/* * Copyright © 2016-2017 European Support Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const {Then, When, Given} = require('cucumber'); const assert = require('assert'); const util = require('./Utils.js'); /** * @module Collaboration * @description Adds the user with the given user ID as a contributor on the item * @exampleFile Example_Collaboration.feature * @step I want to add user {string} as a contributor to this Item **/ When('I want to add user {string} as a contributor to this Item', function(string) { let path = '/items/' + this.context.item.id + '/permissions/Contributor'; let inputData = {removedUsersIds:[],addedUsersIds:[string]}; return util.request(this.context, 'PUT', path, inputData); }); /** * @module Collaboration * @description Adds the user with the given user ID as a contributor on the item * @exampleFile Example_Collaboration.feature * @step I want to remove user {string} as a contributor to this Item **/ When('I want to remove user {string} as a contributor to this Item', function(string) { let path = '/items/' + this.context.item.id + '/permissions/Contributor'; let inputData = {removedUsersIds:[string],addedUsersIds:[]}; return util.request(this.context, 'PUT', path, inputData); }); /** * @module Collaboration * @description Changes the owner to the given User ID * @exampleFile Example_Collaboration.feature * @step I want to change the owner to user {string} on this Item **/ When('I want to change the owner to user {string} on this Item', function(string) { let path = '/items/' + this.context.item.id + '/permissions/Owner'; let inputData = {removedUsersIds:[],addedUsersIds:[string]}; return util.request(this.context, 'PUT', path, inputData); }); /** * @module Collaboration * @description Checks the role for a user on the item by User id and Role can be either: Contributor/Owner * @exampleFile Example_Collaboration.feature * @step I want check user {string} has role {string} on this Item **/ When('I want to check user {string} has role {string} on this Item', function(string, string2) { let path = '/items/' + this.context.item.id + '/permissions'; return util.request(this.context, 'GET', path).then(results => { for (i in results.data.results) { if (results.data.results[i].userId === string) { assert.equal(string2.toLowerCase(), results.data.results[i].permission.toLowerCase()); return; } } assert.fail('User not found'); }); }); /** * @module Collaboration * @description Checks the user wth this Id has no permissions on this item * @exampleFile Example_Collaboration.feature * @step I want check user {string} has rno permissions on this Item **/ When('I want to check user {string} has no permissions on this Item', function(string) { let path = '/items/' + this.context.item.id + '/permissions'; return util.request(this.context, 'GET', path).then(results => { for (i in results.data.results) { if (results.data.results[i].userId === string) { assert.fail('Found', null, 'User should not have permissions'); return; } } }); }); /** * @module Collaboration * @description Gets the permissions for the Item * @exampleFile Example_Collaboration.feature * @step I want to get the permissions for this Item **/ When('I want to get the permissions for this Item', function() { let path = '/items/' + this.context.item.id + '/permissions'; return util.request(this.context, 'GET', path); }); /** * @module Collaboration * @description Changes the user for the Rest calls * @exampleFile Example_Collaboration.feature * @step I want to set the user to {string} **/ When('I want to set the user to {string}', function(string) { this.context.headers['onboarding'].USER_ID = string; });