(function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('angularjs-datetime-picker', []); var getTimezoneOffset = function(date) { (typeof date == 'string') && (date = new Date(date)); var jan = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1); var jul = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 6, 1); var stdTimezoneOffset = Math.max(jan.getTimezoneOffset(), jul.getTimezoneOffset()); var isDST = date.getTimezoneOffset() < stdTimezoneOffset; var offset = isDST ? stdTimezoneOffset - 60 : stdTimezoneOffset; var diff = offset >=0 ? '-' : '+'; return diff + ("0"+ (offset / 60)).slice(-2) + ':' + ("0"+ (offset % 60)).slice(-2); }; var DatetimePicker = function($compile, $document, $controller){ var datetimePickerCtrl = $controller('DatetimePickerCtrl'); //directive controller return { open: function(options) { datetimePickerCtrl.openDatetimePicker(options); }, close: function() { datetimePickerCtrl.closeDatetimePicker(); } }; }; DatetimePicker.$inject = ['$compile', '$document', '$controller']; angular.module('angularjs-datetime-picker').factory('DatetimePicker', DatetimePicker); var DatetimePickerCtrl = function($compile, $document) { var datetimePickerEl; var _this = this; var removeEl = function(el) { el && el.remove(); $document[0].body.removeEventListener('click', _this.closeDatetimePicker); }; this.openDatetimePicker = function(options) { this.closeDatetimePicker(); var div = angular.element('
'); options.dateFormat && div.attr('date-format', options.dateFormat); options.ngModel && div.attr('ng-model', options.ngModel); options.year && div.attr('year', parseInt(options.year)); options.month && div.attr('month', parseInt(options.month)); options.day && div.attr('day', parseInt(options.day)); options.hour && div.attr('hour', parseInt(options.hour)); options.minute && div.attr('minute', parseInt(options.minute)); if (options.dateOnly === '' || options.dateOnly === true) { div.attr('date-only', 'true'); } if (options.closeOnSelect === 'false') { div.attr('close-on-select', 'false'); } var triggerEl = options.triggerEl; options.scope = options.scope || angular.element(triggerEl).scope(); datetimePickerEl = $compile(div)(options.scope)[0]; datetimePickerEl.triggerEl = options.triggerEl; $document[0].body.appendChild(datetimePickerEl); //show datetimePicker below triggerEl var bcr = triggerEl.getBoundingClientRect(); datetimePickerEl.style.position='absolute'; datetimePickerEl.style.left= (bcr.left + window.scrollX) + 'px'; options.scope.$apply(); var datePickerElBcr = datetimePickerEl.getBoundingClientRect(); if (bcr.top < 300 || window.innerHeight - bcr.bottom > 300) { datetimePickerEl.style.top = (bcr.bottom + window.scrollY) + 'px'; } else { datetimePickerEl.style.top = (bcr.top - datePickerElBcr.height + window.scrollY) + 'px'; } $document[0].body.addEventListener('click', this.closeDatetimePicker); }; this.closeDatetimePicker = function(evt) { var target = evt && evt.target; var popupEl = $document[0].querySelector('div[datetime-picker-popup]'); if (evt && target) { if (target.hasAttribute('datetime-picker')) { // element with datetimePicker behaviour // do nothing } else if (popupEl && popupEl.contains(target)) { // datetimePicker itself // do nothing } else { removeEl(popupEl); } } else { removeEl(popupEl); } } }; DatetimePickerCtrl.$inject = ['$compile', '$document']; angular.module('angularjs-datetime-picker').controller('DatetimePickerCtrl', DatetimePickerCtrl); var tmpl = [ '
' , '
', ' ', ' {{months[mv.month].shortName}} {{mv.year}}', ' ', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', ' Time : {{("0"+inputHour).slice(-2)}} : {{("0"+inputMinute).slice(-2)}}
', ' ', ' ', '
', '
'].join("\n"); var datetimePickerPopup = function($locale, dateFilter){ var days, months, daysOfWeek, firstDayOfWeek; var initVars = function() { days =[], months=[]; daysOfWeek=[], firstDayOfWeek=0; for (var i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { days.push(i); } for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { //jshint ignore:line months.push({ fullName: $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.MONTH[i], shortName: $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.SHORTMONTH[i] }); } for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { //jshint ignore:line var day = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.DAY[(i + firstDayOfWeek) % 7]; daysOfWeek.push({ fullName: day, firstLetter: day.substr(0, 2) }); } firstDayOfWeek = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.FIRSTDAYOFWEEK || 0; }; var getMonthView = function(year, month) { if (month>11) { year++; } else if (month < 0) { year--; } month = (month + 12) % 12; var firstDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1), lastDayOfMonth = new Date(year, month + 1, 0), lastDayOfPreviousMonth = new Date(year, month, 0), daysInMonth = lastDayOfMonth.getDate(), daysInLastMonth = lastDayOfPreviousMonth.getDate(), dayOfWeek = firstDayOfMonth.getDay(), leadingDays = (dayOfWeek - firstDayOfWeek + 7) % 7 || 7, // Ensure there are always leading days to give context trailingDays = days.slice(0, 6 * 7 - (leadingDays + daysInMonth)); if (trailingDays.length > 7) { trailingDays = trailingDays.slice(0, trailingDays.length-7); } return { year: year, month: month, days: days.slice(0, daysInMonth), leadingDays: days.slice(- leadingDays - (31 - daysInLastMonth), daysInLastMonth), trailingDays: trailingDays }; }; var linkFunc = function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { //jshint ignore:line initVars(); //initialize days, months, daysOfWeek, and firstDayOfWeek; var dateFormat = attrs.dateFormat || 'short'; scope.months = months; scope.daysOfWeek = daysOfWeek; scope.inputHour; scope.inputMinute; if (scope.dateOnly === true){ element[0].querySelector('#adp-time').style.display = 'none'; } scope.$applyAsync( function() { ctrl.triggerEl = angular.element(element[0].triggerEl); if (attrs.ngModel) { // need to parse date string var dateStr = ''+ctrl.triggerEl.scope().$eval(attrs.ngModel); if (dateStr) { if (!dateStr.match(/[0-9]{2}:/)) { // if no time is given, add 00:00:00 at the end dateStr += " 00:00:00"; } dateStr = dateStr.replace(/([0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4})/,'$2-$1'); //mm-dd-yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd dateStr = dateStr.replace(/([\/-][0-9]{2,4})\ ([0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:)/,'$1T$2'); //reformat for FF dateStr = dateStr.replace(/EDT|EST|CDT|CST|MDT|PDT|PST|UT|GMT/g,''); //remove timezone dateStr = dateStr.replace(/\s*\(\)\s*/,''); //remove timezone dateStr = dateStr.replace(/[\-\+][0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2}$/,''); //remove timezone dateStr += getTimezoneOffset(dateStr); var d = new Date(dateStr); scope.selectedDate = new Date( d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes(), d.getSeconds() ); } } if (!scope.selectedDate || isNaN(scope.selectedDate.getTime())) { // no predefined date var today = new Date(); var year = scope.year || today.getFullYear(); var month = scope.month ? (scope.month-1) : today.getMonth(); var day = scope.day || today.getDate(); var hour = scope.hour || today.getHours(); var minute = scope.minute || today.getMinutes(); scope.selectedDate = new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0); } scope.inputHour = scope.selectedDate.getHours(); scope.inputMinute = scope.selectedDate.getMinutes(); // Default to current year and month scope.mv = getMonthView(scope.selectedDate.getFullYear(), scope.selectedDate.getMonth()); if (scope.mv.year == scope.selectedDate.getFullYear() && scope.mv.month == scope.selectedDate.getMonth()) { scope.selectedDay = scope.selectedDate.getDate(); } else { scope.selectedDay = null; } }); scope.addMonth = function (amount) { scope.mv = getMonthView(scope.mv.year, scope.mv.month + amount); }; scope.setDate = function (evt) { var target = angular.element(evt.target)[0]; if (target.className.indexOf('selectable')) { scope.updateNgModel(parseInt(target.innerHTML)); if (scope.closeOnSelect !== false) { ctrl.closeDatetimePicker(); } } }; scope.updateNgModel = function(day) { day = day ? day : scope.selectedDate.getDate(); scope.selectedDate = new Date( scope.mv.year, scope.mv.month, day, scope.inputHour, scope.inputMinute, 0 ); scope.selectedDay = scope.selectedDate.getDate(); if (attrs.ngModel) { //console.log('attrs.ngModel',attrs.ngModel); var elScope = ctrl.triggerEl.scope(), dateValue; if (elScope.$eval(attrs.ngModel) && elScope.$eval(attrs.ngModel).constructor.name === 'Date') { dateValue = new Date(dateFilter(scope.selectedDate, dateFormat)); } else { dateValue = dateFilter(scope.selectedDate, dateFormat); } elScope.$eval(attrs.ngModel + '= date', {date: dateValue}); } }; scope.$on('$destroy', ctrl.closeDatetimePicker); }; return { restrict: 'A', template: tmpl, controller: 'DatetimePickerCtrl', replace: true, scope: { year: '=', month: '=', day: '=', hour: '=', minute: '=', dateOnly: '=', closeOnSelect: '=' }, link: linkFunc }; }; datetimePickerPopup.$inject = ['$locale', 'dateFilter']; angular.module('angularjs-datetime-picker').directive('datetimePickerPopup', datetimePickerPopup); var datetimePicker = function($parse, DatetimePicker) { return { // An ngModel is required to get the controller argument require: 'ngModel', link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { // Attach validation watcher scope.$watch(attrs.ngModel, function(value) { if( !value || value == '' ){ return; } // The value has already been cleaned by the above code var date = new Date(value); ctrl.$setValidity('date', !date? false : true); var now = new Date(); if( attrs.hasOwnProperty('futureOnly') ){ ctrl.$setValidity('future-only', date < now? false : true); } }); element[0].addEventListener('click', function() { DatetimePicker.open({ triggerEl: element[0], dateFormat: attrs.dateFormat, ngModel: attrs.ngModel, year: attrs.year, month: attrs.month, day: attrs.day, hour: attrs.hour, minute: attrs.minute, dateOnly: attrs.dateOnly, futureOnly: attrs.futureOnly, closeOnSelect: attrs.closeOnSelect }); }); } }; }; datetimePicker.$inject=['$parse', 'DatetimePicker']; angular.module('angularjs-datetime-picker').directive('datetimePicker', datetimePicker); })();