/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * sdc-distribution-client * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.openecomp.sdc.tosca.parser.api; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.Group; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.NodeTemplate; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.elements.Metadata; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.api.parameters.Input; public interface ISdcCsarHelper { /** * Get all node templates by node_type for this CSAR service. * * @param nodeType - the TOSCA type of the node. * @return service node templates of this type. */ public List getServiceNodeTemplatesByType(String nodeType); /** * Get groups of a VF with type "org.openecomp.groups.VfModule". * * @param vfCustomizationUuid - customizationUuid of VF instance. * @return list of vfModule groups. */ public List getVfModulesByVf(String vfCustomizationUuid); /** * Get any property leaf value for node template by full path separated by #.
* For example, for node template with this property:

* network_assignments:
  ecomp_generated_network_assignment: true
  is_shared_network: false
  is_external_network: false
    use_ipv4: true
    dhcp_enabled: true
    ip_version: 4
    cidr_mask: 24
    min_subnets_count: 1
    use_ipv6: false

* calling
* getNodeTemplatePropertyLeafValue(nodeTemplate, "network_assignments#ipv6_subnet_default_assignments#use_ipv6")
* will return "false". * @param nodeTemplate - nodeTemplate where the property should be looked up. * @param pathToPropertyLeafValue - the full path of the required property. * @return the leaf value as String, or null if there's no such property, or it's not a leaf. */ public String getNodeTemplatePropertyLeafValue(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, String pathToPropertyLeafValue); /** * Get any property leaf value for a group definition by full path separated by #. * Same logic as in {@link #getNodeTemplatePropertyLeafValue(NodeTemplate, String) getNodeTemplatePropertyLeafValue}, only for a group. * @param group - group where the property should be looked up. * @param propertyName - the name of the required property. * @return the leaf value as String, or null if there's no such property, or it's not a leaf. */ public String getGroupPropertyLeafValue(Group group, String propertyName); /** * Get all VL node templates of the CSAR service. * @return - all VL node templates. */ public List getServiceVlList(); /** * Get all VF node templates of the CSAR service. * @return - all VF node templates. */ public List getServiceVfList(); /** * * Get a property from a metadata object.
* This is just sugaring method, same as calling metadata.getMetadataPropertyValue(metadataPropertyName).
* * For metadata object representing the below:

* * metadata:
  invariantUUID: 4598a404-00e1-42a6-8767-0bda343e2066
  UUID: e17940d6-42f8-4989-bad0-31de5addc619
  customizationUUID: 83d086b2-a861-4d3b-aa84-3bfbb9b2ec20
  version: '0.1'
  name: vIPR_ATM
  description: vIPR_ATM
  type: VF
  category: category1
  subcategory: subCategory1

will return "4598a404-00e1-42a6-8767-0bda343e2066". * @param metadata - metadata object. * @param metadataPropertyName - the name of the metadata property. * @return metadata property value */ public String getMetadataPropertyValue(Metadata metadata, String metadataPropertyName); /** * Get input leaf value for the CSAR service, by full path separated by #.
* Same logic as in {@link #getNodeTemplatePropertyLeafValue(NodeTemplate, String) getNodeTemplatePropertyLeafValue}, only for an input full path. * The expected format is "input_name#default[optionally #rest_of_path]" * @param inputLeafValuePath by full path separated by #. * @return input leaf value for the service. */ public String getServiceInputLeafValueOfDefault(String inputLeafValuePath); /** * Get the type name of the CSAR service's substitution mappings element.
* * For the below:

* * substitution_mappings:
  type: org.openecomp.services.ViprATM
will return "org.openecomp.services.ViprATM" * @return - the type name of the CSAR service's substitution mappings element */ public String getServiceSubstitutionMappingsTypeName(); /** * Get the CSAR service metadata * @return - the service metadata object. */ public Metadata getServiceMetadata(); /** * Get all VFC node templates from a specified VF. * @param vfCustomizationId - customizationUuid of the VF node template. * @return all VFC node templates from a specified VF */ public List getVfcListByVf(String vfCustomizationId); /** * Get all CP node templates from a specified VF. * @param vfCustomizationId - customizationUuid of the VF node template. * @return all CP node templates from a specified VF */ public List getCpListByVf(String vfCustomizationId); /** * Get all members of this group definition.
* * For example, for this group definition:

* * ViprAtm..vIPR-ATM-Base..module-0:
  type: org.openecomp.groups.VfModule

getMembersOfVfModule(NoteTemplate vfNodeTemplate, Group group)
will return List of the following Node templates in the vfNodeTemplate: "vIPR_ATM_Ha_Two, vIPR_ATM_Ha_One, vIPR_ATM_OAM_SG, vIPR_ATM_HA_TWO_SG, vIPR_ATM_HA_ONE_SG"
* @param vf - VF to return the node templates from. * @param vfModule - group to return the members from. * @return node templates from vf with the names as in members section. * */ public List getMembersOfVfModule(NodeTemplate vf, Group vfModule); /** * Get list of node template pairs, where for each pair,
* the left node template in pair has requirement with name reqName,
* which should be satisfied with respective capability by the right node template in pair.
* * For example, if we have the below two node templates in the vIPR VF:

* * oam_extCP:
  type: org.openecomp.resources.cp.extCP
    - virtualBinding: vipr_atm_firewall

* * vipr_atm_firewall:
  type: org.openecomp.resources.vfc.ViprAtm.abstract.nodes.heat.vipr_atm

* * calling
* getNodeTemplatePairsByReqName(getCpListByVf(viprCustomUuid), getVfcListByVf(viprCustomUuid), "virtualBinding")
* will return a list with one Pair - where left element of pair will be "oam_extCP" node template,
* and right element will be "vipr_atm_firewall" node template.
* * @param listOfReqNodeTemplates - list of node templates in which the "reqName" requirement should be looked. * @param listOfCapNodeTemplates - list of node templates in which the capability matching the "reqName" requirement should be looked. * @param reqName - the name of a requirement definition to match by. * @return */ public List> getNodeTemplatePairsByReqName(List listOfReqNodeTemplates, List listOfCapNodeTemplates, String reqName); /** * Get all allotted node templates from this service. * @return all allotted node templates from this service. */ public List getAllottedResources(); /** * Get node_type of a node template.
* * For this node template:
* * vipr_atm_firewall:
  type: org.openecomp.resources.vfc.ViprAtm.abstract.nodes.heat.vipr_atm

* * the function will return "org.openecomp.resources.vfc.ViprAtm.abstract.nodes.heat.vipr_atm" * * @param nodeTemplate - node template object * @return - node type string. */ public String getTypeOfNodeTemplate(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate); /** * Get the CSAR service inputs list. * @return - the service inputs list. */ public List getServiceInputs(); public String getConformanceLevel(); }