From 324ee36fe31763e507b422ab0a88e4230045e205 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Timoney, Daniel (dt5972)" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 10:37:53 -0500
Subject: Initial commit for OpenECOMP SDN-C OA&M

Change-Id: I7ab579fd0d206bf356f36d52dcdf4f71f1fa2680
Signed-off-by: Timoney, Daniel (dt5972) <>

Former-commit-id: 2a9f0edd09581f907e62ec4689b5ac94dd5382ba
 dgbuilder/public/util/js/sliValues.js | 763 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 763 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dgbuilder/public/util/js/sliValues.js

(limited to 'dgbuilder/public/util/js/sliValues.js')

diff --git a/dgbuilder/public/util/js/sliValues.js b/dgbuilder/public/util/js/sliValues.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eae10601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dgbuilder/public/util/js/sliValues.js
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+var global_editor ; 
+function addParam(idVal){
+	//console.log(val);
+	//console.log(global_editor.getText());
+	if(global_added_obj["a" + idVal] != undefined &&  global_added_obj["a" + idVal] != null){
+		global_added_obj["a" + idVal]= global_added_obj["a" + idVal]+1;
+		$("#addCnt" +  + idVal).text("added " + global_added_obj["a" + idVal] + " times");
+	}else{
+		global_added_obj["a" + idVal]= 1;
+		$("#addCnt" +  + idVal).text("added " + global_added_obj["a" + idVal] + " time");
+	}
+	var nameVal = document.getElementById("a" + idVal).value;
+	var valueBoxVal = document.getElementById("valbox" + idVal).value;
+	//$("#btn" + idVal).val('Added');
+	//$("#btn" + idVal).attr('disabled','disabled'); 
+	//console.dir(nameVal);
+	//console.dir(valueBoxVal);
+	var paramElement = "<parameter name='" + nameVal + "' value='" + valueBoxVal + "'/>\n";
+	global_editor.setText(global_editor.getText() + paramElement);
+var g_currValuesObj={};
+function filterValues(filterVal){
+	global_added_obj={};
+	var matchedCnt =0;
+	var valuesObj = g_currValuesObj;
+	var newValuesObj ={};
+	var searchValues =[];
+	if(filterVal != null && filterVal != undefined){
+		filterVal=filterVal.trim();
+	}	
+	searchValues = filterVal.split(/ /);
+	//console.log("filterVal:" + filterVal);
+	if(searchValues != null && searchValues != undefined){	
+        	for (var key in valuesObj) {
+             		if (valuesObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+				var newArrObj = [];
+                   		if(Array.isArray(valuesObj[key])){
+                      			var arrObj=valuesObj[key];
+					var cnt=1;
+                      			for(var i=0;i<arrObj.length;i++){
+						var foundCount = 0;
+						for(var k=0;k<searchValues.length;k++){
+							if(arrObj[i].indexOf(searchValues[k]) != -1){
+								foundCount++;
+							}
+						}
+						if(foundCount == searchValues.length){
+							matchedCnt++;
+							newArrObj.push(arrObj[i]);
+						}
+		      			}	
+					newValuesObj[key] =  newArrObj;
+		   		}		
+			}
+		}
+		$("#matchedCntId").html(matchedCnt);
+	}else{
+		newValuesObj = valuesObj;
+	}
+	var valuesHtml=buildValuesHtml(newValuesObj);	
+        valuesHtml+="</div>";
+	$("#sli-values-div").html(valuesHtml);
+function buildValuesHtml(valuesObj){
+	var idCounter=0;
+	var htmlVal = "";
+        for (var key in valuesObj) {
+             if (valuesObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+                   var v = "<div style='font-weight:bold;font-size:1.0em;'><label>" + key + "<b/label>";
+                   if(Array.isArray(valuesObj[key])){
+                      var arrObj=valuesObj[key];
+			var cnt=1;
+                      for(var i=0;i<arrObj.length;i++){
+				var idVal = idCounter++;
+			 var addBtn = "<input id='btn" + idVal + "' type='button' style='background-color:#D6EBFF;' value='Add as Parameter'" + "onclick='addParam(\"" + idVal + "\")'><div style='float:right' id='addCnt" + idVal + "'></div>";
+			var variableBox = "";
+			var valBox = "<input id='valbox" + idVal + "' type='text' style='width:500px;height:30px;' value=''>";
+			if(arrObj[i] != undefined && arrObj[i].length <150){
+                         	//v += "<div style='width:1150px;background:aliceblue;border-color:aliceblue' class='valueBoxDiv' id='valueBoxDiv" + idVal +  "'>"  + "<input style='width:1125px;background:rgb(223, 191, 191);color:rgb(32, 45, 87);' type='text' readonly='1'  id='a" + idVal + "' onclick='selectText(\"" + idVal+"\",\"" + key + "\")' value='" +arrObj[i] + "' title='" + arrObj[i] + "' >" ;
+                         	v += "<div style='width:1150px;background:aliceblue;border-color:aliceblue' class='valueBoxDiv' id='valueBoxDiv" + idVal +  "'>"  + "<input style='width:1125px;background:aliceblue;color:rgb(32, 45, 87);' type='text' readonly='1'  id='a" + idVal + "' onclick='selectText(\"" + idVal+"\",\"" + key + "\")' value='" +arrObj[i] + "' title='" + arrObj[i] + "' >" ;
+				variableBox = "<input style='width:1125px' id='variableBox" + idVal + "' type='text' value='`$" + arrObj[i] + "`'>";
+			}else{
+                         	v+= "<div style='width:1150px;background:aliceblue;border-color:aliceblue' class='valueBoxDiv' id='valueBoxDiv" + idVal +  "'>"  + "<textarea style='width:1125px;background:aliceblue;color:rgb(32, 45, 87);' readonly='1'  id='a" + idVal + "' onclick='selectText(\"" + idVal+"\",\"" + key + "\")' title='" + arrObj[i] + "' >"  + arrObj[i] + "</textarea>";
+				variableBox = "<textarea style='width:1125px' id='variableBox" + idVal + "' >`$" + arrObj[i] + "`'</textarea>";
+			}
+			  v += "<div id='valAddDiv" +  idVal + "' style='display:none;'>" +  valBox + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + addBtn + "</div>" +
+		           "<div id='variableBoxDiv" + idVal + "' style='display:none;color:rgb(32, 45, 87);'>Display as a variable<br>" + variableBox + "</div>" + "</div>";
+			cnt++;
+                      }
+                      htmlVal+= v + "</div>";
+                                }
+                   }
+             }
+	return htmlVal;
+function getModuleName(){
+	var activeWorkspace=RED.view.getWorkspace();
+	var moduleName="";
+	RED.nodes.eachNode(function(n) {
+		if (n.z == activeWorkspace) {
+			if(n.type == 'service-logic'){
+				//console.log("getModuleName():<" + n.module + ">");
+				moduleName=n.module;
+			}
+               	}
+       	});
+	return moduleName;
+var global_added_obj={};
+var displayingRpcs = false;
+function showRpcsValuesBox(editor,valuesObj){
+	displayingRpcs = true;
+	showValuesBox(editor,valuesObj);
+function showValuesBox(editor,valuesObj){
+	var moduleName = getModuleName();	
+	var obj = valuesObj[moduleName];
+	//console.dir(valuesObj);
+	//console.dir(obj);
+	var moduleObj ={};
+	if(obj == undefined){
+		moduleObj[moduleName] = ["No SLI values setup for this module " + moduleName + ".Upload the yang file for this module or if already uploaded ,load it from the Available Modules from the Menu."];	
+	}else{
+		moduleObj[moduleName] = obj;
+	}
+	showValuesBoxForModule(editor,moduleObj,moduleName);	
+function showValuesBoxForModule(editor,valuesObj,moduleName){
+	global_editor=editor;
+	g_currValuesObj = valuesObj;
+	//console.log(editor.getText());
+	//populate the valid SLI values
+	var valuesHtml="<style>.color-dialog {background:aliceblue;border-color:lightgrey;border-width:3px;border-style:solid; }</style><div style='float:left;width:1200px;background:aliceblue'><input style='width:1125px' id='filter-id' type='text' value='' placeholder='To filter the values type words seperated by space in this box' onkeyup='filterValues(this.value)'></div><div style='float:left;color:green;font-size:0.8em' id='matchedCntId'></div><div style='clear:both'></div><div id='sli-values-div' style='width:1200px;'>" ;
+	valuesHtml+=buildValuesHtml(valuesObj);	
+       valuesHtml+="</div>";
+	global_added_obj={};
+ var title = "SLI Values for Module " + moduleName;	
+	if(displayingRpcs){
+		title = "RPCs for Module " + moduleName;
+	}
+	$('#sli-values-dialog').dialog({
+                       modal: false,
+                       title: title,
+                       width: 1200,
+		       height: 500,
+		       dialogClass: 'color-dialog',
+                       open: function () {
+				$("#sli-values-dialog").dialog("widget").find(".ui-dialog-buttonpane").css({'background': 'aliceblue'});
+                                $(this).html(valuesHtml);
+                       },
+                       buttons: {
+                           Close: function () {
+				displayingRpcs = false;
+                              //$(this).dialog("close");
+                              $(this).dialog("destroy");
+                           }
+                       },
+			close: function(ev,ui){
+				displayingRpcs = false;
+				$(this).dialog("destroy");
+			}
+        }); // end dialog div
+function showCommentsBox(){
+	var comments = $("#node-input-comments").val();
+	var commentsBoxHtml="<div><textarea style='font-size:18px;height:150px;width:390px;' id='taCommentId'>" + comments + "</textarea></div>" ;
+	var nodeName=$("#node-input-name").val();
+	$('#comments-dialog').dialog({
+                       modal: true,
+                       title: "Add comments for Node " + nodeName,
+                       width: 450,
+		       height: 300,	
+			/*	
+                       open: function () {
+                                $(this).html(commentsBoxHtml);
+                       },
+			*/
+                       buttons: {
+                           "Save Comments": function () {
+				var v=$("#taCommentId").val();
+				if(v != null){
+					v = v.trim();
+					if(v != ''){
+						$("#node-input-btnComments").html("<span style='color:blue;'><b>View Comments</b></span>");
+					}else{
+						$("#node-input-btnComments").html("<b>Add Comments</b>");
+					}
+				}
+				//console.log("value from text area" + v);
+				$("#node-input-comments").val(v);
+				$(this).dialog("close");
+                              //$(this).dialog("destroy");
+                           },
+                           Cancel: function () {
+				var v=$("#taCommentId").val();
+				if(v != null){
+					v = v.trim();
+					if(v != ''){
+						$("#node-input-btnComments").html("<span style='color:blue;'><b>View Comments</b></span>");
+					}else{
+						$("#node-input-btnComments").html("<b>Add Comments</b>");
+					}
+				}
+				$(this).dialog("close");
+                              //$(this).dialog("destroy");
+                           }
+                       },
+			close: function(ev,ui){
+				//console.log("closing..");
+				$(this).dialog("destroy");
+			}
+        }).html(commentsBoxHtml);
+	//console.log("done");
+	function functionDialogResize(ev,ui) {
+		console.log("ui.size.height:" + ui.size.height);
+                $(this).css("height",(ui.size.height-275)+"px");
+        };
+        $( this ).on("dialogresize", functionDialogResize);
+	$( this ).one("dialogopen", function(ev) {
+                var size = $( "#sliValDiv" ).dialog('option','sizeCache-function');
+                if (size) {
+                    functionDialogResize(null,{size:size});
+                }
+         });
+function selectText(objId,groupVal){
+	//console.log(objId + groupVal);	
+	//console.log(objId + groupVal);	
+	$(document).ready(function(){
+		//console.log("doc ready");
+		//console.dir($('#valAddDiv' +  objId));
+		if ($('#valAddDiv' +  objId).is(":visible")) {
+			$("#variableBoxDiv" +  objId ).hide("slow");
+			//$("#a" +  objId ).css({"background": "rgb(223, 191, 191)",
+			//			"color": "rgb(32, 45, 87)"});
+			$("#a" +  objId ).css({"background": "aliceblue",
+						"color": "rgb(32, 45, 87)"});
+						/*"color": "rgb(32, 45, 87)"});*/
+			$("#valAddDiv" +  objId ).hide("slow");
+			$("#valueBoxDiv" +objId).css({"border-color": "aliceblue",
+             						"border-width":"1px", 
+             						"background-color":"aliceblue",
+             						"border-style":"solid"});
+			//$("#valAddDiv" +  objId ).fadeOut("slow");
+    		} else{
+			$("#variableBoxDiv" +  objId ).show("slow");
+			$("#valAddDiv" +  objId).show("slow");
+			/*$("#valueBoxDiv" +objId).css({"border-color": "rgb(75, 111, 147)",
+             						"border-width":"5px", 
+             						"background-color": "rgb(223, 191, 191)",
+             						"border-style":"solid",
+							"border-bottom": "5px solid rgb(75, 111, 147)"});
+			*/
+			$("#valueBoxDiv" +objId).css({"border-color": "rgb(75, 111, 147)",
+             						"border-width":"3px", 
+             						"background-color": "aliceblue",
+             						"border-style":"solid",
+							"border-bottom": "3px solid rgb(75, 111, 147)"});
+			/*$("#a" +  objId ).css({"background": "rgb(223, 191, 191)",
+						"color": "rgb(75, 111, 147)"});
+			*/
+			$("#a" +  objId ).css({"background": "aliceblue",
+						"color": "rgb(75, 111, 147)"});
+    		}
+		$("#a" +  objId).select();
+	});
+	//console.log("group-heading" + objId);
+//	var obj= document.getElementById("group-heading" +  objId);
+//	obj.innerText = groupVal;
+// = "blue";
+//	console.dir(obj);
+function hidePrevGroup(objId){
+//	console.log("mouseout" );
+//	var obj= document.getElementById("group-heading" +  objId);
+//	obj.innerText = "";
+function fixDiv() {
+    var $cache = $('#getFixed');
+    if ($(window).scrollTop() > 100)
+      $cache.css({
+        'position': 'fixed',
+        'top': '10px'
+      });
+    else
+      $cache.css({
+        'position': 'relative',
+        'top': 'auto'
+      });
+ }
+function isScrolledIntoView(elem)
+    var $elem = $(elem);
+    var $window = $(window);
+    var docViewTop = $window.scrollTop();
+    var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $window.height();
+    var elemTop = $elem.offset().top;
+    var elemBottom = elemTop + $elem.height();
+    return ((elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop));
+function getCommits(filePath){
+var urlPath="/getCommitsInfo";
+$.get(urlPath,{"filePath" : filePath })
+	.done(function( data ) {
+		if(data != undefined && data != null){
+			//console.log(data.stdout);
+			var jsonObj = JSON.parse(data.stdout);
+			var codeCloudFilesHtmlStr = $( "#codecloud-browser-dialog" ).html();
+			var htmlStr = getCCFileHtmlStr(filePath,jsonObj,codeCloudFilesHtmlStr);
+			$( "#codecloud-browser-dialog" ).html(htmlStr);
+			/*
+			for(var i=0;i<jsonObj.length;i++){
+				console.log("commit:" + jsonObj[i].commit);	
+				console.log("date:" + jsonObj[i].date);	
+				console.log("author:" + jsonObj[i].author);	
+				console.log("comment:" + jsonObj[i].comment);	
+			}
+			*/
+		}
+	})
+	.fail(function(err) {
+	})
+	.always(function() {
+	});
+function getCCFileHtmlStr(filePath,rows,codeCloudFilesHtmlStr){
+	var styleStr = "<style> " + 
+			"table#cct01 { width:100%; } \n" +
+				"table#cct01 th,table#cct01 td { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; } \n" +
+				"table#cct01 th,table#cct01 td { padding: 5px; text-align: left; } \n" +
+				"table#cct01 tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #eee; }\n" +
+				"table#cct01 tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color:#fff; }\n" +
+				"table#cct01 th	{ background-color: #65a9d7; color: white; }\n" +
+				"table#cct01 a { color: #337ab7; }\n" +
+				"table#cct01 a:link { color: #65a9d7; }\n" +
+				"table#cct01 a:visited { color: #636; }\n" + 
+				"table#cct01 a:hover { color: #3366CC; cursor: pointer }\n" + 
+				"table#cct01 a:active { color: #65a9d7 }\n" +
+				"table#cct01 caption { display: table-caption; text-align: center;  background: #eee; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1em; border: 1px solid black; }\n" + 
+				"</style>";
+			var htmlStr="";
+			//console.dir(rows);	
+			if(rows != null && rows.length >0){
+				var alertDialog = '<div id="ccAlertdialog"></div>';
+				htmlStr= alertDialog +  "<div style='width:1050;height:650'>" + styleStr;
+				htmlStr += "<table id='cct01' >";
+				htmlStr += "<caption id='ccCaptionId'>" + filePath + "</caption>";
+				htmlStr += "<tr>";
+				htmlStr += "<th>Commit ID</th>" ;
+				htmlStr += "<th>Date</th>" ;
+				htmlStr += "<th>Author</th>" ;
+				htmlStr += "<th>Comment</th>" ;
+				htmlStr += "</tr>";
+				if(rows != null && rows.length == 0){
+					htmlStr += "<tr>";
+					htmlStr += "<td><b>No rows found</b></td>";
+					htmlStr += "</tr></table></div>";
+					return htmlStr;
+				}
+				for(var i=0;i<rows.length;i++){
+					var row = rows[i];
+					var _commitId = row.commit;
+					var dt =;
+					var author =;
+					var comment = row.comment;
+					htmlStr += "<tr>";
+					htmlStr += "<td><a onclick=\"javascript:importCCFlow('" + _commitId + "','" + filePath + "')\">" + _commitId + "</a></td>";
+					htmlStr += "<td>" + dt + "</td>";
+					htmlStr += "<td>" + author + "</td>";
+					htmlStr += "<td>" + comment + "</td>"; 
+					htmlStr += "</tr>";
+				}
+				htmlStr += "</table>";
+				htmlStr += "</div>";
+			}
+	//console.log(htmlStr);
+	return htmlStr;
+var gitLocalFlowFiles=[];
+function filterGitLocalFlows(filterVal){
+	var matchedCnt =0;
+	var valuesObj = gitLocalFlowFiles;
+	//console.dir(codeCloudFlowFiles);
+	var updatedValuesObj =[];
+	var searchValues =[];
+	if(filterVal != null && filterVal != undefined){
+		filterVal=filterVal.trim();
+	}	
+	searchValues = filterVal.split(/ /);
+	//console.log("filterVal:" + filterVal);
+	//console.dir(searchValues);
+	if(searchValues != null && searchValues != undefined){	
+		var foundCount = 0;
+		for(var k=0;k<searchValues.length;k++){
+			if(foundCount >0){
+				valuesObj=updatedValuesObj;
+			}
+			updatedValuesObj=[];
+			for(var i=0;i<valuesObj.length;i++){
+				var patt = new RegExp(searchValues[k],"gi");
+				if(patt.test(valuesObj[i])){
+					foundCount++;
+					updatedValuesObj.push(valuesObj[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}else{
+		updatedValuesObj = valuesObj;
+	}
+	//console.dir(updatedValuesObj);
+	var html="<ul>";
+	if(updatedValuesObj != null){
+		var files=updatedValuesObj;
+		//console.dir(files);
+		files.sort(function (a,b){
+			if(a > b){
+				return 1;
+			}else if(a <  b){
+				return -1;
+			}else{	
+				return 0;
+			}
+		});
+		for(var i=0;files != null && i<files.length;i++){
+			html+="<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"importGitLocalFlow('" + files[i] + "')\">" + files[i] + "</a></li>";
+		}
+	}
+					html+="</ul>";
+					html+="</div>";
+    	$( "#gitlocal-data-container" ).html(html);
+var codeCloudFlowFiles=[];
+function filterFlows(filterVal){
+	var matchedCnt =0;
+	var valuesObj = codeCloudFlowFiles;
+	//console.dir(codeCloudFlowFiles);
+	var updatedValuesObj =[];
+	var searchValues =[];
+	if(filterVal != null && filterVal != undefined){
+		filterVal=filterVal.trim();
+	}	
+	searchValues = filterVal.split(/ /);
+	//console.log("filterVal:" + filterVal);
+	//console.dir(searchValues);
+	if(searchValues != null && searchValues != undefined){	
+		var foundCount = 0;
+		for(var k=0;k<searchValues.length;k++){
+			for(var i=0;i<valuesObj.length;i++){
+				var patt = new RegExp(searchValues[k],"gi");
+				if(patt.test(valuesObj[i])){
+					foundCount++;
+					updatedValuesObj.push(valuesObj[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}else{
+		updatedValuesObj = valuesObj;
+	}
+	//console.dir(updatedValuesObj);
+	var html="<ul>";
+	if(updatedValuesObj != null){
+		var files=updatedValuesObj;
+		//console.dir(files);
+		files.sort(function (a,b){
+			if(a > b){
+				return 1;
+			}else if(a <  b){
+				return -1;
+			}else{	
+				return 0;
+			}
+		});
+		for(var i=0;files != null && i<files.length;i++){
+			html+="<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"getCommits('" + files[i] + "')\">" + files[i] + "</a></li>";
+		}
+	}
+					html+="</ul>";
+					html+="</div>";
+    	$( "#codecloud-data-container" ).html(html);
+var yangFilesList=[];
+function filterYangFiles(filterVal){
+	var matchedCnt =0;
+	var valuesObj = yangFilesList;
+	var updatedValuesObj =[];
+	var searchValues =[];
+	if(filterVal != null && filterVal != undefined){
+		filterVal=filterVal.trim();
+	}	
+	searchValues = filterVal.split(/ /);
+	if(searchValues != null && searchValues != undefined){	
+		var foundCount = 0;
+		for(var k=0;k<searchValues.length;k++){
+			for(var i=0;i<valuesObj.length;i++){
+				var patt = new RegExp(searchValues[k],"gi");
+				if(patt.test(valuesObj[i])){
+					foundCount++;
+					updatedValuesObj.push(valuesObj[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}else{
+		updatedValuesObj = valuesObj;
+	}
+	//console.dir(updatedValuesObj);
+	var html="<ul>";
+	if(updatedValuesObj != null){
+		var files=updatedValuesObj;
+		//console.dir(files);
+		files.sort(function (a,b){
+			if(a > b){
+				return 1;
+			}else if(a <  b){
+				return -1;
+			}else{	
+				return 0;
+			}
+		});
+		for(var i=0;files != null && i<files.length;i++){
+			html+="<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"getYangFile('" + files[i] + "')\">" + files[i] + "</a></li>";
+		}
+	}
+					html+="</ul>";
+					html+="</div>";
+    	$( "#list-yang-data-container" ).html(html);
+function filterYangFiles(filterVal){
+	var matchedCnt =0;
+	var valuesObj = yangFilesList;
+	var updatedValuesObj =[];
+	var searchValues =[];
+	if(filterVal != null && filterVal != undefined){
+		filterVal=filterVal.trim();
+	}	
+	searchValues = filterVal.split(/ /);
+	if(searchValues != null && searchValues != undefined){	
+		var foundCount = 0;
+		for(var k=0;k<searchValues.length;k++){
+			for(var i=0;i<valuesObj.length;i++){
+				var patt = new RegExp(searchValues[k],"gi");
+				if(patt.test(valuesObj[i])){
+					foundCount++;
+					updatedValuesObj.push(valuesObj[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}else{
+		updatedValuesObj = valuesObj;
+	}
+	//console.dir(updatedValuesObj);
+	var html="<table id='yang-file-list-table'  border=1>";
+            html+="<tr>";
+            html+="<th>File</th>";
+            html+="<th>Delete</th>";
+            html+="</tr>";
+	if(updatedValuesObj != null){
+		var files=updatedValuesObj;
+		//console.dir(files);
+		files.sort(function (a,b){
+			if(a > b){
+				return 1;
+			}else if(a <  b){
+				return -1;
+			}else{	
+				return 0;
+			}
+		});
+		for(var i=0;files != null && i<files.length;i++){
+			 html+="<tr><td><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"getYangFile('" + files[i] + "')\">" + files[i] + "</a></td><td>" + "<input type='button'  onclick='deleteYangFile(\"" + files[i]  + "\")' value='Delete'></td></td></td></tr>";
+		}
+	}
+	html+="</table>";
+        html+="</div>";
+    	$( "#yang-files-data-container" ).html(html);
+function getYangFile(fileName){
+	$("#dwnldYangFormId").remove();
+        //using form to submit
+        var form = $('<form id="dwnldYangFormId" method="POST" action="/downloadYang"></form>');
+        form.append('<input type="hidden" name="fileName" value="' + fileName + '"/>');
+        form.appendTo('body');
+        $("#dwnldYangFormId").submit();
+function deleteYangFile(fileName){
+	var reqData= {"fileName":fileName};
+	 $.post( "/deleteYangFile",reqData )
+                      .done(function( data ) {
+                      })
+                      .fail(function(err) {
+                          console.log( "error" + err );
+                       })
+                       .always(function() {
+                              $("#list-yang-browser-dialog").dialog("close");
+				$("#btn-list-yang-files").trigger("click");
+                       });
+function importCCFlow(commitId,filePath){
+var urlPath="/importCodeCloudFlow";
+$.get(urlPath,{"commitId" : commitId,"filePath" : filePath })
+	.done(function( data ) {
+		if(data != undefined && data != null){
+			//console.log(data.stdout);
+			var jsonObj = JSON.parse(data.stdout);
+			$( "#codecloud-browser-dialog" ).dialog("close");
+			RED.view.importNodes(JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+		}
+	})
+	.fail(function(err) {
+		RED.notify("Could not import flow from code cloud.");	
+		$( "#codecloud-browser-dialog").dialog("close");
+     		console.log( "error occured importing flow.");
+	})
+	.always(function() {
+	});
+function importGitLocalFlow(filePath){
+var urlPath="/importGitLocalFlow";
+$.get(urlPath,{"filePath" : filePath })
+	.done(function( data ) {
+		if(data != undefined && data != null){
+			//console.log(data.stdout);
+			var jsonObj;
+			try{
+				jsonObj = JSON.parse(data.stdout);
+				$( "#gitlocal-browser-dialog" ).dialog("close");
+				RED.view.importNodes(JSON.stringify(jsonObj));
+			}catch(err){
+				RED.notify("Could not import flow from Local Git Repository.");	
+				$( "#gitlocal-browser-dialog").dialog("close");
+     				console.log( "error occured importing flow." + err);
+			}
+		}else{
+			RED.notify("Could not import flow from Local Git Repository.");	
+			$( "#gitlocal-browser-dialog").dialog("close");
+     			console.log( "error occured importing flow." + err);
+		}
+	})
+	.fail(function(err) {
+		RED.notify("Could not import flow from Local Git Repository.");	
+		$( "#gitlocal-browser-dialog").dialog("close");
+     		console.log( "error occured importing flow.");
+	})
+	.always(function() {
+	});
+var availableYangModules=[];
+function filterYangModules(filterVal){
+	var matchedCnt =0;
+	var valuesObj = availableYangModules ;
+	//console.dir(codeCloudFlowFiles);
+	var updatedValuesObj =[];
+	var searchValues =[];
+	if(filterVal != null && filterVal != undefined){
+		filterVal=filterVal.trim();
+	}	
+	searchValues = filterVal.split(/ /);
+	//console.log("filterVal:" + filterVal);
+	//console.dir(searchValues);
+	if(searchValues != null && searchValues != undefined){	
+		var foundCount = 0;
+		for(var k=0;k<searchValues.length;k++){
+			if(foundCount >0){
+				valuesObj=updatedValuesObj;
+			}
+			updatedValuesObj=[];
+			for(var i=0;i<valuesObj.length;i++){
+				var patt = new RegExp(searchValues[k],"gi");
+				if(patt.test(valuesObj[i])){
+					foundCount++;
+					updatedValuesObj.push(valuesObj[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}else{
+		updatedValuesObj = valuesObj;
+	}
+	//console.dir(updatedValuesObj);
+	var html="";
+	html+="<table border=1>";
+        html+="<tr>";
+        html+="<th>#</th>";
+        html+="<th>Load</th>";
+        html+="<th>Module</th>";
+        html+="</tr>";
+	if(updatedValuesObj != null){
+		var files=updatedValuesObj;
+		//console.dir(files);
+		files.sort(function (a,b){
+			if(a > b){
+				return 1;
+			}else if(a <  b){
+				return -1;
+			}else{	
+				return 0;
+			}
+		});
+		var count=1;
+		for(var i=0;files != null && i<files.length;i++){
+			var val = files[i].replace(/:.*/,"");
+			if(files[i].indexOf(":checked") != -1){
+                          	html+="<tr><td>" + count +  "</td><td><input type='checkbox' checked value='" + val + "'></td><td>" + val + "</td></tr>";
+                        }else{
+                                html+="<tr><td>" + count +   "</td><td><input type='checkbox' value='" + val + "'></td><td>" + val + "</td></tr>";
+                        }
+			count++;
+		}
+	}
+	html+="</table>";
+	html+="</div>";
+    	$( "#yang-modules-data-container" ).html(html);