path: root/tslint.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tslint.json')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tslint.json b/tslint.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08c75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tslint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ "extends": [
+ "tslint:recommended",
+ "tslint-sonarts"
+ ],
+ "rules": {
+ "cognitive-complexity": false,
+ "trailing-comma": true,
+ "callable-types": true,
+ "class-name": true,
+ "comment-format": [
+ true,
+ "check-space"
+ ],
+ "curly": true,
+ "eofline": true,
+ "forin": true,
+ "import-spacing": true,
+ "indent": [
+ true,
+ "spaces"
+ ],
+ //"interface-over-type-literal": true,
+ //"label-position": true,
+ "max-line-length": [
+ true,
+ 120
+ ],
+ "member-access": false,
+ "member-ordering": [
+ true,
+ {
+ "order": "fields-first"
+ }
+ ],
+ "no-arg": true,
+ "no-bitwise": true,
+ "no-console": [
+ true,
+ "debug",
+ "info",
+ "time",
+ "timeEnd",
+ "trace"
+ ],
+ "no-construct": true,
+ "no-debugger": true,
+ "no-empty": true,
+ "no-empty-interface": true,
+ "no-eval": true,
+ "no-inferrable-types": false,
+ "no-shadowed-variable": true,
+ "no-string-literal": true,
+ "no-string-throw": true,
+ "no-switch-case-fall-through": true,
+ "no-trailing-whitespace": true,
+ "no-unused-expression": [
+ true,
+ "allow-fast-null-checks"
+ ],
+ "no-var-keyword": true,
+ "object-literal-sort-keys": false,
+ "one-line": [
+ true,
+ "check-open-brace",
+ "check-catch",
+ "check-else",
+ "check-whitespace"
+ ],
+ "prefer-const": true,
+ "quotemark": [
+ true,
+ "single"
+ ],
+ "semicolon": [
+ true,
+ "always"
+ ],
+ "triple-equals": [
+ true,
+ "allow-null-check",
+ "allow-undefined-check"
+ ],
+ "typedef-whitespace": [
+ true,
+ {
+ "call-signature": "nospace",
+ "index-signature": "nospace",
+ "parameter": "nospace",
+ "property-declaration": "nospace",
+ "variable-declaration": "nospace"
+ }
+ ],
+ "variable-name": [
+ true,
+ "check-format",
+ "ban-keywords"
+ ],
+ "whitespace": [
+ true,
+ "check-branch",
+ "check-decl",
+ "check-operator",
+ "check-module",
+ "check-separator",
+ "check-type",
+ "check-preblock"
+ ],
+ "ban-types": [
+ true,
+ [
+ "Object",
+ "Avoid using the `Object` type. Did you mean `object`?"
+ ],
+ [
+ "Boolean",
+ "Avoid using the `Boolean` type. Did you mean `boolean`?"
+ ],
+ [
+ "Number",
+ "Avoid using the `Number` type. Did you mean `number`?"
+ ],
+ [
+ "String",
+ "Avoid using the `String` type. Did you mean `string`?"
+ ],
+ [
+ "Symbol",
+ "Avoid using the `Symbol` type. Did you mean `symbol`?"
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file