/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * and the Apache License 2.0 which both accompany this distribution, * and are available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Contributors: * ZTE - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation */ import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { WorkflowNode } from "../model/workflow/workflow-node"; import { DataAccessService } from "./data-access/data-access.service"; import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable"; import { Workflow } from "../model/workflow/workflow"; import { Position } from "../model/workflow/position"; import { NodeType } from "../model/workflow/node-type.enum"; import { StartEvent } from "../model/workflow/start-event"; import { SequenceFlow } from "../model/workflow/sequence-flow"; import { RestTask } from "../model/workflow/rest-task"; import { PlanTreeviewItem } from "../model/plan-treeview-item"; /** * WorkflowService * provides all of the operations about workflow operations. */ @Injectable() export class WorkflowService { public workflow: Workflow; constructor(private dataAccessService: DataAccessService) { } public save(): Observable { console.log(this.workflow); return this.dataAccessService.catalogService.saveWorkflow(this.workflow); } public addNode(name: string, type: string, top: number, left: number): WorkflowNode { let node: WorkflowNode; switch (type) { case NodeType[NodeType.startEvent]: node = new StartEvent(this.createId(), name, type, new Position(top, left), []); break; case NodeType[NodeType.restTask]: node = new RestTask(this.createId(), name, type, new Position(top, left), []); break; default: node = new WorkflowNode(this.createId(), name, type, new Position(top, left), []); break; } this.workflow.nodes.push(node); return node; } public deleteNode(nodeId: string): WorkflowNode { // delete related connections this.workflow.nodes.forEach(node => this.deleteSequenceFlow(node.id, nodeId)); // delete current node const index = this.workflow.nodes.findIndex(node => node.id === nodeId); if (index !== -1) { const node = this.workflow.nodes.splice(index, 1)[0]; node.sequenceFlows = []; return node; } return undefined; } public addSequenceFlow(sourceId: string, targetId: string) { const node = this.getNodeById(sourceId); if (node) { const index = node.sequenceFlows.findIndex(sequenceFlow => sequenceFlow.targetRef === targetId); if (index === -1) { node.sequenceFlows.push(new SequenceFlow(sourceId, targetId)); } } } public deleteSequenceFlow(sourceId: string, targetId: string) { const node = this.getNodeById(sourceId); if (node) { const index = node.sequenceFlows.findIndex(sequenceFlow => sequenceFlow.targetRef === targetId); if (index !== -1) { node.sequenceFlows.splice(index, 1); } } } public getPlanParameters(nodeId: string): PlanTreeviewItem[] { const preNodeList = new Array(); this.getPreNodes(nodeId, preNodeList); return this.loadNodeOutputs(preNodeList); } private loadNodeOutputs(nodes: WorkflowNode[]): PlanTreeviewItem[] { const params = new Array(); nodes.forEach(node => { switch (node.type) { case NodeType[NodeType.startEvent]: params.push(this.loadOutput4StartEvent(node)); break; case NodeType[NodeType.restTask]: // TODO for rest task break; default: break; } }); return params; } private loadOutput4StartEvent(node: StartEvent): PlanTreeviewItem { const startItem = new PlanTreeviewItem(node.name, `[${node.id}]`, []); node.parameters.map(param => startItem.children.push(new PlanTreeviewItem(param.name, `[${param.name}]`, []))); return startItem; } public getPreNodes(nodeId: string, preNodes: WorkflowNode[]) { const preNode4CurrentNode = []; this.workflow.nodes.forEach(node => { if (this.isPreNode(node, nodeId)) { const existNode = preNodes.find(tmpNode => tmpNode.id === node.id); if (existNode) { // current node already exists in preNodes. this could avoid loop circle. } else { preNode4CurrentNode.push(node); preNodes.push(node); } } }); preNode4CurrentNode.forEach(node => this.getPreNodes(node.id, preNodes)); } public isPreNode(preNode: WorkflowNode, id: string): boolean { const targetNode = preNode.sequenceFlows.find(connection => connection.targetRef === id); return targetNode !== undefined; } public getNodeById(sourceId: string): WorkflowNode { return this.workflow.nodes.find(node => node.id === sourceId); } private createId() { const idSet = new Set(); this.workflow.nodes.forEach(node => idSet.add(node.id)); for (let i = 0; i < idSet.size; i++) { if (!idSet.has('node' + i)) { return 'node' + i; } } return 'node' + idSet.size; } }