* Copyright © 2016-2017 European Support Limited
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const {Then, When, Given} = require('cucumber');
const assert = require('assert');
const _ = require('lodash');
const normalizeNewline = require('normalize-newline');
YAML = require('yamljs');
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('./Utils.js');
function getPath(path, context) {
let compiled = _.template(path);
return compiled(context);
* @module ContextData
* @description Use with "Given". Use ONLY for local testing when you know the value of the Item you want to use
* instead of creating a new one.
* @step Item {string} and version Id {string}
Given('Item {string} and version Id {string}', function (string, string2) {
this.context.item.id = string;
this.context.item.versionId = string2;
* @module ContextData
* @exampleFile Example_ResponseData_CheckAndManipulation.feature
* @description Response Data::
* """
* {jsonObject}
* """
* @step Use with "Given". Use ONLY for local testing, creates a response data object
Given('Response Data:', function (docString) {
this.context.responseData = JSON.parse(docString);
* @module ContextData
* @description Copy a property from the response data to context Item data, example: item.componentId
* @step I want to save on the context for {string} property {string} with value {string}
Then('I want to save on the context for {string} property {string} with value {string}', function(string, string1, string2) {
assert.equal(_.includes(['Item'], string), true);
let val = _.get(this.context.responseData, string2);
_.set(this.context, string1, val);
* @module ContextData
* @description Copy a property from the response data to saved data on the context. Example: save newly generated IDs. Response data value can be from a path, xample: results[0].id
* @exampleFile Example_Rest_Calls.feature
* @step I want to save to property {string} from response data path {string}
Then('I want to copy to property {string} from response data path {string}', function(string, string2) {
let val = _.get(this.context.responseData, string2);
_.set(this.context, string, val);
* @module ContextData
* @description This will set the value of a saved property on the context
* @exampleFile Example_Rest_Calls.feature
* @step I want to set property {string} to value {string}
Then('I want to set property {string} to value {string}', function(string, string2) {
_.set(this.context, string, string2);
* @module ResponseData
* @description Will check the output data for a property and a value. property can be a path (example: results[0].id)
* @exampleFile Example_ResponseData_CheckAndManipulation.feature
* @step I want to check property {string} for value {string}
Then('I want to check property {string} for value {string}', function(string, string2) {
assert.equal(_.get(this.context.responseData, string), string2);
* @module ResponseData
* @description Will check the output data for a property and a value. property can be a path
* (example: results[0].id). Supports comparison to a long String by allowing a line break
* @exampleFile VirtualMachineInterfaceValidationHeatResourceMissingProperties.feature
* @step I want to check property {string} for value {string}
Then('I want to check property {string} for value:', function(string, docString) {
assert.equal(_.get(this.context.responseData, string), docString.trim());
* @module ResponseData
* @description Will check the output data for a property and a integer. property can be a path (example: results[0].id)
* @exampleFile Example_ResponseData_CheckAndManipulation.feature
* @step I want to check property {string} for value {int}
Then('I want to check property {string} for value {int}', function(string, int) {
assert.equal(_.get(this.context.responseData, string), int);
* @module ResponseData
* @description Will check the output data for a property and a boolean. property can be a path (example: results[0].id)
* @exampleFile Example_ResponseData_CheckAndManipulation.feature
* @step I want to check property {string} to be "True/False"
Then('I want to check property {string} to be {word}', function(string, string2) {
assert.equal(_.get(this.context.responseData, string), string2.toLowerCase() == "true");
* @module ResponseData
* @description Will check the output data for a property and a boolean. property can be a path (example: results[0].id)
* @exampleFile Example_ResponseData_CheckAndManipulation.feature
* @step I want to check property {string} to have length {int}
Then('I want to check property {string} to have length {int}', function(string, intLength) {
let arrayProp = _.get(this.context.responseData, string);
assert.equal(arrayProp.length, intLength);
* @module ResponseData
* @description Will check the output data for a property and make sure it exists
* @exampleFile Example_ResponseData_CheckAndManipulation.feature
* @step I want to check property {string} exists
Then('I want to check property {string} exists', function(string) {
assert.equal(_.has(this.context.responseData, string), true);
* @module ResponseData
* @description Will check the output data for a property and make sure it does not exist
* @exampleFile Example_ResponseData_CheckAndManipulation.feature
* @step I want to check property {string} does not exist
Then('I want to check property {string} does not exist', function(string) {
assert.equal(_.has(this.context.responseData, string), false);
* @module ContextData
* @description Use during development to see what is on the context
* @exampleFile Example_ResponseData_CheckAndManipulation.feature
* @step I want to print the context data
Then('I want to print the context data', function() {
console.log('------------ context ---------------');
console.log(JSON.stringify(this.context, null, 2));
* @module ContextData
* @description Set this in order to check that the following Rest call will not have response code 200
* @exampleFile Example_Rest_Calls.feature
* @step I want the following to fail
Then('I want the following to fail', function() {
this.context.shouldFail = true;
* @module ContextData
* @description Set this in order to check that the following Rest call will not have response code 200
* @exampleFile Example_Rest_Calls.feature
* @step I want the following to fail
Then('I want the following to fail with response status code {int}', function(int) {
this.context.shouldFail = true;
this.context.responseStatusCode = int;
* @module ContextData
* @description Set this in order to check that the following Rest call will have the error code on the return data
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want the following to fail with error code {string}
Then('I want the following to fail with error code {string}', function(string) {
this.context.shouldFail = true;
this.context.errorCode = string;
* @module ContextData
* @description Set this in order to check that the following Rest call will have the error message on the return data
* @exampleFile DeleteVLMCertified.feature
* @step I want the following to fail with error message {string}
Then('I want the following to fail with error message {string}', function(string) {
this.context.shouldFail = true;
let errorMessage = getPath(string, this.context);
this.context.errorMessage = errorMessage;
* @module ZipData
* @description Use this in order to extract a file from a zip file and to compare it to a local file (string comparison).
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want to compare the content of the entry {string} in the zip {string} with file {string}
Then ('I want to compare the content of the entry {string} in the zip {string} with file {string}', function (string, string2, string3) {
let zipFile = fs.readFileSync(string2, 'binary');
let zip = new JSZip(zipFile, {base64: false, checkCRC32: true});
let fileData = zip.files[string]._data;
let compareFileData = fs.readFileSync(string3, {encoding: 'ascii'});
assert.equal(normalizeNewline(compareFileData), normalizeNewline(fileData));
* @module ZipData
* @description Loads the yaml from zip file onto the context responseData as JSON for running checks on the output
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want to load the yaml content of the entry {string} in the zip {string} to context
Then ('I want to load the yaml content of the entry {string} in the zip {string} to context', function (string, string2, callback) {
let zipFile = fs.readFileSync(string2, 'binary');
let zip = new JSZip(zipFile, {base64: false, checkCRC32: true});
let fileData = zip.files[string]._data;
let nativeObject = YAML.parse(fileData);
this.context.responseData = nativeObject;
* @module ZipData
* @description Loads the json from zip file onto the context responseData for running check son the output
* @exampleFile Example_VSP.feature
* @step I want to load the json content of the entry {string} in the zip {string} to context
When('I want to load the json content of the entry {string} in the zip {string} to context', function (string, string2, callback) {
let zipFile = fs.readFileSync(string2, 'binary');
let zip = new JSZip(zipFile, {base64: false, checkCRC32: true});
let str = zip.files[string]._data;
this.context.responseData = JSON.parse(str);
* @module ResponseData
* @description Check that the result list doesn't contain an element with property x which has value
* equals to saved property y
* @exampleFile ListItemsFilters.feature
* @step I want to check that element in the response list with {string} equals to value of saved property {string} does not exist
Then('I want to check that element in the response list with {string} equals to value of saved property {string} does not exist', function (propertyPath, valueProperty) {
const results = this.context.responseData.results;
assert.equal(results.find(result => this.context[valueProperty] === _.get(result, propertyPath)), undefined);
* @module ResponseData
* @description Check that the result list contains an element with property x which has value
* equals to saved property y
* @exampleFile ListItemsFilters.feature
* @step I want to check that element in the response list with {string} equals to value of saved property {string} exists
Then('I want to check that element in the response list with {string} equals to value of saved property {string} exists', function(propertyPath, valueProperty) {
const results = this.context.responseData.results;
assert.notEqual(results.find(result => _.get(this.context, valueProperty) === _.get(result, propertyPath)), undefined);
Then('I want to check that property {string} in the response equals to value of saved property {string}', function(propertyPath, valueProperty) {
const results = this.context.responseData;
assert.equal(results[propertyPath], _.get(this.context, valueProperty));
* @module ResponseData
* @description Check that the itemId from context exits in result of responseData
* exampleFile ArchiveItem.feature
* step I want to check that item exits in response
Then('I want to check that item exits in response', function() {
const id = this.context.item.id;
const results = this.context.responseData.results;
var testResult = false;
for(var i=0; i< results.length; i++){
if ( id == results[i].id){
testResult = true;
* @module ResponseData
* @description Check that the itemId from context does NOT exits in result of responseData
* exampleFile ArchiveItem.feature
* step I want to check that item does not exits in response
Then('I want to check that item does not exits in response', function() {
const id = this.context.item.id;
const results = this.context.responseData.results;
var testResult = false;
for(var i=0; i< results.length; i++){
if ( id == results[i].id){
testResult = true;