import {PluginPubSub} from './plugin-pubsub'; declare const window: Window; describe('BasePubSub Tests', () => { let pluginPubSub: PluginPubSub; let testSub: string = 'testSub'; let testParentUrl: string = ''; let testEventsToWait: Array = ['CHECK_IN', 'WINDOW_OUT']; beforeEach(() => { pluginPubSub = new PluginPubSub(testSub, testParentUrl, testEventsToWait); }); describe('constructor tests', () => { it('should init class property', () => { expect(pluginPubSub.subscribers.size).toBe(1); expect(pluginPubSub.eventsCallbacks.length).toBe(0); expect(pluginPubSub.eventsToWait.size).toBe(0); expect(pluginPubSub.clientId).toBe('testSub'); }); }); describe('subscribe function tests', () => { it('should call notify function with the PLUGIN_REGISTER event and the register data', () => { pluginPubSub.notify = jest.fn(); let wantedRegisterData = { pluginId: testSub, eventsToWait: [] }; pluginPubSub.subscribe(); expect(pluginPubSub.notify).toHaveBeenCalledWith('PLUGIN_REGISTER', wantedRegisterData); }) }); describe('unsubscribe function tests', () => { it('should call notify function with the PLUGIN_UNREGISTER event and the unregister data', () => { pluginPubSub.notify = jest.fn(); let wantedUnregisterData = { pluginId: testSub, }; pluginPubSub.unsubscribe(); expect(pluginPubSub.notify).toHaveBeenCalledWith('PLUGIN_UNREGISTER', wantedUnregisterData); }) }); });