#!/bin/sh set -x check_status() { local rc=$1 shift local comment="$@" if [ ${rc} != 0 ]; then echo "[ERR] Failure detected - ${comment}. Aborting !" exit 255 fi } # Should be removed while private dockers (maven build) will be available: echo "[INFO] ONAP Docker login" sudo docker login -u docker -p docker nexus3.onap.org:10001 check_status $? "Onap docker registry login" # Verify the kube-system pods are running: # kube-addon-manager, kube-dns, kubernetes-dashboard, storage-provisioner, tiller-deploy echo "[INFO] Wait for Kubernetes Service ..." cd ../../kubernetes status=0 while [ ${status} -ne 5 ] do status=$(sudo kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system -o json \ | jq -r ' .items[] | select(.status.phase == "Running" and ([ .status.conditions[] | select(.type == "Ready" and .status == "True") ] | length ) == 1 ) | .metadata.namespace + "/" + .metadata.name ' \ | wc -l ) sleep 3 done # Create namespace echo "[INFO] Check Namespace existence" exist_namespace=$( sudo kubectl get namespaces | grep onap-sdc | grep Active | wc -l ) if [ ${exist_namespace} -eq 0 ]; then sudo kubectl create namespace onap-sdc check_status $? "Create namespace" fi echo "[INFO] Running helm init" sudo helm init check_status $? "Helm init" set -x printf "[INFO] Wait for helm to get ready\n" helm_health=1 while [ ${helm_health} -ne 0 ] do sudo helm version | grep "Server" >/dev/null 2>&1 helm_health=$? sleep 5 done # Remove previous chart exist_chart=$( sudo helm ls onap-sdc -q | wc -l ) if [ ${exist_chart} -ne 0 ];then echo "[INFO] Delete the existing onap-sdc chart" sudo helm del --purge onap-sdc check_status $? "Delete chart" fi # Install updated chart echo "[INFO] Create onap-sdc deployment" sudo helm install sdc --name onap-sdc check_status $? "Install chart"