package org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.elements.constraints; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.openecomp.sdc.toscaparser.common.ExceptionCollector; public class Schema { private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static final String REQUIRED = "required"; private static final String DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static final String DEFAULT = "default"; private static final String CONSTRAINTS = "constraints"; private static final String STATUS = "status"; private static final String ENTRYSCHEMA = "entry_schema"; private static final String KEYS[] = { TYPE, REQUIRED, DESCRIPTION,DEFAULT, CONSTRAINTS, ENTRYSCHEMA, STATUS}; public static final String INTEGER = "integer"; public static final String STRING = "string"; public static final String BOOLEAN = "boolean"; public static final String FLOAT = "float"; public static final String RANGE = "range"; public static final String NUMBER = "number"; public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; public static final String LIST = "list"; public static final String MAP = "map"; public static final String SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE = "scalar-unit.size"; public static final String SCALAR_UNIT_FREQUENCY = "scalar-unit.frequency"; public static final String SCALAR_UNIT_TIME = "scalar-unit.time"; public static final String VERSION = "version"; public static final String PORTDEF = "PortDef"; public static final String PORTSPEC = "PortSpec"; //??? PortSpec.SHORTNAME public static final String PROPERTY_TYPES[] = { INTEGER, STRING, BOOLEAN, FLOAT, RANGE,NUMBER, TIMESTAMP, LIST, MAP, SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE, SCALAR_UNIT_FREQUENCY, SCALAR_UNIT_TIME, VERSION, PORTDEF, PORTSPEC}; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DEFAULT = "B"; private static Map SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT = new HashMap<>(); static { SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("B", 1L); SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("KB", 1000L); SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("KIB", 1024L); SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("MB", 1000000L); SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("MIB", 1048576L); SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("GB", 1000000000L); SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("GIB", 1073741824L); SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("TB", 1000000000000L); SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT.put("TIB", 1099511627776L); } private String name; private LinkedHashMap schema; private int _len; private ArrayList constraintsList; public Schema(String _name,LinkedHashMap _schemaDict) { name = _name; if(!(_schemaDict instanceof LinkedHashMap)) { //msg = (_('Schema definition of "%(pname)s" must be a dict.') // % dict(pname=name)) ExceptionCollector.appendException(String.format( "InvalidSchemaError: Schema definition of \"%s\" must be a dict",name)); } if(_schemaDict.get("type") == null) { //msg = (_('Schema definition of "%(pname)s" must have a "type" ' // 'attribute.') % dict(pname=name)) ExceptionCollector.appendException(String.format( "InvalidSchemaError: Schema definition of \"%s\" must have a \"type\" attribute",name)); } schema = _schemaDict; _len = 0; //??? None constraintsList = new ArrayList<>(); } public String getType() { return (String)schema.get(TYPE); } public boolean isRequired() { return (boolean)schema.getOrDefault(REQUIRED, true); } public String getDescription() { return (String)schema.getOrDefault(DESCRIPTION,""); } public Object getDefault() { return schema.get(DEFAULT); } public String getStatus() { return (String)schema.getOrDefault(STATUS,""); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ArrayList getConstraints() { if(constraintsList.size() == 0) { Object cob = schema.get(CONSTRAINTS); if(cob instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList constraintSchemata = (ArrayList)cob; for(Object ob: constraintSchemata) { if(ob instanceof LinkedHashMap) { for(String cClass: ((LinkedHashMap)ob).keySet()) { Constraint c = Constraint.factory(cClass,name,getType(),ob); if(c != null) { constraintsList.add(c); } else { // error ExceptionCollector.appendException(String.format( "UnknownFieldError: Constraint type \"%s\" for property \"%s\" is not supported", cClass,name)); } break; } } } } } return constraintsList; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public LinkedHashMap getEntrySchema() { return (LinkedHashMap)schema.get(ENTRYSCHEMA); } // Python intrinsic methods... // substitute for __getitem__ (aka self[key]) public Object getItem(String key) { return schema.get(key); } /* def __iter__(self): for k in self.KEYS: try: self.schema[k] except KeyError: pass else: yield k */ // substitute for __len__ (aka self.len()) public int getLen() { int len = 0; for(String k: KEYS) { if(schema.get(k) != null) { len++; } _len = len; } return _len; } // getter public LinkedHashMap getSchema() { return schema; } } /*python class Schema(collections.Mapping): KEYS = ( TYPE, REQUIRED, DESCRIPTION, DEFAULT, CONSTRAINTS, ENTRYSCHEMA, STATUS ) = ( 'type', 'required', 'description', 'default', 'constraints', 'entry_schema', 'status' ) PROPERTY_TYPES = ( INTEGER, STRING, BOOLEAN, FLOAT, RANGE, NUMBER, TIMESTAMP, LIST, MAP, SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE, SCALAR_UNIT_FREQUENCY, SCALAR_UNIT_TIME, VERSION, PORTDEF, PORTSPEC ) = ( 'integer', 'string', 'boolean', 'float', 'range', 'number', 'timestamp', 'list', 'map', 'scalar-unit.size', 'scalar-unit.frequency', 'scalar-unit.time', 'version', 'PortDef', PortSpec.SHORTNAME ) SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DEFAULT = 'B' SCALAR_UNIT_SIZE_DICT = {'B': 1, 'KB': 1000, 'KIB': 1024, 'MB': 1000000, 'MIB': 1048576, 'GB': 1000000000, 'GIB': 1073741824, 'TB': 1000000000000, 'TIB': 1099511627776} def __init__(self, name, schema_dict): = name if not isinstance(schema_dict, collections.Mapping): msg = (_('Schema definition of "%(pname)s" must be a dict.') % dict(pname=name)) ExceptionCollector.appendException(InvalidSchemaError(message=msg)) try: schema_dict['type'] except KeyError: msg = (_('Schema definition of "%(pname)s" must have a "type" ' 'attribute.') % dict(pname=name)) ExceptionCollector.appendException(InvalidSchemaError(message=msg)) self.schema = schema_dict self._len = None self.constraints_list = [] @property def type(self): return self.schema[self.TYPE] @property def required(self): return self.schema.get(self.REQUIRED, True) @property def description(self): return self.schema.get(self.DESCRIPTION, '') @property def default(self): return self.schema.get(self.DEFAULT) @property def status(self): return self.schema.get(self.STATUS, '') @property def constraints(self): if not self.constraints_list: constraint_schemata = self.schema.get(self.CONSTRAINTS) if constraint_schemata: self.constraints_list = [Constraint(, self.type, cschema) for cschema in constraint_schemata] return self.constraints_list @property def entry_schema(self): return self.schema.get(self.ENTRYSCHEMA) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.schema[key] def __iter__(self): for k in self.KEYS: try: self.schema[k] except KeyError: pass else: yield k def __len__(self): if self._len is None: self._len = len(list(iter(self))) return self._len */