package org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.functions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.TopologyTemplate; public abstract class Function { protected static final String GET_PROPERTY = "get_property"; protected static final String GET_ATTRIBUTE = "get_attribute"; protected static final String GET_INPUT = "get_input"; protected static final String GET_OPERATION_OUTPUT = "get_operation_output"; protected static final String CONCAT = "concat"; protected static final String TOKEN = "token"; protected static final String SELF = "SELF"; protected static final String HOST = "HOST"; protected static final String TARGET = "TARGET"; protected static final String SOURCE = "SOURCE"; protected static final String HOSTED_ON = "tosca.relationships.HostedOn"; protected static HashMap functionMappings = _getFunctionMappings(); private static HashMap _getFunctionMappings() { HashMap map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(GET_PROPERTY,"GetProperty"); map.put(GET_INPUT, "GetInput"); map.put(GET_ATTRIBUTE, "GetAttribute"); map.put(GET_OPERATION_OUTPUT, "GetOperationOutput"); map.put(CONCAT, "Concat"); map.put(TOKEN, "Token"); return map; } protected TopologyTemplate toscaTpl; protected Object context; protected String name; protected ArrayList args; public Function(TopologyTemplate _toscaTpl,Object _context,String _name,ArrayList _args) { toscaTpl = _toscaTpl; context = _context; name = _name; args = _args; validate(); } abstract Object result(); abstract void validate(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean isFunction(Object funcObj) { // Returns True if the provided function is a Tosca intrinsic function. // //Examples: // //* "{ get_property: { SELF, port } }" //* "{ get_input: db_name }" //* Function instance //:param function: Function as string or a Function instance. //:return: True if function is a Tosca intrinsic function, otherwise False. // if(funcObj instanceof LinkedHashMap) { LinkedHashMap function = (LinkedHashMap)funcObj; if(function.size() == 1) { String funcName = (new ArrayList(function.keySet())).get(0); return functionMappings.keySet().contains(funcName); } } return (funcObj instanceof Function); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Object getFunction(TopologyTemplate ttpl,Object context,Object rawFunctionObj) { // Gets a Function instance representing the provided template function. // If the format provided raw_function format is not relevant for template // functions or if the function name doesn't exist in function mapping the // method returns the provided raw_function. // // :param tosca_tpl: The tosca template. // :param node_template: The node template the function is specified for. // :param raw_function: The raw function as dict. // :return: Template function as Function instance or the raw_function if // parsing was unsuccessful. if(isFunction(rawFunctionObj)) { if(rawFunctionObj instanceof LinkedHashMap) { LinkedHashMap rawFunction = (LinkedHashMap)rawFunctionObj; String funcName = (new ArrayList(rawFunction.keySet())).get(0); if(functionMappings.keySet().contains(funcName)) { String funcType = functionMappings.get(funcName); Object oargs = (new ArrayList(rawFunction.values())).get(0); ArrayList funcArgs; if(oargs instanceof ArrayList) { funcArgs = (ArrayList)oargs; } else { funcArgs = new ArrayList<>(); funcArgs.add(oargs); } if(funcType.equals("GetInput")) { return new GetInput(ttpl,context,funcName,funcArgs); } else if(funcType.equals("GetAttribute")) { return new GetAttribute(ttpl,context,funcName,funcArgs); } else if(funcType.equals("GetProperty")) { return new GetProperty(ttpl,context,funcName,funcArgs); } else if(funcType.equals("GetOperationOutput")) { return new GetOperationOutput(ttpl,context,funcName,funcArgs); } else if(funcType.equals("Concat")) { return new Concat(ttpl,context,funcName,funcArgs); } else if(funcType.equals("Token")) { return new Token(ttpl,context,funcName,funcArgs); } } } } return rawFunctionObj; } } /*python from toscaparser.common.exception import ExceptionCollector from toscaparser.common.exception import UnknownInputError from toscaparser.dataentity import DataEntity from toscaparser.elements.constraints import Schema from toscaparser.elements.datatype import DataType from toscaparser.elements.entity_type import EntityType from toscaparser.elements.relationshiptype import RelationshipType from toscaparser.elements.statefulentitytype import StatefulEntityType from toscaparser.utils.gettextutils import _ GET_PROPERTY = 'get_property' GET_ATTRIBUTE = 'get_attribute' GET_INPUT = 'get_input' GET_OPERATION_OUTPUT = 'get_operation_output' CONCAT = 'concat' TOKEN = 'token' SELF = 'SELF' HOST = 'HOST' TARGET = 'TARGET' SOURCE = 'SOURCE' HOSTED_ON = 'tosca.relationships.HostedOn' @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Function(object): """An abstract type for representing a Tosca template function.""" def __init__(self, tosca_tpl, context, name, args): self.tosca_tpl = tosca_tpl self.context = context = name self.args = args self.validate() @abc.abstractmethod def result(self): """Invokes the function and returns its result Some methods invocation may only be relevant on runtime (for example, getting runtime properties) and therefore its the responsibility of the orchestrator/translator to take care of such functions invocation. :return: Function invocation result. """ return { self.args} @abc.abstractmethod def validate(self): """Validates function arguments.""" pass */