function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); }); async.series(tasks, function(err,result) { var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ msgArray.push(err); dbRoutes.getVnfNetwork(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } else { msgArray.push('Row successfully deleted from VNF_NETWORKS table.'); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworks(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); }); router.get('/deleteVnfProfile', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, csrfProtection, function(req,res) { var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var tasks = []; var sql = ''; sql = "DELETE FROM VNF_PROFILE WHERE vnf_type='" + req.query.vnf_type + "'"; tasks.push(function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); }); async.series(tasks, function(err,result) { var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ msgArray.push(err); dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } else { msgArray.push('Row successfully deleted from VNF_PROFILE table.'); dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); }); // POST'/addVnfProfile', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, csrfProtection, function(req,res){ var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var vnf_type = req.sanitize(req.body.nf_vnf_type); var availability_zone_count = req.sanitize(req.body.nf_availability_zone_count); var equipment_role = req.sanitize(req.body.nf_equipment_role); var tasks = []; var sql; sql = "INSERT INTO VNF_PROFILE (vnf_type,availability_zone_count,equipment_role) VALUES (" + "'" + vnf_type + "'," + availability_zone_count + ",'" + equipment_role + "')"; console.log(sql); tasks.push( function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); } ); async.series(tasks, function(err,result){ var msgArray = new Array(); if(err){ msgArray.push(err); dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } else { msgArray.push('Successfully added VNF Profile'); dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); }); // POST'/uploadVnfData', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, upload.single('filename'), function(req, res) { console.log('filename:'+ JSON.stringify(req.file.originalname)); var msgArray = new Array(); var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; if(req.file.originalname) { if (req.file.originalname.size == 0) { msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file.'); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } fs.exists(req.file.path, function(exists) { if(exists) { var str = req.file.originalname; var content; var enc_content; try{ content = fs.readFileSync(req.file.path); enc_content = encodeURI(content); var sql = "INSERT INTO PRE_LOAD_VNF_DATA " + "(filename,preload_data) VALUES (" + "'"+ str + "'," + "'" + enc_content + "')"; var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var tasks = []; tasks.push( function(callback) { dbRoutes.addRow(sql,req,res,callback); } ); async.series(tasks, function(err,result) { if(err){ msgArray.push(err); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } else { msgArray.push('Successfully uploaded ' + str); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); } catch(error){ fs.removeSync(req.file.path); // remove bad file that was uploaded console.error("There was an error reading the file '"+str+"'. Error: " + error); msgArray.push("There was an error reading the file '"+str+"'. Error: " + error); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } } else { msgArray.length = 0; msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file.'); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'danger', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); } else { msgArray.length = 0; msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file.'); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'danger', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } } );'/uploadVnfNetworkData', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, upload.single('filename'), function(req, res) { var msgArray = new Array(); var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; if(req.file.originalname) { if (req.file.originalname.size == 0) { msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file.'); dbRoutes.getVnfData(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } fs.exists(req.file.path, function(exists) { if(exists) { var str = req.file.originalname; var content; var enc_content; try{ content = fs.readFileSync(req.file.path); enc_content = encodeURI(content); var sql = "INSERT INTO PRE_LOAD_VNF_NETWORK_DATA " + "(filename,preload_data) VALUES (" + "'"+ str + "'," + "'" + enc_content + "')"; var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; var tasks = []; tasks.push( function(callback) { dbRoutes.addRow(sql,req,res,callback); } ); async.series(tasks, function(err,result) { if(err){ msgArray.push(err); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } else { msgArray.push('Successfully uploaded ' + str); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res,{code:'success', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); } catch(error){ fs.removeSync(req.file.path); // remove bad file that was uploaded msgArray.push("There was an error reading the file '"+str+"'. Error: " + error); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } } else { msgArray.length = 0; msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file.'); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res,{code:'danger', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); } else { msgArray.length = 0; msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file.'); dbRoutes.getVnfNetworkData(req,res,{code:'danger', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } } );'/uploadVnfProfile', csp.checkAuth, csp.checkPriv, upload.single('filename'), function(req, res){ var msgArray = new Array(); var privilegeObj = req.session.loggedInAdmin; if(req.file.originalname) { if (req.file.originalname.size == 0) { dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,{code:'failure', msg:'There was an error uploading the file, please try again.'},privilegeObj); return; } fs.exists(req.file.path, function(exists) { if(exists) { var str = req.file.originalname; try { var csv = require('csv'); // the job of the parser is to convert a CSV file // to a list of rows (array of rows) var parser = csv.parse({ columns: function(line) { // By defining this callback, we get handed the // first line of the spreadsheet. Which we'll // ignore and effectively skip this line from processing }, skip_empty_lines: true }); var row = 0; var f = new Array(); var transformer = csv.transform(function(data){ // this will get row by row data, so for example, //logger.debug(data[0]+','+data[1]+','+data[2]); // build an array of rows f[row] = new Array(); for ( col=0; col 0 ) { rowError++; } } console.log('rowError='+rowError); var rowsProcessed = f.length - rowError; console.log('rowsProcessed='+rowsProcessed); result.push(rowsProcessed + ' of ' + f.length + ' rows processed.'); if ( rowError > 0 ) { result = {code:'failure', msg:result}; } else { result = {code:'success', msg:result}; } console.log('result='+JSON.stringify(result)); dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,result,privilegeObj); return; } }); }); var stream = fs.createReadStream(req.file.path, "utf8"); stream.pipe(parser).pipe(transformer); } catch(ex) { msgArray.length = 0; msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file. '+ex); console.error('There was an error uploading the file. '+ex); dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,{code:'danger', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } } else { msgArray.length = 0; msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file.'); dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,{code:'danger', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } }); } else { msgArray.length = 0; msgArray.push('There was an error uploading the file.'); dbRoutes.getVnfProfile(req,res,{code:'danger', msg:msgArray},privilegeObj); return; } } ); module.exports = router;