declare const window: Window; import {BasePubSub} from './base-pubsub'; describe('BasePubSub Tests', () => { let basePubSub: BasePubSub; let testSub: string = 'testSub'; let testWindow = window; let testSubUrl: string = ''; beforeEach(() => { basePubSub = new BasePubSub('testId'); }); describe('constructor tests', () => { it('should init class property', () => { expect(basePubSub.subscribers.size).toBe(0); expect(basePubSub.eventsCallbacks.length).toBe(0); expect(basePubSub.eventsToWait.size).toBe(0); expect(basePubSub.clientId).toBe('testId'); expect(basePubSub.lastEventNotified).toBe(''); }); }); describe('register function tests', () => { it('Should add new subscriber with the sent url to subscribers array ' + 'when calling register function with url', () => { basePubSub.register(testSub, testWindow, testSubUrl); let actualSub = basePubSub.subscribers.get(testSub); expect(basePubSub.subscribers.size).toBe(1); expect(actualSub.window).toBe(testWindow); expect(actualSub.locationUrl).toBe(testSubUrl); }); it('Should add new subscriber with the window location.href to subscribers array ' + 'when calling register function without url', () => { basePubSub.register(testSub, testWindow, undefined); let actualSub = basePubSub.subscribers.get(testSub); expect(basePubSub.subscribers.size).toBe(1); expect(actualSub.window).toBe(testWindow); expect(actualSub.locationUrl).toBe(window.location.href); }); }); describe('unregister function tests', () => { it('Should remove subscriber from subscribers list', () => { basePubSub.register(testSub, testWindow, testSubUrl); expect(basePubSub.subscribers.size).toBe(1); basePubSub.unregister(testSub); expect(basePubSub.subscribers.size).toBe(0); }); }); describe('on function tests', () => { let callback = () => {return true}; it('Should add new callback to events callback array', () => { basePubSub.on(callback); expect(basePubSub.eventsCallbacks.length).toBe(1); let actualCallback = basePubSub.eventsCallbacks[0]; expect(actualCallback).toBe(callback); }); it('Should not add callback to events callback array if it already exists', () => { basePubSub.on(callback); expect(basePubSub.eventsCallbacks.length).toBe(1); basePubSub.on(callback); expect(basePubSub.eventsCallbacks.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('off function tests', () => { let callback = () => {return true}; it('Should remove callback from events callback array', () => { basePubSub.on(callback); expect(basePubSub.eventsCallbacks.length).toBe(1);; expect(basePubSub.eventsCallbacks.length).toBe(0); }); }); describe('isWaitingForEvent function tests', () => { let eventsMap = new Map>(); eventsMap.set('eventsKey', ['WINDOW_OUT']); beforeEach(() => { basePubSub.eventsToWait = eventsMap; }); it('Should return true when the event is found in the events to wait array', () => { let isWaiting = basePubSub.isWaitingForEvent('WINDOW_OUT'); expect(isWaiting).toBeTruthy(); }); it('Should return false when the event is not found in the events to wait array', () => { let isWaiting = basePubSub.isWaitingForEvent('CHECK_IN'); expect(isWaiting).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('notify function tests', () => { let eventType: string = 'CHECK_IN'; let callback; beforeEach(() => { callback = jest.fn(); }); it('should only update the last event notified property when no subscribers registered', () => { basePubSub.notify(eventType); expect(basePubSub.lastEventNotified).toBe(eventType); }); it('should call post message with the right parameters when there are subscribers registered', () => { testWindow.postMessage = jest.fn(); basePubSub.register(testSub, testWindow, testSubUrl); basePubSub.notify(eventType); let sub = basePubSub.subscribers.get(testSub); let eventObj = { type: eventType, data: undefined, originId: basePubSub.clientId }; expect(sub.window.postMessage).toHaveBeenCalledWith(eventObj, sub.locationUrl); }); it('should execute the callback function when calling notify with subscription function with no subscribers', () => { let callback = jest.fn(); basePubSub.notify(eventType).subscribe(callback); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should execute the callback function when calling notify with subscription function ' + 'with connected subscribers after all been notified', () => { basePubSub.register(testSub, testWindow, testSubUrl); basePubSub.notify(eventType).subscribe(callback); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should register an action completed function to pub sub when an event that is in the events to wait list ' + 'is being fired', () => { let eventsMap = new Map>(); eventsMap.set(testSub, ['CHECK_IN']); basePubSub.on = jest.fn(); basePubSub.register(testSub, testWindow, testSubUrl); basePubSub.eventsToWait = eventsMap; basePubSub.notify(eventType).subscribe(callback); expect(basePubSub.on).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }) });