/* * Copyright © 2018 European Support Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const proxy = { 'POST /workflows': { id: '755eab7752374a2380544065b59b082d', name: 'Workflow one', description: 'description description 1' }, 'POST /workflows/:id/versions': { baseId: null, creationTime: '2018-07-11T14:30:42.954Z', description: 'description', id: '7b5f6b086613470985082df2c0f6c713', modificationTime: '2018-07-11T14:30:42.954Z', name: 'version 1', status: 'Certified' }, 'GET /wf/workflows': { total: 2, limit: 100, offset: 0, results: [ { id: '755eab7752374a2380544065b59b082d', name: 'Workflow one', description: 'description description 1', category: null }, { id: 'ef8159204dac4c10a85b29ec30b4bd56', name: 'Workflow two', description: 'description description 2', category: null } ] }, 'GET /wf/workflow/category': [ { name: 'Network Connectivity', normalizedName: 'network connectivity', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.network connectivity', icons: null, subcategories: [ { name: 'Virtual Links', normalizedName: 'virtual links', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.network connectivity.virtual links', icons: ['vl'], groupings: null, version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null }, { name: 'Connection Points', normalizedName: 'connection points', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.network connectivity.connection points', icons: ['cp'], groupings: null, version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null } ], version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null }, { name: 'Generic', normalizedName: 'generic', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.generic', icons: null, subcategories: [ { name: 'Infrastructure', normalizedName: 'infrastructure', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.generic.infrastructure', icons: ['connector'], groupings: null, version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null }, { name: 'Network Elements', normalizedName: 'network elements', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.generic.network elements', icons: ['network', 'connector'], groupings: null, version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null }, { name: 'Database', normalizedName: 'database', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.generic.database', icons: ['database'], groupings: null, version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null }, { name: 'Abstract', normalizedName: 'abstract', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.generic.abstract', icons: ['objectStorage', 'compute'], groupings: null, version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null }, { name: 'Rules', normalizedName: 'rules', uniqueId: 'resourceNewCategory.generic.rules', icons: ['networkrules', 'securityrules'], groupings: null, version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null } ], version: null, ownerId: null, empty: false, type: null } ], 'GET /wf/workflows/:id/versions/:versionId': { id: '7b5f6b086613470985082df2c0f6c713', major: 0, minor: 0, name: '1.0', description: 'Initial version, bug fix for previous version that fixed an exception when the port was occupied', baseId: null, creationTime: '2018-07-04T08:24:50.777+0000', modificationTime: '2018-07-04T11:06:29.559+0000', status: 'Draft', state: { synchronizationState: 'UpToDate', dirty: false }, additionalInfo: null, final: false }, 'GET /wf/workflows/:id': { id: '755eab7752374a2380544065b59b082d', name: 'Workflow1', description: 'workflow description', creationTime: '2018-07-04T08:24:50.777+0000' }, 'GET /wf/workflow/:id/getVersions': { listCount: 2, versionList: [ { id: '7b5f6b086613470985082df2c0f6c713', baseId: null, name: '1.0', description: 'Initial version, bug fix for previous version that fixed an exception when the port was occupied', status: 'Certified', creationTime: '2018-07-11T09:08:46.892Z', modificationTime: '2018-07-11T09:08:46.892Z', archivedStatus: 'ACTIVE' }, { id: '7b5f6b086613470985082df2c0f6c666', baseId: '7b5f6b086613470985082df2c0f6c713', name: '2.0', description: 'Test version, bug fix for previous version that fixed an exception when the port was occupied', status: 'Certified', creationTime: '2018-07-09T09:08:46.892Z', modificationTime: '2018-07-09T09:08:46.892Z', archivedStatus: 'ACTIVE' } ] } }; module.exports = proxy;