Feature: Workflow Versions Background: Init Given I want to create a Workflow Scenario: Create and get version When I want to create input data Then I want to update the input property "description" with value "workflow version description" Then I want to create for path "/workflows/{item.id}/versions" with the input data from the context Then I want to copy to property "versionId" from response data path "id" Then I want to get path "/workflows/{item.id}/versions/{versionId}" Then I want to check that property "id" in the response equals to value of saved property "versionId" When I want to get path "/workflows/{item.id}/versions" Then I want to check that element in the response list with "id" equals to value of saved property "versionId" exists Scenario: Update version When I want to create input data Then I want to update the input property "description" with value "workflow version description" Then I want to create for path "/workflows/{item.id}/versions" with the input data from the context Then I want to copy to property "versionId" from response data path "id" Then I want to update the input property "description" with value "workflow version description updated" Then I want to set property "desc" to value "workflow version description updated" Then I want to update for path "/workflows/{item.id}/versions/{versionId}" with the input data from the context Then I want to get path "/workflows/{item.id}/versions/{versionId}" Then I want to check that property "description" in the response equals to value of saved property "desc"