From 7d9459636e42e73ecbd7a631f895ebc0520485ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Timoney, Dan (dt5972)" Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 15:19:49 -0400 Subject: Return success if no preload found Return success if no preload data is found by gw-vfmodule-update Change-Id: I45cda28b6ea16efc615227ddb75dc60e1e747725 Issue-ID: SDNC-779 Signed-off-by: Timoney, Dan (dt5972) Former-commit-id: be00123fe3b1e10c7da77c1c5ad0db9c8274785e --- .../GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_gw-vfmodule-update.json | 967 ++++++++++++++++++++- .../GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_gw-vfmodule-update.xml | 247 +++--- 2 files changed, 1109 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-) diff --git a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_gw-vfmodule-update.json b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_gw-vfmodule-update.json index 4732ab3f..97a88025 100644 --- a/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/json/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_gw-vfmodule-update.json +++ 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"execute", + "name": "execute Propertis gen-res-api-dg", + "xml": "\n \n \n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 1588.2498779296875, + "y": 1142.0834045410156, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [ + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "23137253.3de5be", + "type": "failure", + "name": "failure", + "xml": "\n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 1888.2499389648438, + "y": 2096.2501831054688, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [ + [ + "ebd456a6.805128" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "ebd456a6.805128", + "type": "returnFailure", + "name": "return failure", + "xml": "\n\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 2078.2499389648438, + "y": 2105.0001831054688, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "be4e9078.b54e18", + "type": "set", + "name": "set consuming service-instance", + "xml": "\n\n\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 529.0000610351562, + "y": 354.08343505859375, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "ad03697c.d0086", + "type": "get-resource", + "name": 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731, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "6ab04ca7.9f500c", + "type": "set", + "name": "set length of for endLoop1", + "xml": "\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 1569.25, + "y": 946.5, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "cfebe45d.fed14", + "type": "set", + "name": "set vf-module-object-path", + "xml": "\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 1505.5, + "y": 1411.5, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "bd10c9f9.48a0c8", + "type": "set", + "name": "copy vf-module-parameters", + "xml": "\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 1543.0000610351562, + "y": 1817.2499389648438, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "3dd4e676.f765ca", + "type": "execute", + "name": "execute print context", + "xml": "\n\n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 1479.2500610351562, + "y": 1872.7499389648438, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [ + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "559dd115.a25ed8", + "type": "set", + "name": "set tmp.vfmodule.param_length", + 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[ + [ + "8d862f5a.48563" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "8d862f5a.48563", + "type": "set", + "name": "set vni in tmp.vfmodule.param", + "xml": "\n\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 2605.5, + "y": 1865.25, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "ba931e26.d62ba", + "type": "set", + "name": "set switch test string", + "xml": "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 1568, + "y": 1681.5, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "929dcb7c.d4faf8", + "type": "block", + "name": "block", + "xml": "\n", + "atomic": "false", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 1784.25, + "y": 1726.5, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [ + [ + "25387698.79b2ba", + "bacfba18.e402c8" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "8bc8d9d7.254a", + "type": "set", + "name": "set to see tmpvfmodule.param[].name", + "xml": "\n\n\n\n\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 2063.0000610351562, + "y": 1719, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "21d9a4bc.f50b44", + "type": "comment", + "name": "let md-sal helper save data so no need for the RESTAPICAll Node", + "info": "", + "comments": "", + "x": 1575.4999084472656, + "y": 1971.5, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "e17c6c61.b10198", + "type": "comment", + "name": " using path from calling DG - these nodes for testing", + "info": "", + "comments": "", + "x": 2058, + "y": 1422.75, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "1cdfca7.a640436", + "type": "set", + "name": "set MACADDRESS fa:16:3e:8f:ea:68 ", + "xml": "\n\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 554.9999694824219, + "y": 255, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "b32ba29e.7cc798", + "type": "set", + "name": "set VGW2BRG-MACADDRESs & consuming service-instance", + "xml": "\n\n\n\n\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 2091.999969482422, + "y": 727.9999694824219, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "3dd4c472.384754", + "type": "block", + "name": "block", + "xml": "\n", + "atomic": "false", + "comments": "", + 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"e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [ + [ + "a891f4c.fb6c088" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "e61222b.543c56", + "type": "execute", + "name": "execute print context", + "xml": "\n\n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 480, + "y": 871, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [ + [] + ] + }, + { + "id": "bacfba18.e402c8", + "type": "switchNode", + "name": "switch parameter name vg-mux-tunnel-vni", + "xml": "", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 2069, + "y": 1865, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [ + [ + "173c523.48cf3ae" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "173c523.48cf3ae", + "type": "success", + "name": "true", + "xml": "\n", + "comments": "", + "outputs": 1, + "x": 2386.5, + "y": 1892.5, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [ + [ + "ad2dd089.7b68c8" + ] + ] + }, + { + "id": "ad2dd089.7b68c8", + "type": "set", + "name": "set lan-ip[ in tmp.vfmodule.param", + "xml": "\n\n", + "comments": "", + "x": 2599, + "y": 1930, + "z": "e7a1a55a.a83ed8", + "wires": [] + }, + { + "id": "4d421be5.083c7c", + 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b/platform-logic/generic-resource-api/src/main/xml/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API_gw-vfmodule-update.xml @@ -1,92 +1,110 @@ - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file -- cgit