/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ZTE Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * and the Apache License 2.0 which both accompany this distribution, * and are available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Contributors: * ZTE - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation */ import { Component, Input, OnChanges, Output, SimpleChange, SimpleChanges, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; import { TreeNode } from 'primeng/primeng'; import { ValueSource } from '../../model/value-source.enum'; import { ValueType } from '../../model/value-type.enum'; import { Parameter } from '../../model/workflow/parameter'; import { RestParameter } from '../../model/workflow/rest-parameter'; import { RestTask } from '../../model/workflow/rest-task'; import { SwaggerTreeConverterService } from '../../services/swagger-tree-converter.service'; import { WorkflowUtil } from '../../util/workflow-util'; /** * parameter tree presents parameter of task node's input and output parameters. */ @Component({ selector: 'b4t-parameter-tree', styleUrls: ['./parameter-tree.component.css'], templateUrl: 'parameter-tree.component.html', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None }) export class ParameterTreeComponent implements OnChanges { @Input() public parameters: TreeNode[]; @Input() public task: RestTask; @Input() public defaultValueSource: string; @Input() public valueSource: ValueSource[]; constructor(private swaggerTreeConverterService: SwaggerTreeConverterService) { } public ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { const changeParameters = changes["parameters"]; if (changeParameters && 0 < changeParameters.currentValue.length) { this.formatParam(changeParameters.currentValue); } } public getParam(node: any) { if (undefined === node.parameter.name) { node.parameter.name = node.label; node.parameter.valueSource = this.defaultValueSource; } else { if (node.parent.parameter.value[node.label]) { node.parameter.value = node.parent.parameter.value[node.label].value; node.parameter.valueSource = node.parent.parameter.value[node.label].valueSource; } else { const tempParamValue: any = {}; tempParamValue.value = ''; tempParamValue.valueSource = this.defaultValueSource; node.parent.parameter.value[node.label] = tempParamValue; node.parameter.value = tempParamValue.value; node.parameter.valueSource = tempParamValue.valueSource; } } return node.parameter; } public paramChange(param: Parameter, node: any) { if (node.label !== param.name) { node.label = param.name; this.propertyKeyChanged(node, param.value); } if (node.parent) { if (node.parent.parameter.value[param.name]) { node.parent.parameter.value[param.name].value = param.value; node.parent.parameter.value[param.name].valueSource = param.valueSource; } else { node.parent.parameter.value[param.name] = { value: param.value, valueSource: param.valueSource }; } } } public getKeyParameter(node: any) { return new Parameter('key', node.label, ValueSource[ValueSource.String], ValueType[ValueType.String]); } public keyParameterChange(node: any, parameter: Parameter) { node.label = parameter.value; this.propertyKeyChanged(node, parameter.value); } public getValueParameter(node: any, key: string) { const nodeValue = node[key] ? node[key] : { value: '', valueSource: ValueSource[ValueSource.String], }; node[key] = nodeValue; return nodeValue; } public valueParameterChange(node: any, key: string, parameter: Parameter) { node[key].value = parameter.value; node[key].valueSource = parameter.valueSource; } public addChildNode4DynamicObject(node: any) { const copyItem = WorkflowUtil.deepClone(node.parameter.additionalProperties); const key = Object.keys(node.parameter.value).length; const childrenNode = this.swaggerTreeConverterService .schema2TreeNode(key, this.task.serviceName, this.task.serviceVersion, copyItem); childrenNode.keyEditable = true; node.parameter.value[key] = childrenNode.parameter.value; node.children.push(childrenNode); } public propertyKeyChanged(node: any, newKey: string) { const value = node.parent.parameter.value[node.label]; node.parent.parameter.value[newKey] = value; delete node.parent.parameter.value[node.label]; node.label = newKey; } public addChildNode4ObjectArray(node: any) { const copyItem = WorkflowUtil.deepClone(node.parameter.items); const childrenNode = this.swaggerTreeConverterService .schema2TreeNode( node.children.length, this.task.serviceName, this.task.serviceVersion, copyItem); node.parameter.value.push(childrenNode.parameter.value); node.children.push(childrenNode); this.initParam(node); } public deleteTreeNode(node: any) { // delete data node.parent.parameter.value.splice(node.label, 1); node.parent.children.splice(node.label, 1); // update node index node.parent.children.forEach((childNode, index) => childNode.label = index); } public canEditValue(node: any): boolean { return node.children.length === 0; } public canDelete(node: any) { const parent = node.parent; if (parent && (this.isArrayObject(parent) || this.isDynamicObject(parent))) { return true; } else { return false; } } public updateObjectValue(node: any, value: string) { const newValueObj = JSON.parse(value); for (const key in node.parameter.value) { delete node.parameter.value[key]; } for (const key in newValueObj) { node.parameter.value[key] = newValueObj[key]; } } public getObjectValue(node) { return JSON.stringify(node.parameter.value); } public canAdd(node: any) { return this.isArrayObject(node) || this.isDynamicObject(node); } private formatParam(params: any[]): void { console.log(params); params.forEach(param => this.initParam(param)); } private initParam(parameter: any, value?: any): void { if (!parameter || 0 === parameter.length) { return; } switch (parameter.type) { case 'default': parameter.parameter.name = parameter.label; if (value && value[parameter.label]) { parameter.parameter.value = value[parameter.label].value; parameter.parameter.valueSource = value[parameter.label].valueSource; } else { parameter.parameter.valueSource = this.defaultValueSource; } break; case 'object': for (let index = 0; index < parameter.children.length; index++) { let param = parameter.children[index]; this.initParam(param, parameter.parameter.value); } break; case 'array': for (let index = 0; index < parameter.children.length; index++) { let param = parameter.children[index]; this.initParam(param, parameter.parameter.value); } break; default: console.log('init a unsupport parameter, type is:' + parameter.type); break; } } private isArrayObject(node: any): boolean { return node.type === 'array'; } private isDynamicObject(node: any): boolean { return node.type === 'map'; } }