/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * and the Apache License 2.0 which both accompany this distribution, * and are available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Contributors: * ZTE - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation */ import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import * as jsp from 'jsplumb'; import { WorkflowProcessService } from "./workflow-process.service"; import { BroadcastService } from "./broadcast.service"; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription'; /** * JsPlumbService * provides all of the operations about jsplumb plugin. */ @Injectable() export class JsPlumbService { public jsplumbInstance; public subscriptionMap = new Map(); constructor(private processService: WorkflowProcessService, private broadcastService: BroadcastService) { this.initJsPlumbInstance(); } public initJsPlumbInstance() { this.jsplumbInstance = jsp.jsPlumb.getInstance({ Container: 'canvas' }); this.jsplumbInstance.importDefaults({ Anchor: ['Top', 'RightMiddle', 'LeftMiddle', 'Bottom'], Connector: [ 'Flowchart', { cornerRadius: 0, stub: 0, gap: 3 }, ], ConnectionOverlays: [ [ 'Arrow', { direction: 1, foldback: 1, location: 1, width: 10, length: 10 }, ], ['Label', { label: '', id: 'label', cssClass: 'aLabel' }], ], Endpoint: 'Blank', PaintStyle: { strokeWidth: 4, stroke: 'black', }, HoverPaintStyle: { strokeWidth: 4, stroke: 'blue', }, }); // add connection to model data while a new connection is build this.jsplumbInstance.bind('connection', info => { this.processService.addSequenceFlow(info.connection.sourceId, info.connection.targetId); this.subscribe4Connection(info.connection); info.connection.bind('click', connection => { const sequenceFlow = this.processService.getSequenceFlow(connection.sourceId, connection.targetId); this.broadcastService.broadcast(this.broadcastService.currentSequenceFlow, sequenceFlow); this.broadcastService.broadcast(this.broadcastService.currentType, 'SequenceFlow'); }); info.connection.bind('dblclick', connection => { const sequenceFlow = this.processService.getSequenceFlow(connection.sourceId, connection.targetId); this.broadcastService.broadcast(this.broadcastService.sequenceFlow, sequenceFlow); this.broadcastService.broadcast(this.broadcastService.showSequenceFlow, true); }); }); } private subscribe4Connection(connection: any) { const pre = connection.sourceId + connection.targetId; let sequenceFlowSubscription = this.subscriptionMap.get(pre + 'sequenceFlowSubscription'); if (sequenceFlowSubscription && !sequenceFlowSubscription.closed) { sequenceFlowSubscription.unsubscribe(); } sequenceFlowSubscription = this.broadcastService.currentSequenceFlow$.subscribe(currentSequenceFlow => { if (currentSequenceFlow.sourceRef === connection.sourceId && currentSequenceFlow.targetRef === connection.targetId) { connection.setPaintStyle({ stroke: 'red' }); } else { connection.setPaintStyle({ stroke: 'black' }); } }); this.subscriptionMap.set(pre + 'sequenceFlowSubscription', sequenceFlowSubscription); let typeSubscription = this.subscriptionMap.get(pre + 'typeSubscription'); if (typeSubscription && !typeSubscription.closed) { typeSubscription.unsubscribe(); } typeSubscription = this.broadcastService.currentType$.subscribe(type => { if (type === 'WorkflowNode') { connection.setPaintStyle({ stroke: 'black' }); } }); this.subscriptionMap.set(pre + 'typeSubscription', typeSubscription); } private unsubscription4Connection(connectionSelection: any) { connectionSelection.each(connection => { const pre = connection.sourceId + connection.targetId; this.subscriptionMap.get(pre + 'sequenceFlowSubscription').unsubscribe(); this.subscriptionMap.get(pre + 'typeSubscription').unsubscribe(); }); } public initNode(selectorString: string) { const selector = this.jsplumbInstance.getSelector(selectorString); this.jsplumbInstance.draggable(selector, { }); this.jsplumbInstance.makeTarget(selector, { detachable: false, isTarget: true, maxConnections: -1, }); this.jsplumbInstance.makeSource(selector, { filter: '.anchor, .anchor *', detachable: false, isSource: true, maxConnections: -1, }); } public setLabel(sourceId: string, targetId: string, label: string) { const sourceNode = this.processService.getNodeById(sourceId); const connections = this.jsplumbInstance.select({ source: sourceId, target: targetId }); connections.setLabel(label); } public deleteConnect(sourceId: string, targetId: string) { const sourceNode = this.processService.getNodeById(sourceId); const connectionSelection = this.jsplumbInstance.select({ source: sourceId, target: targetId }); this.unsubscription4Connection(connectionSelection); connectionSelection.delete(); } public remove(nodeId: string) { // unsubscription4Connection const connectionsAsSource = this.jsplumbInstance.select({ source: nodeId }); this.unsubscription4Connection(connectionsAsSource); const connectionsAsTarget = this.jsplumbInstance.select({ target: nodeId }); this.unsubscription4Connection(connectionsAsTarget); this.jsplumbInstance.remove(nodeId); } public buttonDraggable() { const selector = this.jsplumbInstance.getSelector('.toolbar .item'); this.jsplumbInstance.draggable(selector, { scope: 'btn', clone: true, }); } public buttonDroppable() { const selector = this.jsplumbInstance.getSelector('.canvas'); this.jsplumbInstance.droppable(selector, { scope: 'btn', drop: event => { const el = this.jsplumbInstance.getSelector(event.drag.el); const type = el.attributes.nodeType.value; // Mouse position minus drop canvas start position and minus icon half size const left = event.e.clientX - 220 - (event.e.offsetX / 2); const top = event.e.clientY - 70 - (event.e.offsetY / 2); this.processService.addNode(type, type, top, left); }, }); } }