/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * ONAP : SDNC-FEATURES * ================================================================================ * Copyright 2018 TechMahindra *================================================================================= * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ myApp.controller('ReportController', ['$scope', '$http', 'viewReportService', 'growl', function($scope, $http, viewReportService, growl) { $scope.isDisabled = true; $scope.pagination = false; $scope.selectedDevice; $scope.ShowResult = false; $scope.dateValidation = false; $scope.NoSearchResult = false; $scope.showError = false; $scope.errorMessage = ""; $scope.showSuccess = false; $scope.successMessage = ""; $scope.showWarning = false; $scope.warningMessage = ""; $scope.showExecutionDetails = true; //THIS FUNCTION WILL BE CALLED WHEN USER CLICK SUBMIT FROM UI $scope.getReports = function(deviceName, startdate, enddate) { $scope.ShowResult = false; if (new Date(startdate) > new Date(enddate)) { $scope.dateValidation = true; $scope.showError = true; $scope.errorMessage = "Start date cannot be greated than End date"; growl.error($scope.errorMessage, { title: 'Error!' }); return false; } var date = new Date(startdate); if (angular.isDefined(deviceName)) { $scope.DeviceName = deviceName; } if (angular.isDefined(startdate)) { $scope.startDate = startdate; } if (angular.isDefined(enddate)) { $scope.endDate = enddate; } //to generate the dynamic file name while downloading the report //var date = new Date(); // $scope.fileName = $scope.TestName + " " + $scope.TestName + date.csv; // console.log("FileName", $scope.fileName); if (deviceName != null && startdate != null && enddate != null) { //service call to fetch the reports start date,end date,test name viewReportService.getData($scope.startDate, $scope.endDate, $scope.DeviceName).then(function(result) { console.log("--ReportController::getdata called from controler--", JSON.stringify(result.data)); if (result.status == 200) { if (result.data != null && result.data.length >= 1) { //in case of success, build the model object to store the service output here $scope.createTestReportModel(result.data); } else { $scope.ShowResult = false; $scope.showWarning = true; $scope.warningMessage = "No result found for specified Device name !!"; growl.warning($scope.warningMessage, { title: 'Warning!' }); } } else { $scope.ShowResult = false; $scope.showWarning = true; $scope.warningMessage = "No result found for specified Device name !!"; growl.warning($scope.warningMessage, { title: 'Warning!' }); } }, function(response) { console.log("--ReportController::getdata::Error--", response); }); } } //FUNCTION WILL BE CALLED WHEN USER CLICK DOWNLOAD FROM UI $scope.exportToExcel = function(tableId) { // ex: '#my-table' var exportHref = Excel.tableToExcel(tableId, 'export'); $timeout(function() { location.href = exportHref; }, 100); // trigger download console.log("--ReportController::exportToexcel--"); } $scope.createTestReportModel = function(result) { $scope.showError = false; $scope.showWarning = false; $scope.objTestReportModel = result; $scope.objTestModel = []; if ($scope.objTestReportModel.length >= 1) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.objTestReportModel.length; i++) { var objTestReport = {}; objTestReport.testid = $scope.objTestReportModel[i].testid; objTestReport.deviceid = $scope.objTestReportModel[i].deviceid; objTestReport.deviceName = $scope.objTestReportModel[i].deviceName; objTestReport.result = $scope.objTestReportModel[i].result; objTestReport.timeStamp = $scope.objTestReportModel[i].timeStamp; objTestReport.testname = $scope.objTestReportModel[i].testName; var executionDetails = {}; $scope.tmp = angular.fromJson($scope.objTestReportModel[i].execuationDetails); executionDetails = $scope.tmp.output;//$scope.objTestReportModel[i].execuationDetails.output; if ($scope.objTestReportModel[i].testName === "Network Layer") { //fetching the statistics to show in progress bar var statistics = executionDetails.statistics; objTestReport.status = executionDetails.status; objTestReport.statistics = executionDetails.statistics; statistics = statistics.split("%"); executionDetails.statistics = statistics[0]; if (executionDetails.statistics == 0) { executionDetails.statisticPer = parseInt(executionDetails.statistics) + 50; } else executionDetails.statisticPer = executionDetails.statistics; console.log("--ReportController::CreateTestReportModel--", executionDetails.statistics); //fetching the avg time to show in progress bar var avgTime = executionDetails.avgTime; objTestReport.avgTime = executionDetails.avgTime; avgTime = avgTime.split("="); var Testtime = avgTime[1]; executionDetails.avgTime = Testtime.slice(0, -2).trim(); console.log("--ReportController::CreateTestReportModel--", executionDetails.avgTime); if (executionDetails.avgTime < 50) { executionDetails.avgTimePer = parseInt(executionDetails.avgTime) + 10; } else executionDetails.avgTimePer = executionDetails.avgTime; } objTestReport.executionDetails = executionDetails; $scope.objTestModel.push(objTestReport); console.log("--ReportController::CreateTestReportModel--", JSON.stringify($scope.objTestModel)); } $scope.ShowResult = true; $scope.pagination = true; } console.log("--ReportController::createTestReportModel::final TestReportModel--" + JSON.stringify($scope.objTestModel)); $scope.csvOrder = ['testname', 'deviceName', 'timeStamp', 'status', 'statistics', 'avgTime', 'result']; } }]);